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投稿日: 2022年3月15日 10時17分

I still own my copy of this game on the original Xbox, but playing on PC is much more convenient. This is, in my opinion, easily one of the greatest Star Wars games of all time, it's sequel right up there with it as well, and one of the greatest and most influential RPG's of its generation. With the announcement of the KotOR remake, nothing felt more natural than firing up this classic and going on huge nostalgia trip in anticipation of the remake. I remember growing up and playing this game dozens of times, doing everything I could in many different combinations and possibilities, no matter how exhaustive it seemed. Now, this is for sure a classic, but it does take some work to get going on current hardware, as it is known for crashes and its small resolution. There are fixes out there, and this game definitely is worth the effort, so if you're on the fence about trying this game out, give it a go, you won't regret it.
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