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1.0 hrs on record
Looks very cool but the game it's EXTREMELY merciless for new players.

Even people that should be on my same newcomer level are full of high end cards and just combo their full deck on the board on turn 1.

The matter of fact is that the game on the whole has become too complex.

Too many new gimmicks, effects and cards to remember and the gameplay result is very unbalanced.

I always loved to play and watch Yugioh ( up until 5d's) but right now, the prospect of burying myself in tutorials to catch up on all the new mechanics and farming for cards for a week straight so just i can have a smidge of a chance against the lowest , both, Ranked and casual player that has manifested all the strongest/best cards through the P2w shop doesn't really sound like fun to me.
Posted 5 March.
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10.0 hrs on record
[Played on Hard mode].

Interesting story, tense/scary atmosphere and gameplay, great soundtrack and sound design, voice acting and graphics.

Silkworm/Moth themed (i love em')

Also has plenty of bonus side content in the form of free unlockables ( as the gaming gods originally intended) you can easily get after your first playthrough (plenty of Kaiko cosmetics, 2 optional endings and 2 sound effects for chase and roaming) granting some decent/fun replayability.

Definitely recommended.
Posted 4 December, 2024.
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3.4 hrs on record
I wold have liked to recommend this game but i can't as in the end i felt disappointed.

Part of said disappointment is probably due to the main Gimmick of constant
"Resetting" which completely kills any attachment to the characters, tension or fear of consequences.

On the" Psychological/Horror" matter, despite the contents of the game, at no point i ever felt either scared for either myself nor for the characters.

SInce i feel it very hard to explain why i felt that way about Slay the Princess, i would like to give you an example by comparison using another Horror VN i've played and enjoyed in the past called "The Letter".

During my playthrough of the Letter i felt constantly intrigued by both the well written development of both the characters and the plot, the game as an excellent sound design and art direction that makes it very easy for the game to manipulate your emotions, Happy, sad, scared, glad, are emotions that get constantly swapped between each others while you're playing, the writing is really good and the atmosphere is great thanks to a combination of Sound design, good writing and Voice acting.

It's a game that really knows how to manipulate your mood and state of mind, ups and downs happy and terrified are very important contrasting elements for any Horror/Psychological/Thriller/Mystery story.

Thanks to this, even if i ended up only finishing one route for this game i actually felt satisfied ( in the moment, despite it being a bad ending) and Hyped about replaying for other endings and routes in the future.

Unfortunately, i couldn't feel the same way about Slay the Princess, the game is definitely not bad, but it felt kind of disappointing for me, i ultimately really didn't get anything i wanted/expected from this experience, no Tension, Horror, no attachment to any characters and i wasn't blown away by the atmosphere,VA, soundtrack, plot or characters.

I'm definitely conflicted while writing this review cause i can definitely see the people that made this put their love into their creation, but at the same time i cannot ignore my own feelings and hide how i actually felt about the game in the end, unfulfilled/disappointed.

Tl;dr: An interesting albeit ultimately unfulfilling/disappointing experience, not really what i was expecting.

If you are still really curious about the game, i would advise you'd give it a shot once it goes as low as 5 euros ( on sale)
Posted 4 December, 2024. Last edited 4 December, 2024.
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10.6 hrs on record
Might have been "Too Horny" to become mainstream-famous whenever the game originally came out on console, but in today's Modern Hypersensitive, all-censoring climate it absolutely felt like a breath of fresh air.
Posted 27 November, 2024. Last edited 27 November, 2024.
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291.9 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
The matchmaking in this game is pure CBT.

After " Winning too much" the system is set up to feed you unfavourable matches in an automated and well intended effort to keep you on a looping rollercoaster so you're forced to grind on a 50/50 win rate for the sake of inflating the playerbase count ( if you reach your desired rank you're more likely to stop playing) and it's a proven fact that alot of players that WANT to like the game and are put in this frustrating position are more likely to buy Battle passes and skins in an effort not to quit the game.

Blizzard most likely hired a professional team of unscrupulous Psychologist to come up with these predatory business tactics ( that do work btw) to suck every last penny out of their own plòayerbase..

I'm sure the Overwatch 2 team was summoned from the depths of hell by Bobby and it shows.
Posted 10 August, 2023. Last edited 22 November, 2023.
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6.8 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
Remember when you were little kid and you were forced to travel for hours so would put on your earphones, look outside your parent's car window and imagine a character running on the side of the road dodging and slashing through all the obstacles in their way in time with the beat?
Posted 13 July, 2023. Last edited 13 July, 2023.
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19.6 hrs on record
It's a pretty good "Horror" ( the game it's written as horror but it's overall ends up more beautiful than scary) VN, the characters are nice, the artstyle is really good, the story, soundtrack and puzzles are good and i'd would honestly love if they'd gave it an anime adaptation... then why i still ended up not recommending this game?

