
Последние обзоры LordFluffy

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69.7 ч. всего (20.8 ч. в момент написания)
Granblue Fantasy Relink is a game you buy and play for the gameplay, and damn does it do a good job

A more action oriented JRPG, Relink's gameplay focuses on combat more akin to a title like monster hunter, where the weapons in that game are replaced by characters in this one. a huge variety of play styles that everyone is sure to find *something* for them somewhere along the line. character work throughout the main story is fairly well done, with a lot of good banter, interactions and general synergy of personalities between the main cast. while it does take a little bit to do so, the additional unlockable characters offer even more variety and diversity to the play styles possible. this game really shines through as well in the fact that the vast majority of predatory systems you'd come to expect from the genre this franchise originated in, Gacha, are basically nowhere to be found. your purchase asides from some alternate colors, gets you everything.

The gameplay is extremely solid. as previously mentioned, there is clear monster hunter inspirations taken here, but its by no means a clone. many aspects of the gameplay share traits with a lot of other types of games, including a surprisingly welcome addition of AOE markers similar to MMORPGs like FFXIV for some attacks. the universal perfect block and perfect parry offer two different style of defence that both feel viable throughout, and the AOE markers assist in dodging attacks who's visual tells aren't necessarily as obvious, or are too quick to otherwise react to. beyond this, both the basic enemies and boss fights are handled very well in the differing ways you interact with them from a combat perspective, keeping each encounter feeling fresher than if they had stuck to one type. not to mention most bosses in this game are *extremely* well done, feel very fair to fight and are very satisfying to defeat when everything goes to plan. the co-op aspect of the game largely doesn't come into play until the main story is over, but its a boon on this game's longevity. working very similarly to monster hunter quests with a similar manner of progression. its also largely (possibly completely, but i'm unsure atm) completely optional too for those that simply wish to play solo, and the NPC companions are more than enough help in most situations. the endgame for Relink is also very deep. while the main story only lasts around 12-20 hours depending on your completionist level, the endgame has a *very* large amount of stuff to progress through, and as mentioned, is where the co-op aspects of the game come into play, allowing for longevity for anyone who still wants more gameplay after the main story as ended. there is also promises of consistent free updates that will add more content to the game, which is ALWAYS a plus. as good as the gameplay of relink is overall, there are a few gripes i do have with it i want to make note of

The most obvious one being the overarching story. it is by no means *bad* but its certainly not winning any awards for creativity, nor is it some epic tale in spite of that lack of creativity. it is about as run of the mill JRPG as you can get. but the fact that its not *bad* means it works fine. as previously mentioned, a large part of what will grab you is characters and their interactions. as a whole, the story is serviceable in getting you from point a to point b and getting you used to the game to be ready for its endgame, but its not much else. The game from a PC setting also lacks a lot of more normal PC options, with very limited framerate settings, no ultra wide support, and not outstanding customization on a graphical level. the game is *very* optimised though so, on a certain level this is forgivable. the last being progression balancing in the mid to late stages of the story. it may just have been my character choice in narmaya, but around ch.5, i began to forgo the options in the game to upgrade your stats, gear and build to simply have more of a challenge when fighting enemies, as even on the hardest difficulty available to you at the start, i began to run rampant through everything with little difficulty until the final chapter, when my wilful negligence finally made the fight feel satisfying to beat. largely though, this is a preference thing, and you may find the difficulty progression more in line with your own tastes. this also does not take into account the difficulty of endgame, as i currently do not have a frame of reference to that.

As a whole, i can give Granblue Fantasy: Relink a glowing recommendation from gameplay alone, and if the endgame continues to be as fun as the main story was, i imagine this will join the fairly limited club of games i've played for more than 200 hours. not a fan of scores anymore, but if i had to give one, this is an 88/100.
Опубликовано 9 февраля 2024 г..
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35.6 ч. всего (3.3 ч. в момент написания)
Hello yes this was my favorite fighting game for like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ years its current netcode is probably the best delay based netcode out there (still delay based) and its getting rollback in summer. F***ing oath m8 just buy this ♥♥♥♥ a.s.a.p
Опубликовано 22 марта 2022 г..
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100.5 ч. всего (39.3 ч. в момент написания)
I give this game a recommendation for two reasons
1) The netcode is currently the best in class out there. while games with heavy rollback can be jarring, most connections will feel just like you were playing offline, and barely rollback at all if both players have good internet.
2) in terms of being an accessible fighter, the matchmaking makes it its best in class as well, the tower system will keep you fighting with people of similar skill, and you won't ever after a while run into people just plowing you over and demotivating you, letting you progress/learn at your own pace. or if you wanna just smash buttons, that's fine too.

the stage/character visuals and music are top notch as always, Arcsys never seems to fail on that front. not to mention the game just makes you *feel* good for hitting a meaty counter hit.

in terms of negatives, the menus are bland, the character select is bland, the UI is bland, the lobbies have a tendency to break, especially the private player lobbies (like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ they're currently absolutely busted) and if you're coming into this game from previous GGs or even Blazblue, the characters might feel very nerfed due to their simplified movesets, but trust me, the new Roman cancel (RC) System is amazing, and the stuff that is here is fun to play around with (tho i still prefer Xrd, 100%)

