
Groken の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:17.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:16.2時間)
I fairly enjoyed this game.
The way spell works is a fun thing although some things take time to figure out how to do.
I only fell out of the world because of a glitch once in this game but I didn't get any penalty from it.
You also in some places were able to make some enemies fall through the ground because of their animations and other enemies collisions' box.
But I was never soft locked in this game unlike other games.
it could still be improved on.
The start seemed kind of slow and the last half of the game was very fast.
I like the look and feel of the world and the characters.
the controls (Xbox controller) felt nice to use. The only place where the controls could be a bit weird to use was in the spell building sections but you get used to it.
The puzzles also seem very fun but some you can be solve easier than what was expected.
投稿日 2020年2月12日.
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This is a really beautiful open world game.
I had a little trouble in the star my deafault setting made it so the game was mostly black and white but that was easily fixed in the video setting meny.
A good storyline.
There is NO voiceover so you will have to read everything thay say or skip it if you don't want the story you will stil be able to play the game just fine with the quest log.
Got a interresting setting you can set up so you drop all your items if you die but you can pick them up right after you respan but if you die again before you pick them up then thay are gone for good. (Just like in dark souls.) and you can change this setting through out the game.
You can also change the enemy difficulty as you like.
I enjoyed the game.
投稿日 2016年12月10日.
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