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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 37.1 год. загалом (35.8 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 9 лют. 2014 о 1:35

War of the Human Tanks is a very good game, especially if you like visual novels. Though you can skip it if you want and just play the game, the gameplay is also very good.

It's a mixture of moving chesspieces over the field and shooting like the old battleship games. The moment your tank get hit, the part of the tank that was in the spot dies. Amazing system to put in and especially with the tanks needing time to connect before getting orders. It makes it that it is harder to interprit when and where the enemy will move, or if you are fast enough to move in, destroy and move out.

The story:
Though not everyone likes anime and chibi, the visual novel that makes the story is a mixture of comedy, action and the feel of war. They made a good combination with every time a change in how you feel. One moment you can laugh because of the silliness, and be impressed by the actions of the game, or even horrified by said actions.
Though I want to keep the story spoilers to a minimum I must truely say that the 4 endings all have a different feel. You can't help but love the game if you like the anime/chibi story style.
One downside, I would have loved it if the characters actually spoke the texts, even if it was japanese which I can't really understand. But it gives so much more realism then just reading it out loud yourself.

Though the story could use more voices the game overall is still a big yes for me. The gameplay is easy to understand and exciting sice you have to pay attention everywhere. Knowing your enemies is the key to victory in this game.
At least 9 out of 10. And that is only because there were no voices in the story, except in the battles, which is also nice.

So for the people who want to try it, download the demo, think for yourself and say o yourself it is worth it or not.
I hope my review has been good enough for you, and maybe see you on the battlefield.

See ya,
-United we stand, devided we fall-
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