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3 people found this review helpful
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19.6 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Kinda like Monster hunter but less annoying.

+ No handler.
+ No loading screens.
+ Can see enemy health bar.
+ Can see how soon parts will break.

- I just can't make my character look good.
Posted 21 September, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
3.7 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Absolutely Fantastic

Is this really worth 17$

This game lacks a basic "Restart" in Quest mode, having you back out, into the settings then click "reset quest" then back to main, then back to quest, to restart. RESTART. A simple RESTART takes 4 SCREENS????? Who coded this, or accepted it made sense? Speaking of sense, Minesweeper, unlike Hex is pure luck, no skill involved 3/5 times your puzzle with come down to a 50/50 chance, oh the sweet tacked on RPG elements, shame if it gave you a random curse that lowered your HP to 1? 50/50!!
So you end up losing all your progress because why? Because Dev thought the incoherent RPG elements were worth 17$ No.
This is a rip off of Minesweeper, as it could be, somehow it's actually worse. It's not fun, it's not made well, game crashes WAY too often to be even considered finished, at best I'd give this a little banner that says "Early access" at worst I'd delete it for having no place on steam. Alas.

Stay away garbage product, final thoughts.

Edit; And I forgot, the tokens, don't get me started... Come on. 17$ and clearly In-game M$X based system, just wait for them to start charging 10$ for 100 Tokens. Absolute non-sense.
Posted 21 December, 2019. Last edited 21 December, 2019.
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A developer has responded on 21 Dec, 2019 @ 3:05pm (view response)
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7.0 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
To be honest the game doesn't work for me (Hardware problems; mostly a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ graphics card)

But I still want to let my opinion be heard... Today, I'll be reviewing the dev of this game (Yeah, bruh, you hear me right!)

Do I recommend products from him? 100000%. But, why? you might ask? Simple! Even though the game didn't work for me; he offered countless solutions to my problems and sat with me for about an hour and a half to try and help me figure out the problem. In the end it was in vein, yes... But! That doesn't change the fact that he tried to fix the problem and that's a +1 in my books.

So will I buy another product from this dev? Absolu-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-ly.

I rate this Dev 10/10; Best dev of the year.

PS: This is NOT satire, I'm being legit honest here, this guy is genuinely nice and helpful!

Also I bought the digital artwork for the game at the same time as the game; so I can say with certification... Artwork is nice and enjoyable... If you catch my drift.
Posted 6 March, 2015.
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2.7 hrs on record
Initial impressions;

I've played about an hour so far, it's been a confusing experience for my brain, some aspects of the game I adore while some other parts are... meh. I'll leave it at that.

The camera can be very clunky and the "Click to move" can impair combat on a certain level. I found myself very confused with the choices of keybinds the game gives you for default;"R to glide" "Double tapping S to suddenly stop gliding". Those are 2 early examples and while the keybinds aren't the best; The glide ability is very appreciated, a neat way to get to places faster; although unrealistic for the most part.
Back to movement, Click to move or WASD or Arrows; Your only source of camera movement is by means of your mouse which means Arrows are a definite "No". When entering battle which contains elements of "move out of red or be hit by massive damage" it can be tricky for people new to computer gaming or those who aren't used to juggling mouse and keyboard, going from mouse to arrows or WASD while keeping your fingers on Tab for target and 1234 while keeping track of the enemy cast bar..... can be irritating and complicated at times. Especially if you play in a restricted place IE: A small desk.
Apart from the clunky camera and movement controls the games runs great, it has a decent amount of classes but kind of lacking on the "Character customization" front. A bit sad since the art style is absolutely beautiful! Monster's are fairly diversified which is a welcome addition, since newly MMORPGs kind of stopped caring about the amount of different monsters and decided to start throwing in the same monsters with a different names and sizes (Cough cough FF14 cough cough Destiny cough cough)
Skill system is neat so far you have your basic "Spam" attack, your core special attack on a low cooldown and a weird "Ultimate" attack which does INSANE amounts of damage even at low levels. Did I mention there's no mana, that's a damn great change, more games should take that route, basically means no waiting for Mana... Ever.
Health regen is a bit of a complaint for me so far. Your health regens "VERY SLOW" outside of combat and since your potions are auto used in combat when you come close to death, it gets very tiresome to wait around for your health between engagements, a shame since Mana here isn't an issue.
The story is quite "RPG cliche" and the quest are very repetitive, IE: Kill X number of Y to collect Z; Kill X mobs Y times or pick up X amount of Z resources off the ground.

In conclusion; The game is great, runs smoothly even on a subpar gaming PC and the major variety of terrains/land/mobs/pets are welcomed. The community is generally friendly and enjoyable, the F2P doesn't seem to kill the game at lower levels (not sure about endgame). Quests will eventually be very grindy and repetitive but can be a nice alternative while relaxing and doing mindless tasks such as listening to music or a podcast of sort especially since the health regen times can be dreadful. Camera and movement controls are very clunky and I think that might be the biggest flaw, keeping the game from reaching it's full potential. The combat system is a very nice change of paste from most MMORPGs and is a welcome addition mixing in a bit of twist by removing mana and incorporating cool "Ultimate" abilities.

In my honest opinion, I would rate this game a 7/10. Not a must play but a very decent title which is sadly held back by poor design decisions.
Posted 21 December, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
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32.6 hrs on record (27.4 hrs at review time)
This game is amazing, a genius of the indie devs, and a plus to boot with free DLCs.
Posted 13 April, 2014.
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