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Vitrine des jeux terminés à 100 %
Vitrine des succès
Guide favori
407 évaluations
(This guide has everything you will ever need 100%) Hi the reason I put this guide together, as it is easier to use the steam guides then to close the game check online guides and some times when you come back to the game it crashs and you have to reload y
Vitrine du Workshop
Vitrine du Workshop
Vitrine des évaluations
77 heures de jeu
For a $3 game I had quite a lot of fun. It really scratched that roguelite itch I wasn't aware I had. The game has a few bugs here and there but the developer (publisher?) is incredibly responsive to concerns. The game can be difficult but not too difficult, however they are regularly changing the balance at the time of this review. Hopefully the endless mode they're anticipating comes soon since right now there's only the five available levels.

The music can get a little boring with more of the tracks simply repeating over time. The gameplay is fun and consistent despite the randomness of it but you'll definitely have some good runs and some bad runs. It's a little poorly optimized at this time and will actually crash on lower end systems if you have too many activations running at a time. There's been a lot of people complaining about the hit boxes being inaccurate but personally I felt they was much more accurate than many games of this style.

Right now I'd give it an 8/10 for what it is. Definitely exceeded my expectations and gave me lot of fun!
Vitrine des évaluations
8,5 heures de jeu
Fun enough. Some of the puzzles were more tedious than they were brain powering. 12, 18, 20 and 25 felt like the most physically demanding. Usually the answer is simpler than you think, if the answer isn't working despite it seeming correct you may only be ever so slightly off mark.
Vitrine des vidéos
Gunfire Reborn - Spiritual Assault [Tao]
1 1
Vitrine des vidéos
Bio Prototype Stage 5
Vitrine des récompenses
Récompenses reçues
Récompenses données
Statistiques du Salien
Niveau atteint
Boss affrontés

Points d'expérience gagnés
61 724 555
Activité récente
0,7 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 26 févr.
0,5 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 25 févr.
28 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 25 févr.