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Game is alot of fun and really well made. but is not played alot currently. This wouldnt really be a issue if they would just re add the bot survival mode from the free beta a while back. No clue why they removed it, it was actually alot of fun. But right now Im just stuck waiting for the game to get more content so I can actually play it since I dont have any friends with VR.
Опубликовано 28 мая 2022 г..
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19.1 ч. всего
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This game is very fun and has alot of potential to be something diffrent and intersting but in its current state its just sorta a cross between a Online survival pvp game and a rpg/moba without being good enough at either to make you want to engage with either aspect for a long period of time.

The rpg/moba elements are half baked and held back by the survival pvp part, there is only one ridgid line of 8 tiers of armor and 6 tiers of weapons. Armor has literally no variation between sets even though set bonuses do exist (They just do basically nothing and I see no reason why they even exist). All the melee weapons except the spear function the same (And the spear is different but it sorta sucks), they all have the same melee reach, the same 3 attack combo, and all around feel near identical to use. There are different weapon abilities that distinguish them a bit but really it isnt enough to make them feel distinct. The crossbow is useless in PVP and is entirely outclassed by magic, in PVE its only useful for cheesing bosses. And speaking of magic, that is probably the best part of the game, each type of magic has a distinct gimmick that makes each feel very different, each has a different set of spells that all have fairly unique abilities and effects. It sorta shows what this game could be if the same thing was applied to diffrent armor sets and weapon types. On what the game does well on the RPG side, it has interesting bosses and fairly fun locations (Though they all feel very cramped and small, no giant dungeons to explore here). The PVP is fun in small skirmishes but it just feels like a MOBA where everyone is playing the same character.

Now onto the PVP Survival Online game elements: They are fine, about what you would expect from any online survival game but really the only good part about it is the small skirmishes. The base raiding is uninteresting and same goes for defending. All bases are the same, there is zero thought involved in making a base, you find a hill, build some walls and put a gate on the ramp leading up to the hill, thats it. No defences, no traps, and no cool base layouts to maximise your likely hood to save your resources in a raid, this is made worse by being able to lock away all your actually valuable stuff in a chest that other players cant open so all the materials that take more then a few minutes to acquire can just be put in a safe box. So whats the point in raiding people? Basically nothing your better off just killing people outside, they wont drop equipment or anything but at least you will steal the stuff from their latest resource run before they have had a chance to turn it into equipment

TLDR: Good game but both elements of it are half baked and not engaging enough to hold interest for a while. If the rpg components were improved I could see it actually being alot of fun with diffrent character builds and bosses to hunt down and all that. But as it is its just another good online survival game with a under cooked gimmick, and I already have plenty of those. 6/10 recommend but with some fun friends and dont expect a particularly deep experience. Might change with more updates
Опубликовано 27 мая 2022 г..
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10.2 ч. всего (0.5 ч. в момент написания)
I have played this game for a few years on mobile and its just as fun on pc. Some would call it pay to win, but well every single card game is pay to win to some extent, this game is probably one of the least pay to win card games there are. Most of the best cards are common and you will get a pretty good starter pack just from finishing the campaigns and playing the game. There is the part of cards needing to be leveld up but thats not really pay to win, sure you can pay to level up the cards but you can only use cards up to level 2 in the first two ranked leagues, and past that you need to level up your base health by playing the game inorder to be competitive. (First two matchmaking ranks are capped to 11 base health and level 2 cards, after that it increases). So you dont really pay to win you pay to progress into the higher tiers of match making. Ranks also reset every month so you really need to play the game alot and not for very long inorder to have problems with your cards being under leveld

Beyond that the game is probably the best card game out there. The unique 4x6 board with moving units adds a whole extra dimension to your usual card game and it just makes it so much more deep and interesting as well as being WAY less rng dependent then most card game. Kinda a shame its not played more
Опубликовано 9 мая 2022 г..
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82.1 ч. всего
The game IS fun. But I just cant shake the feeling that this is a significant downgrade from other souls games.

With the story literally none of it makes sense, at least with prior souls games you could get a vague idea for what your goals are and why you should care. Link the flame to stop the world from being plunged into darkness? Yeah sure. Become elden lord to uh... do... stuff... I mean the island is kinda ♥♥♥♥ and everyone just kills eachother and wtf does being a elden lord even mean? Idk didnt read enough item descriptions apparently. The side quests are LITERALLY impossible to do without a wiki, the open world nature of this game just makes it astronomically unlikely that anyone will ever complete a single side quest on their first blind play through. None of the NPCS explain anything, tell you where to find anything, or where to find them when they suddenly dissapear for no reason. They all just speak in cryptic ways before randomly dying because you accidentally progressed the story before talking to them in the secret alleyway past the secret passage that is itself behind a secret passage that is in a area you already went through at the start of the game. In prior souls games sure the side quests were cryptic but at least the map was small so more then likely you would find npcs if you just explored, like Im pretty sure basically everyone did Siegward's quest line in ds3, and probably a decent people did Anri's as well, because while usually being somewhat off the beaten trail if you explored a little you would probably still find them. In this game you need to have a check list on your second monitor to make sure you get through a quest without accidentally ending it

