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2,634.6 hrs on record (405.0 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Counter-Strike truly is a marvel of FPS games. Easy to get into, difficult to master.

Over the years there have been quite a few of versions, but all of them have the same thing in common. It is a skill based game. You don't get weapon upgrades or pay-to-win type of micro-transactions - it's all about how good you become playing in a team. The community is vast, and will always surprise you with new tricks and tactics. There are many mods for this game within the game, such as free-for-all-deathmatch, surfing, kreedz jumping, and many more.

Once one starts playing competitively, the player will earn a rank. That rank is used to match you up against opponents of a similar skill group. However many strive to improve their rank as a personal goal, and there's nothing bad in attempting to do so. But in the journey to a higher skill group do not forget, that the only purpose for it to be there is to insure you will have a good time playing mostly against opponents that are as good as you. So there's nothing really bad about one being stuck in one rank or an other.

In time the desire to rank up will slowly go away, and a new one kicks in: get the best looking and for some rarest skins. Everyone has their personal preference, so don't be surprised when you see someone using a skin you may dislike. However since some skins might be quite a bit expensive it is a smart thing to always question yourself before buying, trading, or simply sending your skins to an other account - can you really trust whatever offer you are getting, are you sure this deal is for you, and can you really afford the expense of bad case scenario of what if? Luckily there are many videos and explanations regarding this, so one can always doublecheck.

Developers of this game are working a lot and keep constantly updating this game to improve your experience. Sure, from time to time there will be not as extensively checked updates that can and will break the game/gameplay. Most of the updates sadly are taken with a backlash from the community, however in time people realize their value with potential, and eventually learn to accept them. I for once would like to thank the devs for putting up with this, and for always trying to improve the game we enjoy enough to even care for reading a random long review of it which says nothing new.

Sure there are problems here and there from time to time. Some are being looked into, others are more technical and require an approach that may be unavailable currently for one or another reason. For example, gamers were complaining about player hitboxes (it's a thing on ones character that registers a hit from a bullet): long time nothing could be done about it, but a time came when engine was improved to the point that it could get fixed, and so it did. Sure even now hitscans may not be 100% perfect, but let's face it, 99% of the time they are.

I personally have been playing this game since before STEAM was developed, and must say... Even though I did skip the CS:S, this one eventually won me over. Mostly since CS1.6 community is slowly fading away. Sure it wont ever die out completely, on mechanics stand point I would take 1.6 over GO any day, but I guess what I'm saying is that people I knew and grew close with eventually either quit or moved to GO. It also saddens me that 1.6 has way better, much more responsive movement mechanics. In 1.6 you could spot a skilled player just based on the way they move around, when in CSGO it still is possible, but much less frequent. The size of player model, how high your point-of-view is from the ground, response time in movement, air-strafing (which is highly nerfed in CSGO), bunny-hopping (random in CSGO to the point that I mostly stopped even trying it), the double-duck (mini-jump that is sometimes the reason that can save you from a headshot when running out of a corner), instant unduck time (you don't have to drag yourself out of a crouch), and many more... Those are the things that could have been in the game, but... Maybe in next version of Counter-Strike if we're lucky. We'll see...
Posted 20 December, 2018. Last edited 22 December, 2018.
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