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Опубликовано: 20 мар. 2023 г. в 12:29
Обновлено: 22 мар. 2023 г. в 15:14

This is the most VR fun I've had shooting a single player game, including Super Hot, the Pavlov gun range, Payday 2(with it's clunky stealth grab ops) and Zero Caliber.
(Granted Super Hot has way more replayability and the others are multiplayer focused games)

- Surround sound is still terrifyingly good on the Index,
I can hear that scorpion minigunner waiting 1 floor above me
- nigh VR-native support with option to grip buttons (rather than press)
- charming oldschool graphics
- Fast paced

- the index controller thumbpads are quite sensitive moving you when you least touch it,
plummeting down various platforms...
- The strafe feature is a necessary setting but weirdly implemented in the sense you ALWAYS GO FORWARD, what?

Picked up this bad boy for both me and my best bud for a bit under 6 euro
and I'm very pleased, thanks Croteam!
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