Jaku Cfg
HΔkuna   Jamaica
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//Glows - Auras (02-12-2021)

"Supervivientes (Survivor) - Color morado"

cl_glow_survivor_r 0.2
cl_glow_survivor_g 0.2
cl_glow_survivor_b 1

"Infectado de agarre cogiendo al superviviente, Hunter,Jockey,Charger(Survivor) - Color celeste"

cl_glow_ability_b 1

cl_glow_ability_r 0.2

cl_glow_ability_g 1

"Superviviente Incapacitado o cogido por infectado (Survivor) - Color Rosa"

cl_glow_survivor_hurt_r 1

cl_glow_survivor_hurt_g 0.2

cl_glow_survivor_hurt_b 0.2

"Objetos de cerca(survivor) - color Azul"

cl_glow_item_b 1

cl_glow_item_g 0

cl_glow_item_r 0

"Objetos de Distancia(survivor) - Color Purpura"

cl_glow_item_far_b 1

cl_glow_item_far_g 0

cl_glow_item_far_r 1

"Superviviente vomitado (Survivor) - color verde tono claro"

cl_glow_survivor_vomit_r 0

cl_glow_survivor_vomit_g 1

cl_glow_survivor_vomit_b 0.5

"Superviviente vomitado e Infectado (Infected - Survivor) - color Aguamarina"

cl_glow_infected_vomit_r 0.2

cl_glow_infected_vomit_g 1

cl_glow_infected_vomit_b 0.5

"Infectado regenerado (Infected) - color azul fuerte"

cl_glow_infected_g 0.4

cl_glow_infected_b 1

cl_glow_infected_r 0

"Infectado fantasma (Infected) - Color Blanco con tono verde"

cl_glow_ghost_infected_b 1

cl_glow_ghost_infected_g 1

cl_glow_ghost_infected_r 0.4

"Superviviente con salud Alta (Infected) - color Verde claro"

cl_glow_survivor_health_high_g 1

cl_glow_survivor_health_high_b 0.2

cl_glow_survivor_health_high_r 0.2

"Superviviente con salud Media (Infected) - color Verde Limon"

cl_glow_survivor_health_med_g 1

cl_glow_survivor_health_med_r 0.4

"Superviviente con salud baja(Infected) - color Naranja"

cl_glow_survivor_health_low_b 0

cl_glow_survivor_health_low_r 1

cl_glow_survivor_health_low_g 0.2

"Superviviente con salud Critica(Infected) - Color Rosado"

cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_b 1

cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_g 0.2

cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_r 1

"Objetos de Tank(Infected) y Objetos estando en blanco y negro(Survivor) - color violeta"

cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_r 0.2

cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_g 0

cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_b 1

"Glow Witch Normal (Infected) - Color Amarillo"

cl_witch_glow_idle_b 0

cl_witch_glow_idle_g 1

cl_witch_glow_idle_r 1

"Glow witch asustada (Infected) - Color Violeta

cl_witch_glow_angry_b 1

cl_witch_glow_angry_g 0.2

cl_witch_glow_angry_r 0

"Parpadeo cuando desangra(Infected)"

cl_glow_survivor_health_bleed_pulse 1

cl_glow_survivor_health_bleed_pulse_amount 1

cl_glow_survivor_health_bleed_pulse_speed 25

cl_glow_survivor_health_include_buffer 1
12 1
My Autoexec L4d and L4d2
Mis Glows están en la Descripción de mi Perfil
Última Modificación : 17 de Junio

//Commands - Comandos de consola y mensajes bindeados

bind "F3""record 1;stop;c_thirdpersonshoulder 0"

bind "g" "say_team Go Go"

bind "j" "say_team !tank tank"

bind "i" "say_team #Back #Atras"

bind "h" "say_team Yo voy Primero (I go first)"

bind "l" "say_team No se junten (don't get together)"

bind "k" "say_team Help Me (Ayuda)"

bind "7" "say_team cubrir respawn / Kill Commons"

bind "p" "say_team !ready"

bind "8" "say_team Witch Witch!"

