Helakarian   Australia
10 Million Crows 2022年4月16日 6時33分 
Why am i awways being puwt in the fwiend zone. I'm a nice guwy, wowk a nice job, and wouwwd do anything fow m'wady. In the end these giwws awways go aftew douchebag guwys who tweat them wike ♥♥♥♥, and onwy tawk to me to cwy abouwt it. I'm sick of being considewed 'beta' ow whatevew u caww it.
10 Million Crows 2022年4月16日 6時32分 
Attention all women! OwO

attention all women! OwO gathew round! OwO i am done with you rejecting me! OwO

i have had it with you telling me to stop hitting on you! OwO you will no longew tell me to "put deoderant on" or "brush my teeth"! OwO

i have decided to go my own way! OwO i mean it! OwO i hereby swear off dating women!! OwO hahaha, now don't you feel foolish? UwU you could have had all of this! OwO
10 Million Crows 2022年4月16日 6時28分 
Non-incew women that awe against the fowced giwwfwiend waws wiww awso be convewted into "incew-awwies" by watching state-sponsowed pwopaganda videos that awe aww abouwt how sad incews awe and how muwch they need giwwfwiends. Thewe wiww awso be some chads, bwads and tywones that wiww not be convewted into incews becauwse the women who awe incews (femcews) wiww not have to be a fowced giwwfwiend. They wiww get a fwee boyfwiend. If the chosen chads, bwads and tywones awe against the waws, they wiww awso be fowced to watch pwopaganda videos abouwt sad femcews awe.
10 Million Crows 2022年4月16日 6時28分 
I am going to stawt a new pawty cawwed "incew revowuwtionawy pawty" ow "irp". Awmost aww women wiww be taken into concentwation camps and they get a handpicked incew boyfwiend. The uwgwiew the incew is, the bettew wooking the giww is. Incews that awe good wooking wiww onwy get the fattest and uwgwiest giwwfwiends. Non-incews (infidews) wiww be taken into convewsion camps and they wiww be fowced to eat juwnk food, game aww day, nevew go ouwtside, and nevew wowk ouwt. They wiww be convewted to incews.
10 Million Crows 2022年4月16日 6時26分 
hey, sorry i saw your profile and i just thought you looked cute in your picture. i really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why it's a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like
i'll be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirtring i swear im just trying to be friendly
10 Million Crows 2021年5月20日 22時48分 