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16.6 ч. всего (16.5 ч. в момент написания)
Trepang2 feels like an old-school FPS with a new coat of paint in the best possible way. The game is first and foremost about the fun gameplay and there is very little distraction from that as there is no over the top plot or long cutscenes that shift the focus from the levels and combat. There is a very skeletal plot but it's basically an excuse to link the levels together.

The shooting is ridiculously over the top allowing you to dual wield grenade launchers and shotguns and other powerful weapons that absolutely eviscerate the enemies. The gore system in the game reacts brilliantly to the combat so blood and body parts go absolutely everywhere, this in combination with the focus mode that allows you to slow down time makes the action a feast for the eyes and it helps to drag you into the gameworld. The gunplay is further enhanced by the attachment system that brings in some elements of modern shooters allowing you to customise your loadout with collectable weapon parts that are littered throughout the levels.

Trepang2 also features a stealth system however it is quite barebones as most of the time you will be shooting, the stealth does however allow you to position yourself to your advantage before opening a fight. You can also make use of your cloak to reposition yourself once you are in combat by breaking line of sight and flanking enemies or on harder difficulties you can take advantage of the cloak to allow yourself to reload in open areas without being shot. On top of the stealth system there are some melee moves such as jumpkicking, taking enemies as human shields and even throwing enemies and attaching grenades to them which make things more interesting when transitioning from sneaking up on an enemy into a fight.

The movement system builds on both the combat and the stealth allowing you to regain stamina from kills encouraging an aggressive and relentless playstyle, you can slide through the environment allowing you to dodge bullets and in combination with focus mode you can quickly clear a room without taking any damage once you get the hang of the combat and movement systems.

The levels themselves are linear and are not particularly noteworthy however they are nice to look at and they are varied enough to stop the campaign or side missions from becoming boring.

The enemy variety is also not as creative as other shooters as you generally just face standard soldiers with the occasional shield or juggernaut unit, there are snipers as well sometimes but they hardly show up. There are zombie type enemies but they only show up for one level, I did prefer fighting the human enemies though and they have strength in numbers so I think the game does fine regardless of the limited enemy types.

The difficulty levels range from easy to rage mode and there are six difficulties in total. I did my first playthrough on hard and while this was the middle/third difficulty it still felt like normal difficulty for the most part and I rarely died. On my subsequent playthrough I decided to give rage mode a try which had the enemies one or two shotting me most of the time and it was very satisfying beating the game on this difficulty, however I definitely wouldn't recommend it for a first playthrough as it feels like you need to use a loadout tailored to the difficulty and you won't have unlocked some of the necessary gear and attachments at the beginning. The checkpoints throughout the levels are well placed though and I don't think the game is too punishing even on harder difficulties it is just a matter of trial and error if you have the mechanics down and are patient enough to give it a few attempts, some levels are definitely harder than others though with some causing only 1 death even on the hardest difficulty and others causing attempts in double digits.

Overall I would definitely recommend this game as I don't think there's a dull moment in it. The only downside I would say is the campaign length, when completing all the side missions which I would highly recommend doing it is only around 4-5 hours. Despite this I still think it's worth it as you can replay the levels in any order and the lack of story focus makes it fun to just jump back in for a level or two when it's convenient.
Опубликовано 12 июля 2023 г..
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4.1 ч. всего
Mind Scanners is a frustrating and dull game. The artstyle and initial premise drew me in, however, once I had tried the game for a while I quickly begun to get sick of it. My major complaint with the game is the repetition. The whole gameplay loop involves questioning people to see if they are going insane and then performing treatment where necessary.

The problem is that in order to treat a patient you must play irritating and repetitive minigames which will quickly test your patience after you have done them hundreds of times within the first hour or so. Prior to treating a patient you must also pick an answer which breaks down what they have said in dialogue. These answers seem to be an interpretation of what the patient has said, this is a problem though as sometimes multiple answers will seem to be correct and if you pick the one that matches your interpretation it may still be incorrect causing you to be penalised which is incredibly annoying.

The story also lacks a good hook as you are supposed to be trying to reunite with your daughter by doing the job of being a Mind Scanner in order to obtain this benefit off of the government, however, the game takes no time to let us experience the bond between the protagonist and his daughter so it's hard to really care about getting her back and I just didn't care at all. The world the game is set in felt boring to me as it's just a typical dystopia with a naughty government censoring everyone and not letting anybody act out of line, as usual with dystopian settings this line is defined by whatever the government feels like regardless of how unreasonable it is.

I have tried playing through Mind Scanners 3 or 4 times now and every time I end up quitting after an hour at the most, as past the initial offerings there's nothing compelling that ever seems to completely grab my attention.
Опубликовано 31 мая 2023 г..
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2.8 ч. всего
Finishing this game is actually painful
Опубликовано 24 мая 2023 г.. Отредактировано 20 октября 2023 г..
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10.2 ч. всего
Detroit: Become Human had me engaged throughout my time with it and I think that the characters are more believable and have stronger narratives tied to them than the characters in Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls. There are also less glaring plotholes here and there's really only one plot point I thought was stupid, that being that Kara somehow doesn't notice Alice is an android the whole game. To make it worse the eventual reveal is pointless anyway as it makes no difference to the plot.

The choices you make in this game have more of an impact than the previous games that Quantic Dream have released as there are a lot more endings and different paths to go down. The flowchart showing what percentage of players made the same choices as you was also a good addition.

There seems to be a lot less filler sequences here, especially compared to Beyond Two Souls and a lot more character development actually happens instead of pointless scenes that feel like they are just there to pad out the runtime.

Of course with it being a David Cage game there has to be the obligatory sequence where a woman is abused or assaulted and to be honest I don't know why he keeps putting this stuff in his games because it just makes him look very odd at this point and considering he handles these scenes with as much subtlety as a brick through a window it just makes it look as if he has some sort of weird fetish at this point. It isn't handled as poorly as his previous games though.