bind "o" "say_team Tengan Cuidado (careful)"

bind "0" "say_team Esperen (wait)"

bind "9" "say_team Hit / Push"

Bind "-" "say_team Por aqui (Here)"

bind "." "say_team Ultima vida (last life)"

bind "," "say_team Todos juntos (together)"

bind "F4" "say_team Que pierda vision / Loss"

bind "F5" "say_team Pocas Balas / No Ammo"

bind "F6" "say_team !unready"

bind "F7" "say_team !pause"




bind "q" "lastinv"

bind "v" "+left"

bind "b" "+right"

cl_crosshair_dynamic 0

cl_crosshair_thickness 3

sv_consistency 0

sv_pure 0

sb_all_bot_game 1

cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80

cl_showpos 1

cl_showfps 1

net_graph 1

net_graphpos 1

sv_cheats 1

mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled 1
net_graphproportionalfont 1

net_graphheight 120

// Fast Melee

alias "+fastmelee" "slot2;+attack;"
alias "-fastmelee" "-attack; slot1;"
bind "1" "+fastmelee"


alias +spin "m_yaw 1.99"
alias -spin "m_yaw 0.022"
bind "2" "+spin;ModoON"

//Mira color Celeste - Look light blue Color

cl_crosshair_red 0
cl_crosshair_blue 225
cl_crosshair_green 225

//Lerps (0 ms)

rate "100000"
cl_cmdrate "1337"
cl_updaterate "1337"
cl_interp_ratio "0"
cl_interp "0"
cl_resend "1.5"
cl_timeout "15"
net_maxroutable "1200"
net_splitrate "2"
net_splitpacket_maxrate "50000"
net_graphshowlatency "0"
budget_show_history "0"

//Subir y bajar volumen

bind "UPARROW" "vgup;Volumen"
bind "DOWNARROW" "vgdn;Volumen"
alias "vgup" "vg1"
alias "vgdn" "vg1"
alias "vgmin" "volume 0;echo |XX_________| Volumen 0% Muteado!;alias vgup vg1;alias vgdn vgmin"
alias "vg1" "volume 0.1;echo |___*_______| Volumen 10%;alias vgup vg2;alias vgdn vgmin"
alias "vg2" "volume 0.2;echo |____*______| Volumen 20%;alias vgup vg4;alias vgdn vg1"
alias "vg4" "volume 0.4;echo |_____*_____| Volumen 40%;alias vgup vg6;alias vgdn vg2"
alias "vg6" "volume 0.6;echo |______*____| Volumen 60%;alias vgup vg7;alias vgdn vg4"
alias "vg7" "volume 0.7;echo |_______*___| Volumen 70%;alias vgup vg8;alias vgdn vg6"
alias "vg8" "volume 0.8;echo |________*__| Volumen 80%;alias vgup vg9;alias vgdn vg7"
alias "vg9" "volume 0.9;echo |_________*_| Volumen 90%;alias vgup vg10;alias vgdn vg8"
alias "vg10" "volume 1;echo |__________*| Volumen 100% Maximo!;alias vgup vg2;alias vgdn vg9"

//Bind Fast and slow camera - Bind Camara rapida y Lenta

bind "n" "toggle host_timescale 0.1 1"
bind "CAPSLOCK" "toggle host_timescale 2.00 1"

//Bindear net_graph

bind "TAB" "+showscores_custom";
alias "+showscores_custom" "+showscores;net_graph 4";
alias "-showscores_custom" "-showscores;net_graph 0";

//Thirdperson (Campaing) - Tercera Persona (Campaña)

bind "F8" "thirdpersonshoulder; togglezoom"; //# thirdpersonshoulder toggle bind (remove "togglezoom" to disable the mousewheel zoom feature)
alias "defaultzoom" "zoom.40"; //# default zoom distance for thirdpersonshoulder mousewheel zoom (change zoom.## to any multiple of 5 between 30 and 200)