8/10 8.5 when the lobbies stop being complete ass
Опубликовано 22 июня 2021 г..
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93.7 ч. всего (13.7 ч. в момент написания)
I've never seen a pool table so well simulated in a game, and the varying difficulties are perfect for all skill levels, experts or new players alike. plenty of worthwhile gameplay if you love pool. you also have great rhythm mini games with karaoke and dancing that are spectacular for Rhythm enthusiasts, AND a bowling game that's just way better than wii sports. all of these are a great distraction from the main game tho, which is the real estate managment simulator. could go into detail, but basically. if you love numbers and buying and selling ♥♥♥♥ for profit, this game is for you

oh and i guess there's this brawling mini game you do sometimes and a crime drama story? eh those parts are alright i guess.
Опубликовано 29 декабря 2020 г..
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52.8 ч. всего
TL:DR this game is worth it for the story alone and the fantastic cast of characters, but suffers heavily in its combat system which starts off frustrating and ends inoffensive, alongside several other questionable design decisions.

Tales of Berseria's combat uses an adaption of the Combat system found in Graces and Zestiria, which was already a bad start for me as i heavily prefer the systems from games like Symphonia and Vesperia, but it wasn't a deal breaker at the start. what really was the deal breaker was the SG (soul gauge system) replacing the traditional TP Resource. This system starts off inherently not fun, as despite the game using this four arte combo path system, unless you get a favorable encounter, you start off with a max of 3 hits. you gain more resource/Hits in a combo by damaging and killing enemies, stealing the SG from them, but the same is true in reverse, and this makes boss fights incredibly frustrating, as once you lose enough, its almost completely impossible to gain them back, leaving you in a massively weak state. eventually you can grab more max SG, and start off with way more as well, leaving the system less of a problem, but it takes a lot time to reach that point and will only serve to spark frustration. this game also had the atrocious design decision of making most status ailments reduce your healing received to 0, and ALSO refusing to give you a way to cleans all debuffs like recover in other tales games until lvl 44, which should be around 60-75% of the way through the game. this means that you required to constantly buy panacea bottles, and constantly use them. this wouldn't be such a big deal, but the issue is compounded by almost every enemy being able to inflict at least 1 ailment, and the game not also having a dedicated healer character. which means no easy way to AOE heal, no easy way to AOE cleanse Debuffs, no way to reasonably deal with the massive amount of AOE damage some mobs and bosses spew out, and simply put, a constant reliance on items to heal yourself and the party, which CONSTANTLY breaks the flow of the game. (this is a problem in all tales games with items, but its compounded upon 10fold in this game) Bosses also have a tendency to have attacks that effectively one shot character even at recommended gear and items levels, with the most egregious example being a boss that can almost instantly cast a high damaging AOE spell that can hit up to 80% of the arena, and ALSO can be cast multiple times in a row, which meant sometimes i would just lose my entire party and lose the fight in less than 3 seconds unavoidably. at the end of the day, me and my partner set the difficulty to the easiest setting just to get through the game, because while the combat wasn't really fun...

The story was phenomenal. from the start of the game, you're hooked into a very unique protagonist in Velvet, and a unique hook to the story. having a tragic event occur for velvet, she's left scarred, and transformed into a monster, with her rage and hatred festering for years, and the way the story grows off that desire for revenge, the story is one very unorthodox one for a JRPG, what with the central motivation of the character being revenge, and damn anyone else in the way. the cast of characters you meet along the way and how they grow over time is enthralling. the writing, banter, voice acting and general world building this game done is fantastic. the characters take the concept of being the villains to heart, and the idea of seeing the world from the eyes of "the evil doers" enrthalled me the whole way through. it makes me wonder where this quality was in Zestiria. Speaking of which, this game is a distance prequel to tales of Zestiria, so if you had any plans to play Zestiria, or already played it. you'll get a lot out of the story and writing of this game in relation to that game too.

there's a bunch of other stuff i'm not a huge fan of, dungeons and world design being very bland and boring in places, confusing and disconnected feeling map and world design, the final dungeon's dumb ass confusing maze, and the gear system and the way upgrading gear ends up a massive timesink and a chore, but nothing in this game is outright bad enough that i wouldn't recommend it for the story alone. probably don't pay full price for this tho if you can manage. combat isn't really worth it
Опубликовано 4 декабря 2020 г..
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103.8 ч. всего (8.7 ч. в момент написания)
Takeshi's Castle But Video games.

What more could you ask for
Опубликовано 7 августа 2020 г..
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26.0 ч. всего (11.0 ч. в момент написания)
6th playthrough being done on p.c what a world
"Yosuke what are your thoughts"
"Nooses are baaad"
Опубликовано 18 июня 2020 г..
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42.6 ч. всего (15.9 ч. в момент написания)
Play doom 2016 cause you literally won't apprecaite this game NEARLY as much without realising how much they improved on what was already a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PHENOMENAL game.

9.9/10 rip and teared my pants with the boners
Опубликовано 4 апреля 2020 г..
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90.5 ч. всего (5.2 ч. в момент написания)
Best ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ netcode i've ever felt and the game is super easy to get into with a LOT of depth. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing fighting game
Опубликовано 4 декабря 2019 г..
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15,110.0 ч. всего (2,965.9 ч. в момент написания)
Quality time machine. started playing it july 2015. next thing i knew it was November 2016. 10/10 would recommend
Опубликовано 15 ноября 2016 г..
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