TY 3 okt 2023 om 12:49 
good friendly player
blowjobsoda 23 aug 2023 om 15:21 
Слыш чепух, ты ваще работу можешь найти? В противном случае ты скоро сигны на пиписьках будешь делать или на заводе ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
blowjobsoda 22 apr 2023 om 16:19 
-rep пидор, жирный, негр, кемпер
Lil Housi Vel 26 nov 2022 om 3:54 
-rep, smurf+bad attittude
Damien 21 jul 2022 om 11:01 
Hey good match ! It was hard to try to get with the frame buffering according to your LTE 4G internet. The lagging gave it away.
Alexander Nezhentsev 21 jul 2022 om 7:16 
you are stupid:steammocking:
Prowka 8 jun 2022 om 9:39 
█████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████
██ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ ███
█████ █████ █Предки возвели эту стену███ █████ █████
██ █████ ██ дабы защитить тебя от 3D тян ███ █████ ███
█████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████
██ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ ███
█████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ и помни 3D тян -ЗЛО
Bob the farmer 18 mrt 2022 om 8:57 
How about you leav you'r pc and join the army of putin and get bombed in ukraine pice of trash russian. The whole white race is emberesed over you guys. africans even live better lmao. #KKK norway stopped killing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and now killng russians :D have a nice day russian nerd and hope nato and usa nuke you guys into a million pices <3 <3:laughing_yeti::laughing_yeti:
Ashka 14 jan 2022 om 10:39 
-rep tunnel, slug master and very idiot
maggie 14 jan 2022 om 10:37 
-rep tunnel, slug master
igitt igitt 5 jan 2022 om 11:36 
+rep fair killer :MonkeyDLuffy:
Katzelara 4 jan 2022 om 12:35 
-rep tunnels and camps since 13th of nov 2021... imagine facecamping for no reason on dead dawg saloon (dbd map) as meyers bc u have no skill and beeing salty about it afterwards
Yuneyy 4 jan 2022 om 12:30 
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Ihr You-Porn-Team:Lisbeth::Silica:
Yuneyy 4 jan 2022 om 12:30 
-rep camping killer
五十六零零 4 jan 2022 om 2:38 
-rep, camping
lean 30 dec 2021 om 8:31 
-rep dog killere
Afvgust 30 dec 2021 om 7:53 
-rep tunneler, camper
adri33tomas 20 dec 2021 om 10:56 
-rep camper and toxic
zimny palmer 18 dec 2021 om 9:29 
-rep camper stfu
Sky 11 dec 2021 om 15:11 
-rep facecamper and gay
BeanKaijaPliers :=D 11 dec 2021 om 4:37 
-rep bubba facecamper only way to get kills noob
+rep epic snowman spins
Crybaby 10 dec 2021 om 6:30 
+rep let the snowmen live
Raymond Kinley 7 dec 2021 om 7:33 
Target Lost 4 dec 2021 om 2:22 
-rep camper with leathershit, with all that he get only one kill ez nooob
Good Dream 4 dec 2021 om 2:19 
-rep basement insidious bubba
ZOOOOOOOOOOOM 3 dec 2021 om 8:13 
-rep calls us bad we were 3 ppl and did 5 gens hahaha but noed got his ass cheeks
Spargelmann 29 nov 2021 om 12:22 
-rep hardcore tunneler and face camper, no skill
Eustache 29 nov 2021 om 8:32 
-rep bad killer
Ottawa 27 nov 2021 om 17:32 
-rep camper
Λρ • Tormedli 27 nov 2021 om 12:06 
-rep tunnler
Dutch 24 nov 2021 om 12:00 
-rep insidious noob
Liftsu 13 nov 2021 om 6:01 
hacking is very much unwelcome in dark souls. please stop playing the game