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Скорошни рецензии на Milireso

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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
69.9 изиграни часа (27.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
I bought the game to relax and have fun designing, but ended up hating it about in a week or so.
The biggest problem is factory management and memory leaks.

You can have a design with close to 200% desirability rating and 6 month engineering time... then the game will randomly decide to do literally nothing for two years. Your five-year target breakpoint car will now fail new regulations before making any money.

Instead of an AI that skips the most fun part of the game - designing cars there should be one for managing buildings and timelines. I would love to be able to hire someone in-game to move the sliders for me or at least hint why a part that can be sand cast at home costs me millions in tooling. I want to know how long it will take before workers for 0.5 shifts apear. I want to see how much people are spending on cars before designing one and plan ahead instead of looping through the project 5 times.
Публикувана 27 юли 2024. Последно редактирана 27 юли 2024.
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5.0 изиграни часа
Despite the gruesome theme it's actually quite charming and relaxing, Plus some of the character sprites are soo cute they could be stickers.
Overall I had way more fun than I've expected (especially in the casino scene) .
Публикувана 21 юли 2024. Последно редактирана 21 юли 2024.
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5 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
21.7 изиграни часа (17.0 часа по време на рецензията)
I was super hyped about this game but unfortunatley, the more I play I the more it starts to feel like all-around downgrade compared to Yakuza 0.
From the very start the game would map my (wireless) controller incorrectly and made me waste an hour in game settings. Enabling steam input fixed most of it but the controls still feel off.
Kiryu is now much slower, the fights are artificially prolonged and tidious. At the beginning the famous "Dragon Style" is useless. The prequel encouraged you to switch styles and do something interesting, here it is a death wish. Farm the heat, do not get hit, perform heat action, repeat.
Additionally, the story makes it seem as if all we did in the previous game was for nothing.
So I've ditched it and started doing what I loved the most - substories. They are still fun, but the simillarities take away a lot of the surprise factor. It also seems like there simply isn't that much content.
I know this is a remake of a classic but I'm having much better time watching let's play than actually playing it.
Публикувана 3 септември 2022.
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59.0 изиграни часа (58.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Had a great time playing it. The plot was quite good but the random substories and minigames together with an absurd sense of humor is what sold this game for me.
Публикувана 3 септември 2022.
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3.1 изиграни часа (2.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Instantly replaces frinds with bots after 0.1s, not worth the full price.
Публикувана 26 март 2020.
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9.0 изиграни часа
If you liked Porta 2, you will love this game. Despite being "just a mod" the story fits really well into the universe and some tests are actually more challenging than ones in the original game. Staying up untill 4 AM to finish this game probably din't help.
Публикувана 7 януари 2020.
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1,693.4 изиграни часа (1,471.1 часа по време на рецензията)
I really like TF2 but i cannot recommend it to new players. Meet the match killed most community servers and casual is almost unplayable (again). During every game at least one bot or cheater joins the game, gets kicked and then another one joins. Sometimes there are so many you can't do anything but give up and leave the match.
Additionally thare are lots of little problems that noone took time to fix. Sometimes the game begins even if 6 players in one team are still joining, bots are able to steal names mid-game or hide chat with spacebar spam, cl_interp limit is extremley high and many more.
Публикувана 29 декември 2019.
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1.4 изиграни часа (0.8 часа по време на рецензията)
I wish there was official controller support.
Публикувана 17 май 2019.
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2.3 изиграни часа
Brak wsparcia dla szerokich monitorów (2560x1080), dużo błędów.
Problemy zaczęły się już przy tworzeniu postaci, nie mogłem przejść do następnej zakładki (z wyboru rasy do edytowania twarzy), okazało się, że trzeba kliknąć nie na strzałkę "->", tylko jakieś 3cm nad nią. Prawdziwego położenia przycisku "<-" nigdy nie znalazłem. AI jest mało przewidujące, postaci odgrywają swoje scenki nie zważając na nic, mogę dojść do końca korytarza, pozbierać wszystkie przedmioty, skręcić w boczną odnogę... i usłyszeć daleko za plecami "Przejście wygląda na zablokowane..." Lepiej zainstalować kilka modów do oryginału bo poza lepszym wyglądem i ograniczeniami nic się nie zmieniło.
Публикувана 8 септември 2017.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за забавна
0.5 изиграни часа
Za trzeciem razem udało się uruchomić grę, kilka minut wykrywała sprzęt... i znalazła tylko Intel Graphics. Nie pomaga ani zmiana ustawień w panelu Nvidi, ani w plikach gry. GPUVendor=UNKNOWN, GPUScore=0.0(...) świetnie ! Oczywiście grywalność na zintegrowanej karcie jest żadna.
Публикувана 30 юли 2016.
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