The map is massive and there is a bunch of stuff to do. Its a shame you fight the same bosses like 6 times on average, most of the dungeons are copy paste, and the side quests are so impossible that they dont even fill out the map and reward exploration. Literally all of the dungeons are the same with a random boss standing at the end for no apparent reason that then drops a item that has little to no connection with them. Oh and there is a 99.9999999% chance you will either be massively over or under leveled when you do the content. So basically you have a giant map full of uninteresting content, repetitive bosses, and everything you find will either be so easy you do it on your first try or a brick wall that makes it basically impossible to complete until you level up more.

The items, weapons, and spells are neat and all but some items are stupidly vastly over powered while others are borderline useless against some bosses. Some of the moves and combos bosses throw out are just literally un avoidable without extremely specific techniques or having specific items, that isnt difficult thats just unfair and uninteresting to fight. Overal the balance of the game is completely terrible, by far the worst in the series and makes the game feel more like a find out what the meta is simulator rather then a try to beat the game with skill thing.

TLDR: So basically. I have beaten darksouls 3 13 times, darksouls 2 4 times, darksouls 1 5 times, demon souls 1 time. I have not beaten eldenring nor do I have any real motivation or want to do so. The open world looks nice and is fairly fun to explore until you realise its all meaningless and there are basically no worthwhile rewards gameplay or story wise for your exploration, making exploring the map more driven by looking at pretty colors then actually having a gameplay driven reason to. The balance is horrible and makes boss fights into a un fun chore half the time where you either get completely rolled or you get it done on your first try, this is not helped by combos being overly long (with a few notable horrible examples). And finally to put a bow on it the story is uninteresting and fails to give me any sort of motivation to want to finish the game combined with the side quests being literally impossible to do and none of the characters being even vaguely interesting... Yeah not great. Overal 7/10, decent fun and definitely above average compared to most of the big budget games coming out as of late but a massive, massive, MASSIVE downgrade from darksouls 3. I will go beat Darksouls 3 probably another 10 times before I even consider giving this game a second run.
Опубликовано 28 февраля 2022 г.. Отредактировано 25 октября 2022 г..
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99.2 ч. всего (95.9 ч. в момент написания)
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6 years on and the AI is still dumber then a sack of bricks. And that's a insult to the intelligence of bricks. I thought maybe, just maybe the devs would put any effort into having the AI be vaguely competent at doing their one and only job of not killing themselves randomly and making decent attacks against you. But I guess I was wrong. They are more interested in adding more pointless content. Whats the point of dungeons and rpg elements and whatever else when the core game play sucks because your AI cant manage the task of swinging a sword at someone without falling over and stabbing them self on their own sword and your sword at the same time.

The AI will
-Run into you and attack past you completely missing you because they are basically hugging you
-Run away from you and completely miss because they moved out of range of their attacks for no reason
-Ignore your attack that is about to cut their head off so they can get a single cheap shot on you before dying
-Run directly onto your sword for literally no reason
-Trip over anything and everything
-Generally be completely incapable of anything even vaguely resembling fighting with a weapon.

What do the devs do to fix this? Well they make your weapons weigh about the same amount as a black hole and have the inertia of a sledge hammer when you try to rotate them at all. Seriously have you ever held a sword in your life? Nevermind that have you seen one ever? The absolute heaviest swords ever were at most 5lbs, if you cant swing 5lbs around at a decent speed you have noodle arms. Then again the swords in this game look about a inch thick and probably weigh 100lbs if not more so maybe it really is just being faithful to the horrible weapon models (Seriously there are WAY better models made for free by random dorks online how cant you manage to make a sword that doesn't look like some brain dead ♥♥♥♥ from 2009 WOW. This is a multi million dollar grossing game)

How hard is it to have a AI walk to a distance infront of you that makes sense for their weapon. Then stand in a stance that holds their weapon in your general direction, then have them make decent attacks against you and move their sword a bit to counter your attacks. Is this impossible? Get some self learning AI to make your combat decent if you really cant figure this out yourself.
Опубликовано 21 декабря 2021 г.. Отредактировано 19 февраля 2024 г..
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6.8 ч. всего (2.0 ч. в момент написания)
Buggy as ♥♥♥♥, But also fun as hell. Basically feels like cyberpunk on cocain, there are way too many buggy things in this game for me to even start listing them but somehow they dont really take away from the fun for the most part. 6/10, above average, but needs ALOT of refining before it really becomes something special. basically if you want to get it, just expect this to be early access and not a proper finished game

