Chaos Druid
Chaos druids are low-level humans commonly killed for their consistent drops of herbs. Unlike most druids, they worship both Guthix and Zamorak. They attack using their fists and also use the Confuse spell. The Chaos druids' weakness is Ranged. Beware of player killers in the Edgeville Dungeon, as it is a popular place to train for people with low Defence. They are one of very few low-level monsters with access to the rare drop table, along with their already profitable drops; as such, even high-level players can frequently be found fighting them.

Since the druids will commonly drop air and law runes, you should bring a fire rune to cast Varrock Teleport for quick bank trips with almost no cost. Alternatively, for players fighting chaos druids in the Taverley Dungeon, it's advisable to bring at least 1 water rune to cast Falador Teleport.
Christine 4 marca 2017 o 2:07 