Filipino Mafia, Rank: Soldier   Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan
Now profile less dirty and less edge as of January 2024. IYKYK.

These are clans/guilds/gaming groups that I consider as significant:
ROBLOX Infantry Corps (ROBLOX)
Enlisted - Ranger/Air Force
Unified Federation of Hinoan Republics (ROBLOX)
Former-Vice Chairman
[Planning to write something here]
ROBLOX Grand Republic Army - MackDaddybthe3rd (ROBLOX)
(I actually known and recognized the players in this group when I was in Hinoa. We were closer allies. They were formerly known as ROBLOX Elite Forces and used to be led by caleb10909. They initially started as a COD4/MW2 modern military clan -> period of transfer where they used a combination of modern military and Star Wars Clone Wars weapons/technology -> purely a Star Wars Clone Wars clan. And I think they had a Galactic Empire phase but that was during my hiatus from ROBLOX clanning between my later-years of high school to college.)
(212th Attack Battalion; initially 187th Battalion until transferred into 212th for probably manpower/management reasons IIRC)
(Participated in operations within an interclan alliance called the UWF)
Unknown Habbo War Groups (Habbo Hotel)
Various from Enlisted to High Rank
(I wished I could remember and documented my time there, but Habbo Hotel is where I had my first taste of clanning. This was during the days where computer usage is becoming normalized and social media consumption was growing; the internet wasn't exactly the 'Wild West for a select few' anymore but more like the 'Early 20th-Century industrializing USA', if I had to use anecdotes. Since the Internet was becoming more available during my days in elementary school, I believed any form of communication carried more weight and I remember feeling excited for simply chatting with people outside my physical surroundings. The big limitation is the hardware during my childhood, but this didn't stop me from playing Habbo Hotel which is a isometric-based 2D pixel chatroom game. Anyways, there were military-style clans in Habbo Hotel. There was a military rank hierarchy. Then, drills i.e. StandFast; AtEase; Jumping Jacks which is sitting from chair -> stand -> sit back from chair. Then, etiquette. To rank up, you either recruit people coming into the hotel room of your war group, spending time with colleagues, and raiding another war group's hotel room which is continuous chat bubble spamming which disrupts the target war group's recruitment. This resembles the war group structure and activity in ROBLOX or any MMO's with a raid system, but much simpler and required alot of imagination.)
Warrior Nation (Multiple Games)
(Mainly MineCraft. Met and connected with some good people.)
Early 2010s
Markham Armed Forces
(Base-building in a survival server)
The Culpeper Minutemen (Guild Wars 2)
Ranked Major / WvW Commander
(Separated from the Anvil Rock server and transferred to Northern Shiverpeaks server)
(March 24th, transferred to Gates of Madness)
The Culpeper Minutemen (Aion)
Deputy (Israphel & Siel: Asmodae)
(The leader grew tired of the inter-guild politics in GW2 and encouraged us into playing another MMORPG)
Unity Force (ArmA3)
(Assigned to the Royal Lancers)
(My first clan in a MILSIM game)
(Did simulations/scenarios)

ROBLOX: heavydude2008 on ROBLOX
Habbo Hotel: anchorarms or chinazodiac111
RuneScape: holychamp1 on RuneScape
Discord: formerly OmZamurai#2634;presently omnamobuddha

I used to track overall game hours and achievements across all platforms but these websites are gone :OhNoBlue:
현재 오프라인
제품 평가 전시대
472시간 플레이
What happens if I reach 10,000 hours? Lmao
좋아하는 게임
플레이 시간
제품 평가 전시대
290시간 플레이
[Comment from 2 September 2016]:
These $60.00 could've been used purchase a 2-week supply of McDonalds Dollar Menu meals, speaking as a college student.

♥♥♥♥ these broken promises.

[Comment from 25 July 2018]:
Prior to NEXT (and as of date of comment changed), I overall played ~128 hours. These said hours were mostly played in updated builds after the game's release. I have yet to play the NEXT update, but I'll give a thumbs up because the devs met my demands for a decent and replayable experience from past updates.

Hello Games should amp-up on releasing good content if they choose No Man's Sky to become comparable with the popular sandbox/open-world games, especially Starbound (I played~421 hours). I read NEXT is a massive update, and most likely I'll be stuck to the screen for a while!

[Comment from 21 July 2024. Worlds Part 1 Update]:
I still play this game occasionally. But I was trying to wrap my head around to the fact that I owned this game for 8 years and my last review is almost close to 6 years; from being junior year college student fully-dependent on a parent's income to holding down a job with the good and bad days in between, I still come back to play one of my favorite comfort games and pretend as a frontier colonist contributing to an omniversal space empire (just as long as I have Sentinels turned off to hoard massive amounts of treasures and resources without penalty).

So long-story-short, I am really glad for Hello Games for continuing to add depth in their content. The game is so different compared to their initial first release.
KD's Burner 2015년 10월 16일 오후 8시 23분 
I love this homepage dog trill af
KD's Burner 2015년 2월 21일 오후 2시 44분 
blaze it m8
Pete Zahut 2012년 6월 11일 오전 11시 08분 
Pat! It's Danny!