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142.9 hrs on record (135.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Its very good for pre-release, a few little bugs with geometry, getting stuck in weirdly angled scenery etc but that's almost to be expected for such an open world game. There feels like there are some dedicated path ways to reach certain areas that are off the beaten trail so sometimes it feels like your explorations is curtailed by the devs when you're trying to scale the side of a mountain with a pick-axe and a can-do attitude. Its updated frequently, maybe 1 update fever 2-3 months which is sometimes impressive when they release a full new biome. Although the Kindlewastes do feel comparatively empty when matched up next too the Albaneve summit. Also in Kindlewastes and The Summit there are large "ancient" looking structures of giant castles, fortresses and even a dam, all of which are inaccessible despite hours of searching for a way in. A lot of them have doors that just don't open so I imagine they will be coming in a later patch.

The map is HUGE and flying across it in your glider feels similar to Breath of the Wild. Now I've made that comparison I believe this game to be Valheim (without sailing) X Breath of the Wild. Which as you might imagine is a fantastic combo, the combat feels a little stale after 130h but is more that serviceable. The newest boss is great too. Don't listen to anyone saying its too hard. Please don't nerf it. its a suitable challenge for a work conquering explorer.

The seasonal craftables like the Chinese newyear are great additions and bring a different flare too your builds. Once youve built one of everything you notice different design patterns that are linked too the area they were received in, so the buildable cosmetics from the Nomad Highlands dont fit as well with the Boreal craftables as well as you'd think but overall leads to hours and hours of experimenting with different block placements and now with the new rotate feature for placement allows for much greater levels of customizability.

Very good. 8/10

(___()' ` ; Woof Woof
/, /`
Posted 14 February.
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54.6 hrs on record (45.8 hrs at review time)
Greatest BorneSouls game so far, it kept everything i loved from the first game,added some from the second (what was worth keeping anyway) and added a few new things, the new visual aesthetic is heavily inspired by bloodborne, but thats okay, because it was a beautiful game, and this is too. Ive finished it twice now and I still dont quite understand the lore, but heres hoping that 100% will tell me its secrets.

Great game, the definitive Dark Souls game.
Posted 28 April, 2016.
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1,396.6 hrs on record (1,099.9 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Do not play this game, it will suck the life right out of you.
Posted 28 April, 2016.
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8.8 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
Surprisingly fun online and off. I've always been a big fan of the Dawn of War games, and this 3rd person shooter version really brings across the gravitas and atmosphere of the 40k universe within its own rights. It was how Fire Warrior should have been. The online doesn't break any new grounds but what it does do, it does well. Reliable servers, the Upgrade curve isn't TOO heavy, so a new player (with average skill) will be able to get at least a few kills against the higher level players. I think I wasted a bit of money on the DLC's though, i fear i missed the party by buying them so late. Overall 7/10
Posted 3 March, 2014.
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11.0 hrs on record
It's a great game, the sound is good, the graphics are pretty decent for an old game port, trouble with tabbing in and out of the game, it crashes about 80% of the time, great controller optimisation. Solid gameplay for an action game, pretty much what you'd expect. The only problem is, and this is a big problem, it either wont load the cutscene, or crash right after, I've tried deleting the cut scene from the folders. Reinstalling. running on all graphical settings and as administrator, but nothing makes it work. My achievements wouldn't unlock, it's not a huge deal but I'd like the things I'm entitled too when i do them haha. Overall I'd give it a 7/10 for the game itself, but the porting is just too poor. It ended up becoming unplayable. I got 11 hours in, and one boss just would not load, I'm not even half way through, and the high game time comes from how many times it'd crash and id need to restart whole sections. Or the amount of time I'd spend modifying the files to become playable. Great game, poor port. 4/10
Posted 3 March, 2014.
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