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38.8 hrs on record
squad based tactical shooter, can be played in real time or in the turn based style of fallout 1-2. Is Less RPG-y than other fallout games, even more so than Fallout 4. this games has a series of missions that you play through one after another as the brotherhood of steel, fallout 3 style of brotherhood of steel to be precise.
I enjoyed it, it is not what you think of when you think of a proper fallout game, but it is a fun spinoff set in the fallout universe. in my head it is a mixture of xcom and classic fallout with a option for real time fighting instead of turn based combat.

I recommend, but know that your not getting the regular fallout experience.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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954.0 hrs on record (687.5 hrs at review time)
just a general description of the game:
you get to play as your own character and fight in battles that can have a couple hundred soldiers fighting at a time. the combat uses a system where you can direct your attacks and blocks (have you played chivalry? kinda like that). your character has an army that follows them around and will fight with you in battles, these soldiers can be hired mercs, or peasants hired from a nearby town. fighting with your solders makes both of you level up, you can get stronger, smarter and more charismatic and level up skills, while when your soldier levels up he gets ranked up to the next highest leve of soldier peon--> milita--> foot solider/archer-->elite archer/foot soldier--> etc. you can become a lord or king in this game, by swearing and oath to a king, you can become a lord and can be granted land (passive income to support larger armies). you can also rebel against your king and declare yourself independent to become a king yourself.

if i had to list all the things i dislike about this game, these would be it:
*tournaments where everyone gets lances are terrible (luckly these only happen sometimes in only swadian land)
*I wish you could have more soldiers on the field (mods can fix this but i'm not reviewing a mod here)
*spears are derpy in warband, never use them (they are much better in viking conquest, but i have a different review for that)
*I wish you could decide which way your soldiers and formations face. they default towards the average center of mass of the enemy, which does not sound that bad initally but actually can get pretty annoying when trying to do some tactics(partially fixed in viking conquest)

I personally love this game, would recomend it, and am looking forwards to next century when they finnaly release M&B 2 Bannerlord
Posted 21 November, 2018.
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41.7 hrs on record (15.9 hrs at review time)
this game plays like warcraft II. it adds in multiple new features such as custom hero units to use in each campaign and they can carry and use items that may help or hinder them in battle. each individual regular unit has a random unique trait that may help or hinder them and a randomized name based off of what civilization they come from. individuals can gain experience and level up making that unit stronger.

bullet points of other features cuz i'm lazy

-units show upgrades, if you upgrade your swordsmen with shields, you see them using shields
-easily moddable
-in game encyclopedia
-grand strategy mode
-no microtransactions
-Warcraft II nostalgia
-very active developers
-2 playable races currently with multiple other unplayable ones
-haven't experienced any bugs or crashes yet
Posted 2 April, 2016.
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100 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest Reforged Edition is a great expansion on an already great game!

i'll give a summary, the pros and the cons.

viking conquest is an expanison to warband that takes place in the British Isles. there are vikings, a larger number of factions, and ship combat.

*ship combat: buy a longboat (of which there are different sizes) and fight on the water! heck, buy 5 and declare yourself admiral! but beware, the vikings are dangerous on the open ocean.

*better AI: "what do you mean by that?" you know how in warband enemies will either charge you immediately or slowly walk forward in a big line with the enemy lord/king behind them? well in this expansion enemies (non-bandit/trader kind) will fight in formations like shieldwall! they will even try to take and hold the high ground if outnumbered.

*USEFULL spears: who ever used spears (not on horses) in warband? the only usefull polearms were cavalry lances (only when on horse) or poleaxe/Glaive type weapons. A spear in this game is no laughing matter.

*Food: food is bought in groups/packages of 150 instead of 50, so no more needing to fill your whole inventory with food to last a week.

*Dog: you can get a dog, name it, bring it into battle! havent found one yet but I'm lookin'

*More Realistic towns: kids will run around and play, cows will linger in pens. not a big difference but good.

*Battle Formations: shieldwall, wedge, ranks, and being about to create a "default division placement". a default division placement is where you put your troops in a certain way (archers in back, spears in front, inf on left wing, cav on right) and tell it to set this as your default. next time you tell "everybody hold here!" they will reorganize themselfs into that group of formations. adding on to this, you can start the battle holding position instead of charging as default.

*hunting: food low? find a heard of boar and hunt em!

*traits: you can get traits that you can use in battle like berserker, war cry etc (not terribly effective, but a nce addition)

*refuge: need to store troops? got no castle or town? build a refuge for 1000 gold! store 50 men and all the prisoners you want there! want to store more soldiers? upgrade it! hire a captain for the refuge and build additions to it!

*Battle Size: Battle sizes are much bigger than warband, default is like 300 and can be raised to more than twice that much.

*bigger armies: party cap is bigger/easier to raise.

*different campaigns: there is a storyline campaign, a regular sadbox one, or even lordly and king campaigns where you get to start as a lord or king!

Neutral: this is where i will put things thats changed, not necessarily good, not bad, but different things.

*recruitment changes: you will be able to hire troops from villages when you have either gotten permission from the town leader or when you ask a lord for permission to hire from his holds ( we wont unless he likes you). there are troops trees that your units will follow from slingers to huscarls.

*Cavalry: you know how in warband 50 swadian knights beats almost any army on the field? well, cavalry is less important in this game, infantry is going to be the main thing.

*Horses: you dont start with a horse and in general horses arn't as good (no couchable lances, not heavily armored horses)


*2 Handed Weapons: sadly, 2 handed weapons are not common in this game. in fact i can only think of 2, a special club with a massive strength requirement and the one/two handed axe. but you do get used too it.

*loading: loading takes longer than warband, not unbearable, but definitely noticable.

*Bad launch: when the game first released it was buggy, now it isn't. (expains the "mixed" reviews)

Overall viking conquest is a Great addition to the mount & and Blade Series.

Posted 22 September, 2015.
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