Unregistered Criminal

5:43 PM - Front Line Bait: why wont you be her
5:44 PM - skeptic: just sucking ♥♥♥♥, the usual
6:55 PM - Front Line Bait: http://fat.gfycat.com/WellgroomedAstonishingAmethystsunbird.webm is this yo
6:56 PM - Front Line Bait: wait wrong link, meant this http://i.imgur.com/zfcD9Vp.gifv
6:56 PM - skeptic: that is hilarious

2:00 AM - Front Line Bait: lol these new hats look hilarious
2:01 AM - skeptic: oh yeah
2:01 AM - skeptic: htey look really dumb
2:01 AM - skeptic: i bought one
11:46 PM - skeptic: im going to make an aids master
11:46 PM - Front Line Bait: lol what
11:46 PM - skeptic: chaos stuff
11:46 PM - skeptic: give them ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ aids
6:29 PM - Front Line Bait: we're pregaming mu's team
6:29 PM - skeptic: im playing heavy

5:41 AM - Front Line Bait: does this [build] make you feel dirty
5:41 AM - skeptic: YA
5:41 AM - Front Line Bait: do you hate me for it
5:41 AM - skeptic: YA
5:42 AM - Front Line Bait: how would you describe this build
5:42 AM - skeptic: ♥♥♥♥ INCARNATE

6:12 AM - Cats plus Stacks: oro flicker next leauge
6:13 AM - Front Line Bait: specs goes to hospital next league
6:13 AM - Cats plus Stacks: it'll be great


Son, not gabba now 13. März 2018 um 3:29 
why did you take all of my limb splits
Erectophobia 6. Jan. 2017 um 17:32 
I'm looking for a gold scout backup for my ugc 6s team if you're interested. I saw you in tf2center and your 200 DPM scout seemed pretty decent fit for us. Hit me up so I can give you a tryout.
MaD DucK 23. Nov. 2016 um 6:51 
Erectophobia 26. Okt. 2016 um 3:42 
I sexually Identify as a Medic Main. Ever since I was a girl I dreamed of running aorund the map giving out buffs to other classes. People say to me that a person being a Medic Main is impossible and I'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ scrub but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install Mediguns, Crusader's Crossbows and Archimedes on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "MEDIC" and respect my right to bait my team and complain needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a mediphobe and need to check your pick class privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.