// #############################
// thirdpersonshoulder fix & zooming
// #############################

c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset 0;
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist 720;
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight 10;
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist 40;
cam_ideallag 0;
cam_idealdelta 4;
cam_idealpitch 0;
cam_idealyaw 0;

alias togglezoom.off "alias up invprev; alias down invnext; alias togglezoom togglezoom.on; echo [l4d_ca: thirdpersonshoulder mode off ]";
alias togglezoom.on "alias up zoom.in; alias down zoom.out; up; down; alias togglezoom togglezoom.off; echo [l4d_ca: thirdpersonshoulder mode on ]";

alias zoom.25 "cam_idealdist 30; alias zoom.in zoom.30; alias zoom.out zoom.30";
alias zoom.30 "cam_idealdist 30; alias zoom.in zoom.25; alias zoom.out zoom.35";
alias zoom.35 "cam_idealdist 35; alias zoom.in zoom.30; alias zoom.out zoom.40";
alias zoom.40 "cam_idealdist 40; alias zoom.in zoom.35; alias zoom.out zoom.45";
alias zoom.45 "cam_idealdist 45; alias zoom.in zoom.40; alias zoom.out zoom.50";
alias zoom.50 "cam_idealdist 50; alias zoom.in zoom.45; alias zoom.out zoom.55";
alias zoom.55 "cam_idealdist 55; alias zoom.in zoom.50; alias zoom.out zoom.60";
alias zoom.60 "cam_idealdist 60; alias zoom.in zoom.55; alias zoom.out zoom.65";
alias zoom.65 "cam_idealdist 65; alias zoom.in zoom.60; alias zoom.out zoom.70";
alias zoom.70 "cam_idealdist 70; alias zoom.in zoom.65; alias zoom.out zoom.75";
alias zoom.75 "cam_idealdist 75; alias zoom.in zoom.70; alias zoom.out zoom.80";
alias zoom.80 "cam_idealdist 80; alias zoom.in zoom.75; alias zoom.out zoom.85";
alias zoom.85 "cam_idealdist 85; alias zoom.in zoom.80; alias zoom.out zoom.90";
alias zoom.90 "cam_idealdist 90; alias zoom.in zoom.85; alias zoom.out zoom.95";
alias zoom.95 "cam_idealdist 95; alias zoom.in zoom.90; alias zoom.out zoom.100";
alias zoom.100 "cam_idealdist 100; alias zoom.in zoom.95; alias zoom.out zoom.105";
alias zoom.105 "cam_idealdist 105; alias zoom.in zoom.100; alias zoom.out zoom.110";
alias zoom.110 "cam_idealdist 110; alias zoom.in zoom.105; alias zoom.out zoom.115";
alias zoom.115 "cam_idealdist 115; alias zoom.in zoom.110; alias zoom.out zoom.120";
alias zoom.120 "cam_idealdist 120; alias zoom.in zoom.115; alias zoom.out zoom.125";
alias zoom.125 "cam_idealdist 125; alias zoom.in zoom.120; alias zoom.out zoom.130";
alias zoom.130 "cam_idealdist 130; alias zoom.in zoom.125; alias zoom.out zoom.135";
alias zoom.135 "cam_idealdist 135; alias zoom.in zoom.130; alias zoom.out zoom.140";
alias zoom.140 "cam_idealdist 140; alias zoom.in zoom.135; alias zoom.out zoom.145";
alias zoom.145 "cam_idealdist 145; alias zoom.in zoom.140; alias zoom.out zoom.150";
alias zoom.150 "cam_idealdist 150; alias zoom.in zoom.145; alias zoom.out zoom.155";
alias zoom.155 "cam_idealdist 155; alias zoom.in zoom.150; alias zoom.out zoom.160";
alias zoom.160 "cam_idealdist 160; alias zoom.in zoom.155; alias zoom.out zoom.165";
alias zoom.165 "cam_idealdist 165; alias zoom.in zoom.160; alias zoom.out zoom.170";
alias zoom.170 "cam_idealdist 170; alias zoom.in zoom.165; alias zoom.out zoom.175";
alias zoom.175 "cam_idealdist 175; alias zoom.in zoom.170; alias zoom.out zoom.180";
alias zoom.180 "cam_idealdist 180; alias zoom.in zoom.175; alias zoom.out zoom.185";
alias zoom.185 "cam_idealdist 185; alias zoom.in zoom.180; alias zoom.out zoom.190";
alias zoom.190 "cam_idealdist 190; alias zoom.in zoom.185; alias zoom.out zoom.195";
alias zoom.195 "cam_idealdist 195; alias zoom.in zoom.190; alias zoom.out zoom.200";
alias zoom.200 "cam_idealdist 200; alias zoom.in zoom.195; alias zoom.out zoom.205";
alias zoom.205 "cam_idealdist 200; alias zoom.in zoom.200; alias zoom.out zoom.200";

