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Останні рецензії користувача ★NL★ Jampoint

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 10
50.2 год. загалом (12.5 год на момент рецензування)
I've always been a pretty casual player with keeping a budget PC. I don't focus too much on getting the best specs possible for my PC, and for the most part, I've been good between all games. Overwatch 2, however, doesn't run very well with my PC. I run on very low graphics, and can barely get a consistent 24 fps. That wouldn't be an issue if I wasn't always crashing every 3-5 games. And with that, I get banned from playing the game quite a lot. I cannot control the fact that I constantly crash. Overwatch 2 doesn't seem to care, and as a result, I cannot play due to the bans. It sucks since it's like I can't play without emptying a few hundred on PC upgrades.
The game doesn't give any motive to keep playing either. Lots of things are locked behind paywalls. The player base is also insanely toxic; apparently many players couldn't accept that I just started the game a few days ago and proceeded to insult me. The game's culture has become so competitive that casual players turn away, like myself.
Genuinely, go play Team Fortress 2. The player base is always excited to meet new players, and the game will not penalize you for crashing. In fact, it will automatically reinvite you into the game. Everything is pretty much free to play, and getting almost all of the extra weapons practically cost less than a dollar(Community stores). The competitive community is simply the next door over and they're a lot more civil.
TL;DR: Overwatch 2 and Blizzard hates poor people. Overwatch 2 player base hates new players. Go play Team Fortress 2.
Додано 14 грудня 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 15 грудня 2023 р..
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