One simple reason, Greed.

Aside from the fact that the game is absurdly overpriced if compared to other more effort intensive made games, i've noticed that the game was probably split into 2 different games just for the sake of more money.

Why am i thinking/saying this?

Very simple, after finishing the Red Riding Hood chapter the game ends abruptly with no resolution, it kind of feels like they planned to sell all the missing spirit chapters as DLCs, which would already have been an extremely,scummy move considering the already exorbitant pricing on the main game, but they apparently decided to scrap this idea and make a whole another game to make EVEN MORE money by releasing Spirit Hunter NG instead.

But why am i so sure this is the case? well, 2 simple facts point to this being the case:

-The fact that the game abruptly ends halfway through leaving you with a sense of unfulfillment.

- After the Sixth spirit the game still has 6 more open spaces in your Spirit Archive, clearly suggesting that they indeed planned to finish this game either though paid DLC or free updates, but late in developement they most likely decided not deliver on that and make another game using those missing ghosts as material to make more money instead.

In every single game i've ever played since i've been alive, completion has meant that no free spaces can be left open.

The only occurrence of this making sense would be if they'd planned to upldate the game through paid dlc or updates ( which is not the case)

Leaving 6 spaces "mysteriously" open and releasing a new game ( ironically called: NG) that accidentally happens to offer six more ghosts is nothing but suspicious.

Tl;dr: They Split the game in 2 separate games instead of finishing Death Mark ( as they should have) to make more money despite already making the main game absurdly overpriced, even if i bought this game on a 60% sale, and i enjoyed most of the experience but i just cannot support this kind of marketing behavior, therefore i've decided not to buy the Ng " Sequel".

If you still feel like purchasing the game despite this ,then i advise you to definitely wait for a generous sale, the game is well done, but it's truly a shame that it's unfinished and grossly overpriced.
Posted 13 July, 2023. Last edited 14 July, 2023.
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3.9 hrs on record
Very interesting Design/themes, but the game it's completely unplayable, stutters randomly, there are tons of misplaced invisible walls that Alice can get stuck on floating, the game often stutters and crashes all together for no apparent reason other than due to the fact of it being a really crappy Pc port, the game has no achievements, card or badges.

It's really a shame, The design of the world and characters would absolutely have won me over, but actually playing the game in these conditions completely turned off any enjoyment i could have with this.

It's even more of a shame that i had to wait years to be able to play this and it had to turn out this way too.

There are mods to fix these technical problems, but they require you to crack the game, having to go on that route just to be able to even play a legally bought game ( plus taking a risk by downloading and applying a crack from a random website or potentially risk steam's wrath) it's just nonsense.

The game is also really short, so i'd just watch a gameplay of it if i were you, save your money for something else that's actually playable and properly optimized for the platform.

The true Madness i experienced here is trying to run the game smoothly.

Not only getting forcefully removed from immersion every 10 or so minutes due to crappy technical game design or faulty porting is just a terrible experience, but it's even more discouraging if you consider that the game autosaves after certain checkpoints, so it's very likely for the game to crash right while you're at the end of a lengthy platforming section or in the middle of the action.

TL;DR The original game might have been good, but this is just a Horrible port, too many hoops to jump through to even make the game decently playable, Refounded.
Posted 27 March, 2022. Last edited 29 March, 2022.
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646.7 hrs on record (569.5 hrs at review time)
This review was a long time coming from me, i kept postponing cause i was fairly immersed into the game and i also wanted to be sure to have enough ground/time to properly express my feelings/opinions on it.

So, here we go:


❤️ Very atmospheric

❤️ Has A cool cast of interesting/diverse original characters ( npcs & bosses) and even some interesting mechanics tied to some of their questlines.

❤️ Beautiful music/ambiance

❤️Quite the array of memorable/original boss design ( although it has a a couple of lazy recolors in the dlcs)

❤️ Nice Va

❤️ Best and interesting selection of cool armor sets in the DS Saga, (thematic diversity is key)

❤️ Tons of Build Variety

❤️ Has tons of Replayability

❤️ Lots of cool/different kind of weapons and has the best pyromancies in the saga ( Gotta love Warmth )

❤️ Best Pvp in the saga, still fairly active to this day ( although check cons) you can make work alot of different builds/combinations.

❤️ Does not Shy from trying being different/innovative, It has some DS 1 fanservice but it does not feel too overbearing ( it's not a fanservice fiesta like DS3) sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but it's indeed a breath of fresh air from the usual formula.

