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Odehráno 52 hodin
Omori is a game which I have fallen in love with as someone who is particularly fond of the Earthbound-esque genre which has existed recently in the Indie scene. The game's subject manners are relateable to me in a sense that I can empathize pretty intensely with the emotions of the characters, and their struggles as portrayed through the game. I think a lot of people can see various aspects of themselves within the primary cast which helps to establish a deeper connection with the story as it unfolds. Those who are unable to really connect with the story and its characters are whom I don't see enjoying this game as much. To really enjoy this game to the fullest, I believe in an investment in its world must be established. For me, it establishes this well early into the game with it's introductory sequences and events.

From the standpoint of someone who is very much not a heavy gamer, the gameplay aspect of this felt fun and engaging for me. The simple, yet intuitive reprisal of the typical combat system through the use of "Emotions" was a neat addition. The enemies and bosses in the game can be genuinely challenging, and oftentimes you'll need to be strategic of your use of Skills, Emotions and Items to win more difficult encounters. The game doesn't add anything super amazing to the format of combat, but it does just enough to keep the player enticed.

One thing that I would touch on briefly is how the game, despite it's harsher themes, does have moments of carefree and humorous fun. These are seen primarily early on, but do persist even into the latter parts of the game. I much appreciate games which find the balance of seriousness and light-heartedness, to which I believe the game is worthy of praise for.

Overall, between the story and its characters, I find this game well-worth the purchase for anyone who's been a fan of games such as Undertale, Earthbound or likewise titles. If you're anything like me, I'm sure you'll find the game memorable and noteworthy.
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Rex Yoricus 4. zář. 2021 v 10.36 
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