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Publisert: 6. sep. 2015 kl. 7.39
Oppdatert: 6. sep. 2015 kl. 10.07

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It's the same game as Killing Floor. I can't tell the difference at all. Note: I have around two hunder hours on Killing Floor (half of which played before Steam started counting).

Upon reading other reviews I see that this successor is, in fact, inferior to the original in many ways. Is no big surprise. Do yourself a favor and purchase the first Killing Floor.


here's a reason why I stopped playing. The three most awful features of Killing Floor 2 which I've suspected but indeed could not confirm with only an hour's experience are:

1) Zeds teleport around you instead of spawning as they did in Killing Floor. This renders all tactical moving about and splitting teams and pretty much any strategy null and void. Especially once a few team mates are dead, it used to be 1-3 people could make a heroic pull in the end. Not anymore (can't camp either because doors have been nerfed, so basically nothing's left!)

2) The Scrakes have been insanely buffed, they're more dangerous than anything esle including the dreaded Fleshpounds. What the hell???

3) All guns and ammo have been nerfed, only the Support have any real fire power to deal with the Scrakes!
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3 kommentarer
marklar 6. sep. 2015 kl. 10.27 
You're right about the teleporing zeds, it's definitely the biggest issue in the game at the moment, and makes the game much harder then the first. however it's still possible to kite around the levels after some training.
There's still a chance they would change that since the game is still in early access.

The scrakes are really not that hard if you know how to deal with them, berzerkers are extremely efficient at taking them out, and dodging their attacks is fairly simple after some practice, I actually like them way more then in the first game.

The ammo was nerfed in the latest update so they may still change that if enough people complain ( you have to remember that the game is still in EA)
Nonomu198 6. sep. 2015 kl. 10.06 
@marklar There's a reason why I stopped playing. The three most awful features of Killing Floor 2 which I've suspected but indeed could not confirm with only an hour's experience are:

1) Zeds teleport around you instead of spawning as they did in Killing Floor. This renders all tactical moving about and splitting teams and pretty much any strategy null and void. Especially once a few team mates are dead, it used to be 1-3 people could make a heroic pull in the end. Not anymore (can't camp either because doors have been nerfed, so basically nothing's left!)

2) The Scrakes have been insanely buffed, they're more dangerous than anything esle including the dreaded Fleshpounds. What the hell???

3) All guns and ammo have been nerfed, only the Support have any real fire power to deal with the Scrakes!
marklar 6. sep. 2015 kl. 9.08 
how is this game infirior to the first? Please provide some examples.
you played the game for less and an hour and don't even own it. free weekend players shouldn't be allowed to review games.