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Останні рецензії користувача Avocado

Показані результати 1–8 із 8
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
157.8 год. загалом (134.4 год на момент рецензування)
In my opinion, the game devs have focused a bit too hard on balance and not enough on making this game fun and/or interesting. The some-what-sandbox-ish nature of each round is probably the best part of this game, from the killer's perspective. As the killer, you get an amount of control on the match's pacing. The killer gets a chance to dictate the story and how things go down. That is all fun and cool and good, however 2/3rds of the perks for killers are not worth taking, specially at high match ratings. I have played killer for the majority of my play time, it was really fun exploring possibilities. However the lack of interesting perks, mechanics and map objectives has made high MMR super repetitive and lame. The devs could have put in a little more variation in map objectives, such as making the gens into something else based on the map, maybe have a different mini game for some objectives and not just "wait for sound to play and press space bar at the right time". If there was more map objective variety, if more perks were worth taking, if there was just a few less "time to run in a ciricle" moments, this game would be fantastic.

Examples of worthless perks:
-There are a number of perks for killer that revolve around making skill checks harder on survivors. These are all pointless to use against high MMR players who never miss a skill check regardless.
-Plenty of perks only increase/decrease some stat or cooldown. These are typically in such small increments that you are better off taking something else that actually changes something mechanically. (extremely rarely, you can find a perk that stacks well with addons or offerings or other perks.)

Graphics 7/10
Mechanics 5/10 (It has just enough things going on to make it feel like a full and complete game)
sound 9/10 (music, sounds and spatial awareness through sounds are all pretty cool and good)
fun 5/10 (its a very mid game)
Balance 5/10 (everyone just takes the same perks at high MMR)
Player interaction 7/10

Just kind of boring after getting good. Not enough situational diversity. not enough perks worth testing and tinkering with.
Додано 2 червня 2024 р..
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586.0 год. загалом (410.7 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
This game is a bit more hardcore than most other games. Only true gamers can survive in the world that this game paints.

Graphics 5/10
Gameplay 7/10
fun 8/10

Although the graphics and sound are not the greatest, the whole zombie survival bit has never been done better in any game. This game has plenty of ups and downs, the rendering and transitions between floors is terrible. By design you are not able to see some things when they are basically right in front of you, it can be frustrating.

Most weapons in this game are not very great when you first get them, but even a spoon can become quite deadly with enough training. The crafting system in it's current state is not terrible, but It's getting a completely overhaul soon and I'm super hyped about it.

The most hardcore part of this game is.. When you die, you don't come back. There are plenty of ways to stay alive but it can be a terribly hard game if you don't know what you are doing. Specially if you've not gone into options and turned on combat highlights.

I feel like some parts of the game are too hardcore, like the sessions/farming parts of the game. You can really only fish in the morning and evenings too. I feel like these and the exercise system are a bit too hard to deal with. They are all reasonable and workable, it's just almost never done because they are just too hard. Everyone I know just makes a near max strength and fitness character so they don't have to consider working out to be an option. Fishing/farming is hardly ever done.

If you like survival games and enjoy rummaging through garbage for loot while killing thousands of zombies along the way, then this is the game for you. It is quite satisfying to build a base and live out of it while you loot, collect, and survive in this post apocalyptic world.
Додано 2 жовтня 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 598
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 29
41.3 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
This game is really really good. I love it. However, not long after getting it, the devs announced that they will be using Faceit anticheat, which is a kernal level anticheat program. Faceit is not yet implemented, however I am preemptively uninstalling and not playing any longer.

These sorts of anticheat systems are much worse than the cheaters them selves. Once installed, faceit runs 24/7 and there is no way to turn it off. Faceit can then start deleting files that it just does not likes. One of the previous versions of faceit was used to mine bitcoin without users knowing. This is a shady practice that should be shunned by the gaming community as a whole.

Really fun game, sad to see it go. If they make an announcement that they won't be using faceit anticheat then I'll probably come back and play again.
Додано 2 вересня 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
9.4 год. загалом
This game does not look like much on it's surface. However, the gunplay is better than most games these days. For a boomer shooter, it's really good. The atmosphere is a bit bland and sterile, which I think is the intent with the story that is trying to be conveyed. I love the enemy designs so much, and the guns are super cool too. I love the somewhat realistic loading, It's so much better than reloading a shotgun with a single press of R, having to press R for each shell that you put in. Headshots actually matter. Enemies can potentially kill you as fast as you kill them.

