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Скорошни рецензии на Crack Attack

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2,254.7 изиграни часа (689.2 часа по време на рецензията)
CS:GO рецензия
Honestly I believe Counter Strike: Global Offensive right now is one of the greatest FPS games out there, It is very simple and skill based and isn't pay to win by buying OP guns.

~Rewards you for little things
~Ver cheap compared to other FPS games out there
~Challenging to play, Hard to master (This can be a con as well)
~Full game as soon as you purchase it, the skins & operations are just optional & don't affect your gameplay & experience in anyway
~Fun to play & doesn't feel repetitive at all...maybe sometimes but most of the time, you won't notice.

~Cases & Keys <-- Gabe take notice
~Hackers, mainly in the higher ranks, but they just ruin the fun

That is all in my opinion & the final verdict for me is a 8.5/10.
Публикувана 17 юни 2015. Последно редактирана 28 ноември 2015.
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