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Останні рецензії користувача Heuster101

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Показані результати 1–10 із 62
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
0.5 год. загалом
sucks ass
Додано 26 листопада 2023 р..
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Розробник відповів 4 груд. 2023 о 0:41 (прочитати відповідь)
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
0.5 год. загалом
Really frustratingly unfair RNG. Somehow I played this game for 12 hours instead of working today. Go figure.
Додано 23 листопада 2022 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
114.2 год. загалом
No problem so far, idk why everyone is complaining.
Додано 24 листопада 2021 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
0.3 год. загалом (0.3 год на момент рецензування)
Great fun for a small price. The player needs to find 23 things while he is hunted from enemies. Good to play but there are a few bugs when walking on stairs. The version without the uncut patch is very empty, so download it to spice the game up. Nice and easy-to-get achievements. I needed an hour playtime, then i understand the mechanics and could outrun the enemies and collect all things.
Додано 7 лютого 2021 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
1.1 год. загалом
Definitely been an improvement compared to the previous but still has really relatable dialogue, wholesomeness and sadness, You should totally check out I woke up next to you again, Missed Messages and YOU LEFT ME. if you haven't already. I've fallen in love with these games and I can't wait until Angela He presents with another masterpiece!
Додано 25 листопада 2020 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
0.7 год. загалом
What a satisfying game and nice sound music that gives off soothing and jazzy vibes. I would like more from this unique style of puzzle but I'm satisfied with what I gotten. A bizarre adventure but an interesting plot.
Додано 20 листопада 2020 р..
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0.4 год. загалом
Game is very good, exceed my expectation. The game remind me of Hotline Miami but FPS. The gameplay is very chaotic and fast-paced, with lot of flashing color and bloom (so you should not playing it continuously for a long time).
Додано 19 листопада 2020 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
0.2 год. загалом
Not bad for the price if you want the lewd content, you have to download the DLC, which is worth if you don't have a web browser.
Додано 15 листопада 2020 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
0.5 год. загалом
A bunch of hot waifus, for the price obviously the focus is on girls for which the art style while nothing new is still pretty good. There's not a lot of content here but what there is fun for a moment.
Додано 15 листопада 2020 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
20.0 год. загалом (20.0 год на момент рецензування)
As of writing this is the best taiwanese arpg. It doesn't cost as much as a AAA game.
The gameplay is simple yet engaging without being monotonous and repetitive. The story line is well paced and pays a lot of homage to its prequels. It is a total nostalgia bomb seeing all the eastern egg references peppered through the game.
A very under the radar game with fluid combat and different ways to kill enemies. I like this game a lot
Додано 31 жовтня 2020 р..
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Показані результати 1–10 із 62