togglezoom.off; c_thirdpersonshoulder 0;

//toggles through 3rd person,Resident Evil,Normal
bind f8 viewthird
alias viewthird "thirdpersonshoulder;cam_idealdist 100;cam_idealyaw 0;c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist 140;c_third
La magia de los plugins xd
10 1 1
Legutóbbi aktivitás
5 203 óra a nyilvántartásban
Legutóbb játszva: jan. 20.
67 óra a nyilvántartásban
Legutóbb játszva: jan. 19.
31 óra a nyilvántartásban
Legutóbb játszva: jan. 18.
L'z jan. 17., 15:19 
que fue jakuna matata
Trunten 2024. dec. 31., 19:46 
also, to clarify for you, a bit of random fun facts and development trivia of it:
we didn't have Last Stand in it because it wasn't available/ported at the time
there was only the original survival lighthouse map from the first Left 4 Dead
thoughts and opinions were mixed about Dam It since technically it wasn't Valve's work
we weren't even sure about Cold Stream either because that wasn't originally Valve
we wanted to keep the theme and original idea remaining Valve's original stock maps
if i remember correctly, you'd see the maps of the first Left 4 Dead came directly from it
Trunten 2024. dec. 31., 19:39 
hey mate, no worries, and i truly apologize for the scare and inconvenience
it was not personal against you at all, i'm just looking out for the community
this is not the first time someone has tried modifying and redistributing our work
you are still welcome to help my team if you wish, as I'm curious about your version
but it would be in the best interests to have you work together with the other developers
really, we're just trying to prevent confusion and conflicts with multiple versions of it
other users and even server admins would be confused seeing more than one version
Trunten 2024. dec. 31., 15:46 
if you wanted to help finish my project, why didn't you just ask first?
all you had to do was offer your feedback on the original item
you could've also left comments on my profile or my associate's profile
Fugaz 2024. dec. 30., 20:47 
( ( `´︶´¯`︶´`´︶︶´*★  ^v^  ┊❅  °☆ .   ☆ :. ☆   
  ) )  ⦅‖ ͇͇ ͇͇▃▇͇͇͌̿̿⌂͇͇▌..* ★  ☆ .   ★ ^v^  ° ❅  ☆ .   ★ ^v^  ° 
__̅̏̏̏̏̋̋̏̏▅̅̏̏̏̋̏_ ╱◥███████╲ ˆ...^v^ ˆˆ︵.︵...^v^︵¸ ❅  ° ╱◥◣  ☆ . * ★ * 
╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓∩║ ★ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  ★ │∩ │◥███◣ ╱◥███◣
│╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║╲◥███╲ ★  ★  2025!  ★ ╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓│∩
││∩│ ▓ ║∏ 田║▓ 田田 ▓ ∩║ ii--ii--ii ⏃☃⏃ ii--ii--ii--ii │╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║◥█▓ ▓█
144p 2024. dec. 16., 22:11 