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Αναρτήθηκε: 21 Νοε 2018, 14:19

just a general description of the game:
you get to play as your own character and fight in battles that can have a couple hundred soldiers fighting at a time. the combat uses a system where you can direct your attacks and blocks (have you played chivalry? kinda like that). your character has an army that follows them around and will fight with you in battles, these soldiers can be hired mercs, or peasants hired from a nearby town. fighting with your solders makes both of you level up, you can get stronger, smarter and more charismatic and level up skills, while when your soldier levels up he gets ranked up to the next highest leve of soldier peon--> milita--> foot solider/archer-->elite archer/foot soldier--> etc. you can become a lord or king in this game, by swearing and oath to a king, you can become a lord and can be granted land (passive income to support larger armies). you can also rebel against your king and declare yourself independent to become a king yourself.

if i had to list all the things i dislike about this game, these would be it:
*tournaments where everyone gets lances are terrible (luckly these only happen sometimes in only swadian land)
*I wish you could have more soldiers on the field (mods can fix this but i'm not reviewing a mod here)
*spears are derpy in warband, never use them (they are much better in viking conquest, but i have a different review for that)
*I wish you could decide which way your soldiers and formations face. they default towards the average center of mass of the enemy, which does not sound that bad initally but actually can get pretty annoying when trying to do some tactics(partially fixed in viking conquest)

I personally love this game, would recomend it, and am looking forwards to next century when they finnaly release M&B 2 Bannerlord
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