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Recent reviews by Incarnation of Immortality

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0.0 hrs on record
Honestly, as someone who has a hard time using their hands; the Steam Controller is very Comfortable. Even if you have a high-Quality Keyboard & Mouse, you; the steam controller is still a great alternative.

10/10, Did buy again.
Posted 7 January, 2021.
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217.3 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
Those of you who never played "Saints Row 2" Just do it. I love all Saints Row games yes that includes 3 sadly. It's worth it's watt in gold trust me and for those who have trouble just starting up the game and for anyone really I'd recommend The "Gentleman of the Row" mod to go with this Out standing game here's the link to download this fantastic mod to go with a already spectacular game, You'll probably need GOTR mod to play it anyway just trust me I know so here it is.

Posted 12 November, 2015.
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207.0 hrs on record (35.3 hrs at review time)
It may Not be Cannon, but its still a great Game. Well thought Out. For those first time players A great game. They Improved Off of ARKHAM City by Adding Marshal Art Masters, Snipers ( I Know they were in arkham city But near the end.), And Bane Grunts. They Made the Arkham city DeadShot Missions look Lame. And adding Deathstroke was a Very Nice Touch, Although Defeating Deathstroke should have been more a of a challenge Considering that DeathStroke Killed the entire JusticeLeague at one Point in the comics, Also I like Joker.
Posted 22 May, 2015.
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