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Додано: 26 трав. 2021 о 19:48

Actively makes the game worse.

For the sake of those who might be looking into Stellaris now....

You used to get Building slots based upon your population and your alloys and consumer goods came from buildings.

Now they are based on your city districts, and your alloys and consumer goods come from districts.... But they didn't change the special resources, like crystals, which are still buildings.

Oh, right, and when you establish communications with a nation, apparently where their borders are is their state secret... no, they won't tell you where their borders are. You would think that star nations would meet and say "Hey, this is my territory, okay? and here is a map of how far it extends."... Well, Stellaris is different. you have to use spies to figure out how big a country is from nebula to shining nebula.
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