also. for the love of god INCREASE THE MAX FOV YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥. this is a movement based, fast paced game where you die in half a second if you stand still. 140 should be the max at the very least, 90 fov in this sort of game should be a war crime
Опубликовано 3 июня 2021 г.. Отредактировано 3 июня 2021 г..
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23.1 ч. всего
This game doesn't deserve the bad reviews it gets. Is it perfectly polished? No. But is it unplayably clunky? Also no. This game is a survival open world rpg, this is not a power fantasy game. Your character starts out as a random kid who gets thrown into something way bigger than them, you are not going to beat more then two enemies at once and you need to stay near home if you don't want to die of starvation or get ambushed in your sleep. You aren't a master fighter or a wizard, your attacks are slow and clunky, if you don't take off your backpack you roll like a truck, most enemies with two to three shot you. That's not saying the combat system is clunky and bad… Because that's how it's supposed to be. That isn't to say the game is impossibly hard, it's just you need to approach it in the right way. Run away from fights that are against your odds, use ranged weapons to weaken enemies before they reach you, stay well rested with enough supplies to keep you alive. Just play the game like you are a level 1 dnd character, a wolf is going to rip your throat out unless you are already good at souls like games. You won't become a proper adventurer until you are a good 10-15 hours in, but once you have proper gear and better perks you can then go and one shot those enemies who were one shotting you. And there is a tone of build variety, this is the closest to a true rpg you can get without going full kenshi and just not having a story. You have a bunch of different factions you can join, almost a hundred perks that each each have their own progression trees and can work well with different ones, hell the game even has multiple types of spell casters. Basically it's what skyrim leveling wanted to be.

So get this game if you want an immersive adventurer game. Not if you want a rpg power fantasy. Buy it if you are the type of person to enjoy small world details and exploring hidden locations, walking across big fields and planning your travels ahead of time, using landmarks to navigate and wearing heavy jackets if you don't want to freeze to death at night. Not if you like to fast travel everywhere and think eating in video games is stupid
Опубликовано 31 мая 2021 г.. Отредактировано 14 ноября 2021 г..
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11.1 ч. всего (7.7 ч. в момент написания)
I really like this game, it has far better feeling sword fighting then any other sword fighting game. it really feels great to parry and block attacks and because of that i find myself constantly going back to the training mode to fight the light zombies. and thats where the problem starts. the light zombies and medium armored zombies are fun to fight, you can kill the light zombies with a single well placed hit and same goes with the medium armored zombies, they actually support half swording so it even feels good when you guide a stab right into the face of someone wearing chain. but the heavy zombies and skeletons. ill start with the heavy zombies, they are flat out not fun to fight at all. they have exposed throats and eyeslits but for some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ reason and ill never understand why, there is INVISIBLE ARMOR OVER THE EXPOSED PLACES. why? WHY? this decision just makes it so frustrating to fight, because even if you half sword and stick your sword right into their eye it does nothing, just bounces off the helmet. the only way to beat them with a sword is to just stab the dam legs of the zombies, and somehow this is a good solution, ITS NOT, now you just need to crouch down and stab them in the legs over and over again. this is just made worse by the fact pommel strikes dont do anything, even though historically this is the way to counter armor, if i turn a sword around and bash someone over the head with the cross guard of a sword they should die. but no they just shrug it off. and the same goes with skeletons even though a good strike with a sword would just cut bone in half easily, the skeletons in this game are near immune to slashing attacks. and unlike the enemies that become basically invincible when they wear plate armor, you just get some damage resistance and attacks can still easily kill you. so if you are wearing full plate you cant just block a sword slash with your arm like you should be able to

please for the love of god just make it so you can kill enemies reasonably and realistically. you advertise "physically correct combat" and you deliver nothing like that.

now dont get me wrong, the sword fighting still feels great (when fighting light zombies), but this game could be so much more, all they need to do is make the AI better at attacking and blocking and make it so you can deal with armor. but for now if you buy this game just play the training mode against light zombies, its easily the best sword fighting you will find
Опубликовано 31 марта 2021 г..
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70.2 ч. всего (46.0 ч. в момент написания)
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For everyone leaving negative reviews complaining about no sex. It doesnt need sex because its better then sex like come on
Опубликовано 13 ноября 2020 г.. Отредактировано 10 марта 2022 г..
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5,407.1 ч. всего (5,212.7 ч. в момент написания)
What was promised in the road map:
Bonus research for veteran players

What has happened:
No bonus research, this is over schedule by half a year almost at this point. The amount of research bonus they are showing now is completely worthless and little more then a spit in the face of veteran players who just want to enjoy the game.

Any vaguely competent company would realize that incentivising veteran players to play your game more is a good idea. But gaijin thinks that because you tolerated the game enough to become a veteran player you wont leave. If there was any competition to warthunder everyone would vanish overnight.
Опубликовано 6 августа 2020 г.. Отредактировано 26 июля 2024 г..
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