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35.1 hrs on record (25.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted 29 November, 2024.
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0.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
the intro is the most boring unejoyable thing to go through
the movement feels so unplesent its designed to make you feel fast but your character moves around so sluggishly the entire game feels like all the majorly populer games cramed into one without any thought going into how the game is actually going to feel to play

honestly you can find elements from
cod , valorant , halo
and yet all the elements they have taken all clash with each other

unenjoyable , waste of 18gb
if you enjoy slow games with fast paced movement for what ever reason then this is the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for you
Posted 8 September, 2022.
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3.7 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
its 100% worth a try if you like any type of idler
however there is still alot of work that needs to be done on it at time of review

decent mechanics - helper bots , prestigeing (capped prestigeing)
visually interesting - entire game even tho alot of it is pannels
horrible introduction

the game needs alot more content as you can reach "the end" within a few hours
the introduction just makes things appear when you can click them but it dosnt explain anything about it so you just have to click everything for the first 10 mins
the concept of the game is interesting the say the least , you attack a "enemy" witch is just a bar at the top of the screen i think all of that stuff should be renamed to research as a example cause that entire side of attacking and enemy hp reduction felt out of place


wrote as of update 1.0.4 so take my review with a grain of salt in the future
Posted 6 November, 2021.
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867.6 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
If you ever played any first person shooter and wished the game was more high paced , or the movement was more crazy then this is the game for you

This game looks like ♥♥♥♥ at first glance lets be real
but the game is Completly free to play , you want skins you can grind for them you dont need to spend a cent

The Devs support the community in more ways then just updating the game
they help out content creators with there own codes that they get a share of each purchese

and the skins animate , glow etc the skins are dayum sick and alot of good skins are fairly easy to grind to

honestly if you have never played this try it atleast once , learn how to slide hop (look at a tutorial) and you will come to love this

its amazing
Posted 1 February, 2021. Last edited 1 February, 2021.
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5 people found this review helpful
1.0 hrs on record
Overall (3/10)

Pros :
Easy To Use

Cons :
music only mildly effects any visuals
There is no way to make custom content , its all limited to the preset templates

Improvements which i think the game needs

Higher Level of customisation (e.g setting the games slider bars into number inputs with no cap)
more presets/user generated content
Posted 10 December, 2020.
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192.6 hrs on record (138.0 hrs at review time)
Level 38 at time of review
and have spent money in-game

[1] Simplistic Graphics
[2] Easy to learn and understand how to play
[3] Good Guild System (benefits everyone in the guild)
[4] Lots of customization options for your shop and your character
[5] goal system that allows you to spins a wheel for a coins which can be spent on special items (gems, keys , quest items, etc...)
(gems are a special currency, keys unlock chests which contain a multiplitude of items , quest items being extra loot horn feathers make your characters stop resting so you can send them out again)

[1] it has a major paywall being vip (9.99 usd per month) i have purchased myself , its very useful but not necessary
[2] Constant advertisements for other "Deals" (you will get two a day kind of annoying , but i understand with the game being free)
[3] rather repetative , once you hit level 20 you have experienced all the game has to offer other then the random events and unlockables

Posted 5 September, 2020. Last edited 5 September, 2020.
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89.0 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
honestly a good game
its definitely worth the purchase
you get a alright game now that you can spend hours on
and when its finished/more content its going to be a whole other game
Overall 9/10
Posted 3 August, 2020.
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0.1 hrs on record
best game every
Posted 10 May, 2020.
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3.2 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
carnt wait for it to be full release
Posted 19 April, 2020.
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35.7 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
its okay
tilting but okay
Posted 8 March, 2020.
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