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0.9 timer registreret i alt
Great story with gorgeous art and music. I trully cannot sing enough praises for how much i liked it. Within 30 min i was not only endeared to the characters, but feared for both their safety and really was not sure how it would all end. The visuals were quite stunning. Static images are well and good but here clever manipulation of them greatly enhanced the pacing and tension.
The fact that you can play it for free is ridiculous to me. Considering it is an experience for less than an hour though, that choice is understandable. If you have a spare hour i highly recommend it despite the fact that, as mentioned in the description, there is no gameplay, it's purely a narrative experience.
Skrevet: 28. december 2024.
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2.9 timer registreret i alt
A genuine hidden gem. I'm surprised I haven't heard of it before.
Detective Grimoire is a short and sweet detective game you can beat in about 3 hours. It does not overstay it's welcome. The whole game is rather simple but enjoyable. There is not a moment in time where you will wander about not knowing what to do. The plot is well written, comprehensive, and the dialogues are absolutely hilarious sometimes. The UI is not overly complicated and actually really helpful in understanding the plot as the titular detective keeps his own notes about everything. The game also has a lot of animations, for when you talk to characters as well as for cutscenes, and full, well done voice acting.
Cannot recomend this enough if you have a few bucks to spare and a bit of time.
Skrevet: 24. juli 2024.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.3 timer registreret i alt
Just. Don't.
It's not fun difficult. It's bad-controls and bad-design difficult.
Skrevet: 28. januar 2023.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
7.0 timer registreret i alt
TLDR: 3/10 Spare yourself both time and money and don't play this. It has some good qualities but they're few and far between.

Long version with spoilers:
The setting is interesting, giving off "5th element" vibes. The water has cool physics. That's about it for the good and those too are only partialy good. The setting is interesing but we don't really see any of it save for exposition dumps by characters or from texts from those god forsaken objects and documents that are littered thoughtout the game and don't serve any good purpose beside the one mentioned and making the game longer than it needs to be. The characters are... ok??? Hard to say really. Voice acting leaves a lot to be desired with everyone. The only one that had any character was our radio companion Scoot and even that is a stretch given how much he's just a constant tutorial. But a little personality is better than the lack of one like in case of Kate, the main character. The only thing we know about about her is that she's an engineer, that she's friends with Scoot and that apparently she has no problem picking up a gun and killing a bunch of people just because. You'd assume that since the game is called "Hydrophobia", she or at least ANYONE in game would be scared of water but thats not the case, quite the oposite actually. The game is set on a city on water that was attacked and now is flooding so you as the protagonist will have to swim alot in the game and while there are hints of something more that was supposed to be there, like the begining cutscene or the cries of a little girl that can be heard everytime you take a dive, there is nothing there. The water looks nice and that's the only thing that's nice about it. Swimming is cluncky af and so is controling the water powers you get at the end of the game. Actually most if not all controls are really cluncky. Walking isn't that responsive, swimming is just bad and combat isn't horrible but i wouldn't call it good either. This game clearly needs a remake or a reboot with a good creative director and some time because there is good potential here. If they focused the game more on the main character and the fact that she was an engineer with water phobia and not Doomguy with a screwdriver it would've been so much better. I really want to like this game but it just won't let me. It just wasn't a good game.
Skrevet: 4. april 2021.
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2.7 timer registreret i alt (1.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
TLDR; One or two hours of pure fun. Just play it. It's free.

The premise of the game is collecting demon girls for your dream harem. Character designs are great, every girls is diffent and very interesting by her looks and personality which I wouldn't expect from a short, free game. Whole game looks gorgeous and has an awesome soundtrack - very catchy and very fitting for the game. Gameplay itself is really fun. It has simple mechanics and easily understandable rules. Level design is pretty good, not too challenging but not too easy at the same time and if you have any trouble you can ask you demonic girls for advice or skip the puzzle all together. Overall great game. Would play again.
Skrevet: 30. juni 2020.
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Ingen har vurderet denne anmeldelse som hjælpsom endnu
1.8 timer registreret i alt
Lovely short game with great animations and adorable art style. My only complaint is that I wish it was longer.
Skrevet: 29. juni 2019.
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Ingen har vurderet denne anmeldelse som hjælpsom endnu
458.3 timer registreret i alt (329.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
One of the best games I have ever played. It gives you an incredible amount of item combos and every playthrough gives you a unique experience.
Skrevet: 23. november 2017. Sidst redigeret: 12. december 2017.
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Ingen har vurderet denne anmeldelse som hjælpsom endnu
5.5 timer registreret i alt
Według mnie Enigmatis to najlepsza seria gier typu hiden object. Trzecia część Enigmatis zachwyca grafiką i wyglądem lokacji. Niestety ta część jest bardzo krótka i nie wciąga tak jak druga część, mimo to jest to zakończenie trylogii z przytupem.
Skrevet: 26. november 2016.
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Ingen har vurderet denne anmeldelse som hjælpsom endnu
5.5 timer registreret i alt
Very simple game for 3/4h max
It easy to get all achievements
I think it's to expesive, well... 5€ for 3/4h of game are you kidding me?
And one thing... add online coop ;-;
Skrevet: 10. maj 2015.
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Ingen har vurderet denne anmeldelse som hjælpsom endnu
42.0 timer registreret i alt (2.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Bardzo fajna gra. Mam słabego kompa ale gra chodzi mi płynnie. Świetny zabijacz czasu. Pózniej jest troche trudna ale nie zrażajcie się tym bo jak się już bedzie miało wprawe to kaszka z mleczkiem :D Soundtrack wymiata. Grafika też zajebiaszcza... Co do grafiki, nie wiem co twórcy cpali ale chce namiary na dilera :) Przydała by się możliwośc grania na padzie chociasz mogło by byc wtedy troche za łatwo. Spodobał mi się motyw pseudo mini gierki którym był powrót do pierwszej części gry (ah ta grafika... wspomnienia ^.^) w którą oczywiście grałam :) Gra według mnie dostaje 9/10 dlaczego tylko 9? Gdyż są lekkie niedociągniecia w postaci bugów w sterowaniu czy (żadkich) błedów tła. Gra jest warta tych 15 euro.
Szczerze polecam
Skrevet: 8. juni 2014.
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Viser 1-10 af 11 forekomster