❤️Experiments alot with covenants and has alot of cool mechanics.

❤️ Amazing Lore/Silent Storytelling tries to actually explain curse/reconnect to DS1 while also trying to put its own spin on it without fanservicing too much ( Dark souls 3) but at the same time, it shows that it's still quite mindful of the source material and, here and there, tries also to pay homage to it, opening alot of new possibilities to this entry in the series while also not tarnishing it's predecessor's glory.

❤️ Graphically and spacially limited ( compared to Ds1 and DS3 not everything is thightly connected and some zones/ backgrounds are loaded in separatedly, some vistas in the distance might also be "pre rendered" cardboards) but, still manages to have your classic Shorcut p0rn the DS saga is famous for and it still looks pretty ( graphically) good to this day.

❤️ I have the most hours played in this than all of the other games of the series (combined) and i'm still playing it to this day.


💔 In 2020 Pvp is still quite fun & alive but Arenas ( like Blood & Blues) are plagued by hackers which furtherly lowers in-world invasions ( this happens due to the absence of cracked red eyes due to them being heavily tied to the Blood covenant arena, ofc there are other ways to "manually" farm these effectively, but most players that want to just " jump in and have fun" will end up neglecting these methods completely and won't make the effort, i do not blame them btw) though, it has to be said that this anomaly actually pushed people to play all the other pvp covenants more than it originally happened in the game's glory days ( Bell Tower and Rat covenant are mostly clean from hackers, you get chunks early to upgrade your weapons to +10 and tails and other cool rewards + you are summoned for free, so you can just jump in and have fun without having to manually farm orbs from mobs), still, this is just a player adjustment in an effort to avoid the hacker plague that's ruining pvp, before it was a less of a problem cause there was just more people playing so hackers where like an occasional teardrop in a sea of good normal players, but since playerbase has shrank from the game's release, now it has become and actual issue, Arenas Like the bloods are completely unplayable due to hackers, which is sad cause if you need stuff like an early chaos fireball pyromancy or Wotg in your first playthough ( since they both require a lot of Arena wins/mileage) thanks to hackers, they became quite hard/impossible to get now.

💔 it has some texture clipping here and there, but it's not as frequent as you'd imagine.

💔 Although it has some epic bosses and arena designs ( Looking Glass knight, Sir Alonne, Fume Knight for example) some of the dlcs ones are just shameless unfun buffed recolors ( Silver Ornstein, Blue Smelter, Lud & Zallen are some examples)

💔 The Sotfs upgrade actually messed up some cool textures in the game for example, they somehow ruined Ornifex's amazing ass ( probably due to poor texture scaling) and they sneakly added a blur to the binoculars so, hopefully you won't be able to notice, they also patched the air walking bug so you can't take a peek to Nashandra's nethers anymore.

Final Consideration/verdict

Dark Souls II is my most played game in the saga for a reason ( I've also played the original physical copy from when it came out, so my total playtime it's far more than 600 hours) It has alot of memorable characters and bosses, it's atmospheric, has the best pvp in the saga, you can experiment alot of build combinations/weapons/sets and, most importantly, it does not shy from being " different".

Sure, Dark souls 3 is full of amazing ds1 references and it's basically just a big nostalgia boner, but it didn't actually try to do anything new or innovative to ADD something to the series.

I'm also aware that some new mechanics were removed from it due to time constraints, but even while taking them in full account, it would still have lacked that " something" special that keeps Drawing me back to Dark souls 2, year after year.

I think a quote from the opening cinematic describes that feeling quite perfectly:

" Long ago in a walled off land, far to the north, a great King built a great Kingdom i believe they called it Drangleic, perhaps you're familiar, no, how could you be.

But one day, you will stand before its decrepit gate, without really knowing why.

Like a Moth Drawn to the flame."

Deeply Recommended.
Posted 3 October, 2020. Last edited 7 January, 2021.
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16.7 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
Ultimate Pokemon Killer.

Made me actually feel ashamed of wasting money on pokemon games.

Yes, it's that good.

I've actually always liked Digimon a little more than pokemon, ( i used to watch the cartoon every morning before going to school i still have my digimon cards from since when i was little) the problem is, for some reason, japan didn't bothered pushing them alot oversea until now ( maybe cause pokemon had more success by being a simpler " little baby preschool time" franchise and Digimons are more adultish/complex lean towards more adult themes so they sold less? Perhaps? tbch though,don't get me wrong, jokes aside i actually love both franchises almost equally, i just think it's a shame they didn't have a good chance to have a clean competition in the west giving us little to no franchise variety).

I'm glad that this is changing now and we're getting good stuff like this too.
Posted 19 June, 2020. Last edited 28 December, 2020.
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