There are also some weird comparisons that are drawn between the androids trying to obtain their freedom and black history which I thought were really stupid as they simplify/dumb down complex issues that David Cage clearly isn't prepared to write about in depth. I wouldn't of been sure that this allegory was intentional, however, one scene called 'shades of color' where like twenty androids were all placed at the back of the bus in the 'android compartment' had me laughing out loud because of how dumb it was. David Cage again has no subtlety in his writing.

Despite some of the overarching themes being handled poorly, I do think that the stories of each character and how their personalities develop based on your choices are handled well, ultimately this is what makes the game good in my opinion. Specifically Connor's story as the relationship between Connor and Hank is handled really well.

If you like games that are story based with branching narratives I would say this is worth having a look at and if you like Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls then this is definitely an improvement on them. I don't think this game is as well written as something like the Walking Dead though which is still my favourite game of this subgenre.
Опубликовано 10 мая 2023 г.. Отредактировано 10 мая 2023 г..
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10.7 ч. всего (5.5 ч. в момент написания)
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Suit for Hire is worth buying if you are a fan of games like Hotline Miami or if you're a fan of action films like John Wick. The way the character is animated and how he fights feels like it emulates John Wick perfectly.

The levels themselves are well designed often having various paths and points of cover throughout rooms and combat is fun and satisfying, encouraging you to pull off combos to replenish your ammo meaning you don't have to reload or find more ammo if you shoot a whole magazine with perfect accuracy. This in combination with the arcade style scoring makes the levels quite addictive and replayable if you are going for the highest rank possible. The base pistol one shots enemies and there are melee takedowns to supplement this which also give you more ammo so you can fight through waves of enemies in one long combo once you master the combat.

The story is basically non-existent nor is it needed as it's not the focus of the game. The graphics and presentation of the game are nice to look at. The only real complaint I have with the game in its current state is the length of it as if you do one playthrough only it's going to last you around an hour and half to two hours. Despite this due to the difficulty you unlock once you beat the game called Legend which disables checkpoints in levels along with the scoring system present on every difficulty I still think it's worth buying if you think you will replay the game.

This game has definitely got the potential to end up being great once more content is added and it's already on the path to greatness in my opinion.
Опубликовано 28 апреля 2023 г.. Отредактировано 28 апреля 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 8
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7.8 ч. всего
So bad that it's good sorta thing here. At least when you replay it and notice the really inconsistent narrative and the plot holes littered throughout and you sit there and think: 'How did no one notice them if I did?'

Some of the points where dumb over the top unbelievable action happens are hilarious though and are genuinely fun like when Shelby turns into fat John Wick. The bad voice acting at serious plot points is hilarious as well with such deep and stand out lines as "JASON!" and "SHAUN!", we also get some insight into David Cage's shower fetish once again and his sexual assault fetish so we can psychoanalyse him further. I'm not sure if his fetish originated here or in Fahrenheit but zis shower madness haz to stop at once!

David Cage also thinks that murderers do not think about their victims only 20 seconds after bashing their heads in as well so I don't know if he's trying to tell us something with that one either.

If you want some dead serious well written game don't buy this. If you want something that will keep you entertained it's worth getting though. It's not all bad I promise, just some of it.
Опубликовано 26 апреля 2023 г.. Отредактировано 26 апреля 2023 г..
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9.5 ч. всего
Beyond: Two Souls is a failure of the game designer.
Опубликовано 26 апреля 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 34
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1.8 ч. всего
This game tries to replicate the greatness of Hotline Miami however it falls short of the mark. To begin the combat itself isn't all that bad except the developers thought it would be a good idea to reward players for not using slow motion which is one of the most fun features so it actively disincentivises using one of the most fun mechanics. The graphics also make it hard to tell what's going on at times which in this sort of game isn't good as taking one bullet will kill you. The boss fights are also the exact same fight copy and pasted over and over at the end of every act where you are just running in a building opposite the boss and shooting at them as you move forward.

The next negative point of the game is the story, honestly I was basically disinterested from the start and there were typos in the text incredibly early which doesn't leave a great first impression, the story doesn't really go anywhere by the end and it's fairly generic and run of the mill.

Finally, the game is less than two hours long so to charge £16.75 is ridiculous, I got it on sale for £4.00 which I think is a reasonable price for it however I still was beginning to get tired of the game by the end of it.
Опубликовано 18 апреля 2023 г..
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13.6 ч. всего
Bloons TD 6 is a tower defense game that's easy to learn and hard to master. While it starts off straight forward as you progress onto the intermediate and advanced maps it gets more complex and fast paced real quick. It's cheap and it's addictive as hell so I'd definitely recommend getting it especially if it goes on sale you can't go wrong with this one. The variety of units and the way that your progression of each unit also carries over between games means that there is overarching progression as well which adds more depth to the game.
Опубликовано 18 апреля 2023 г..
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20.0 ч. всего
Torchlight 2 is a fun Action RPG that's fairly straightforward and easy to get into. If you want a game where you can roam the map hacking and slashing enemies that isn't too demanding it's worth getting. It's cheap as well and the main campaign is about 12 hours long, there is post-game content allowing you to run random maps or do a new game+ as well as trying out the other classes so it has good replay value. The loot drops are satisfying and you find a fair amount of unique items and gems so you will be consistently upgrading your character which makes the progression satisfying.

I would definitely recommend the game especially if you like Diablo or Path of Exile or basically any other ARPG as it sticks to the fundamentals of the genre and does them well. It's good if you are new to ARPGs as well as a point to jump in because of this.
Опубликовано 18 апреля 2023 г..
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