Au, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland

-d3d9ex -w 1280 -h 960

unbind SPACE
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"
unbind k
bind "MOUSE4" "+voicerecord"
bind "space" "+jump;-attack;-attack2;-jump"
bind c r_cleardecals


rate 128000; cl_cmdrate 128; cl_updaterate 128

viewmodel_presetpos 0;
viewmodel_offset_x 2.5;
viewmodel_offset_y 2;
viewmodel_offset_z -2;
viewmodel_fov 68;
cl_usenewbob 0

alias "+jumpaction" "+jump;"
alias "+throwaction" "-attack; -attack2"
alias "-jumpaction" "-jump"
bind alt "+jumpaction;+throwaction;"

alias "+runthrow" "+forward;+jump;"
alias "-runthrow" "-jump;-forward"
bind q "+runthrow;+throwaction"
blxxdevil 4 gen, ore 5:39 
pr00ff 30 dic 2024, ore 12:31 
GET_HACKT ✘ ✘ ✘ 30 dic 2024, ore 12:07 
-rep hacking wannabe
Mothris 29 dic 2024, ore 8:26 
good profile, sharpshooter
爪#尺₭₭₭₭₭₭ 30 nov 2024, ore 9:45 
+rep good ladyboy
fkn 8 nov 2024, ore 11:16 
-rep cheater with aimbot and wallhack