If you like boomer shooters and anime, then you'll enjoy this even though it's somewhat weird.
Game play: 8/10
Level design: 6/10
Story: 2/10(only because there is not much of it, but the concept that it offers is more of a 8 out of 10 imo)
Fun: 7/10
Додано 31 травня 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 26
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
43.3 год. загалом
This game is a buggy un-enjoyable mess. Multiplayer barely functions at all. Randomly the player's characters will have no AP and for seemingly no reason. The multiplayer desync issues are extreme, make sure your connection to one another is very very stable, else one will be locked out of dialog and not allowed to join conversations.

for a three year old game with DLC still coming out for it, you'd think some of these bugs would be fixed.

Good things about the game:
If you can get past the bugs, the voice acting is really good, the dialog is not bad either in most situations
Voice acting 9/10
Dialog 6/10
Graphics 6/10
Story 5/10
Music 7/10

Bad things about the game:
Beyond the buggy mess, the game's combat and crafting system is not very great. The crafting menu could have been organized better. Having to search through the list for the mod you need to make just to use it as a part in another mod is not what I'd call intuitive or fun.

Only those that do the skill checks will get XP, causing some characters to become way more powerful than others. This really shows when playing with another player, and one player's character's begin to shadow over the other's. There should be an option somewhere for global XP, so that people who want it separate can keep it so. Maybe there is a mod for that.

Combat is on the dry side, you have a special meter that builds up then you can use a big attack. The cover system does not matter as much as it should. randomly your characters will not have AP to attack with. The engagement system is a mess and tries to rely on who has more of the "initiation" stat. Often it matters more to just shoot first in any situation.

Skills and attributes are a mess and uninteresting. Strength builds are melee/tanks, awareness builds are guns and everything else does not really matter as much as you'd expect it to. But all of it matters little once you reach end game.

Usually, the game has a decent amount of dialog options, but all too often does it railroad you into the same things or plots, only giving the illusion of choice. Most of this game is filled with "LOL SO RANDOM" moments. Where there is an interesting event or something but it leads to absolutely nothing. Or the fact that there is a toaster repair skill which is basically just lock picking for people who use flame based weapons.

The IRL politics bleed into the game: It is plain to see what direction of the political spectrum the story writers lean in. There are a number of 'father figures' in the game and every one of them is presented as a bad guy. It almost feels like there is no right or good path to take through the game's story. There are many parts where one could guess the story writers wanted to push communistic ideals but were held back. However, they still managed to express their 'eat the rich' mentality with how they portrayed the hundred families.

Combat 4/10
Crafting 3/10
Skill system 3/10
Tinkering/making fun builds 3/10
Додано 17 квітня 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
531.3 год. загалом (520.1 год на момент рецензування)
Good game however it is a grindy one. Takes a lot of time to build up your town and even more time to build up your characters. You sort of want to beat the main game with all the classes because each class will give (although minor) global buffs to all classes.

If you want a rogue lite to play with friends or by your self, this one is pretty good~
The DLCs are decent and worth getting, but I don't have any. My friend owns the DLCs and we are able to run that content together when they host, which is super cool and good.

Even though I do not own the DLCs I've greatly enjoyed the single player content.
I do plan on getting the DLCs eventually, I love this game.
Додано 11 лютого 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
739.3 год. загалом (182.9 год на момент рецензування)
Best RTS ever made.
the uints have ai that can auto micromanage their positioning.
You can set up retreat points and set the amount of health uints will run away to be repaired at.
You can change the landscape and build solid walls out of the ground.
You can build ramps from the ground then build gravity turrets to shoot uints across the map, like paratroopers.
Can even dig down into the ground to make a trench, allowing boat uints to pass or even exist in a place that is normally just land.
There are so many amazing features in this game, ones that I've never seen in any RTS. And it has all the usual things that you'd see in old RTS games, like radar and radar jamming. Cloaking, patrol collecting/repairing. This game has it all.

It can be difficult to get into this game, it's graphics are less than amazing. there are so many different uints and things and functions.

5/10 graphics/sounds
10/10 game mechanics
10/10 fun
Додано 5 листопада 2020 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 23 травня 2023 р..
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443.1 год. загалом (128.8 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
yes. This review is not helpful. but absolutely, yes. good game.
Додано 22 березня 2018 р..
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Розробник відповів 27 берез. 2018 о 2:07 (прочитати відповідь)
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