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Recent reviews by Fett Olehart

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8 people found this review helpful
5.1 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
*Review / Testing Copy was recieved for free.

Armed and Gelatinous is a rather strange title once you take a step back and think about it. Not because of its art style, game mechanics, or any other in-game reason. Nope, its simply because of its chosen genre / target market.

Think about it, its a couch CO-OP game. When was the last time you played one of those? A good bet for many it would've been Halo 2 on the Original Xbox.

Now those were the days, sitting on the couch next to your friends, blasting each other in the face than playfully getting jabbed in the rib by one of your friends while he jokingly called you a cheater.

Unfortunately that kind of fun quickly and unfortunately fell by the wayside with game developers deciding it was no longer important or even wanted anymore by players in favor of each person having one big screen and playing with total strangers on the internet.

Now, to be said the developers of AnG have decided to implement an online game mode so you can just do that. I however would recommend that you instead sit down with your friends or at least play online with your IRL friends / LAN party goers.

AnG is a game that just feels great to play, much like Halo 2 did. It dosen't have the scope of Halo's maps and your not running around as a 2 legged spartan shooting each other. But i think thats a great thing, why copy one of the most memorable games of that type when you can do something better and original?

Instead each player (4 total) controls a Jelly-like blob in space of a different color in a 2D play space. The goal being to grab as many weapons as you can, which causes you to get bigger (and slower! so be careful!) and than ruthlessly fire at your friends enemies. Be aware though that the gun only fires in the direction its facing once its attached to you so be a bit tactical on which part of your blob you grab it with! In a pinch (or if someone is foolish enough to get close enough) you can dash right into their face killing / absorbing them and granting you the opportunity to grab their guns!

The end goal of course is to be the last and best blob standing, it can get pretty fast paced and intense. Especially if your sitting there with some friends when you manage to at the last possible seconds to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat while jumping up with a shout of "HAH!".

There are a few other game modes planned that i am personally looking forward to, but this is definitely one title i heartily reccomend for anyone whose looking for something refreshing to play.

So if your tired of the monotony that seems to be the games industry these days, grab a copy of AnG, grab some controllers, grab some buddies enemies, and strike your friends enemies down for the ultimate bragging rights. (Do keep an eye out for those elbows though, or your ribs might become sore)
Posted 13 March, 2018. Last edited 13 March, 2018.
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96.0 hrs on record (28.6 hrs at review time)
A classic given a fresh breath of air that it desperately needed. I used to have to spend hours doing various tricks to get my old Age of Empires 2 cd's to run on multiple computers in order to LAN nights with my family and friends, but with this new revision its as simple as a couple of clicks.

They have reworked the game in subtle ways that im very thankful for, they have not gone and done too much, but just the right touch, if you get sick of the "old school look" as some people critize it for you can simply go to the workshop and download one of many fantastic HD graphic packs. I personally use one myself that makes the game look absolutely B-E-A-UTIFUL!.

I have also not experienced any issues with the multiplayer component as i have noticed some people complain about, i think its more of a need to have a good connection than a fault of the game as me and none of my family or friends have had any noticable issues, i have only had one time where the game disconnected and i later found out that it was due to my ISP somehow managing to screw something up.

Also, if your not a fan of multiplayer, you can play the campaign, its masterfully done, very enjoyable, and will show you what a RTS campaign should be.

So, If your looking to enjoy a classic RTS, than look no further. This game is a classic and very enjoyable.
Posted 3 April, 2015. Last edited 3 April, 2015.
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