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Получено 4 из 18 (22%) достижений:
Личные достижения


Deal 50+ damage with a single blow
Дата получения: 7 апр. 2018 г. в 22:45

Long Shot

Hit enemy from 20+ spaces away
Дата получения: 7 апр. 2018 г. в 22:45

Loveable Rogue

Have 8+allies at one time
Дата получения: 12 ноя. 2017 г. в 12:13

Wooden Spoon

Die in less than 20 turns
Дата получения: 28 мая. 2017 г. в 0:26


Complete quest with 100+ Melee


Complete quest with 100+ Ranged


Complete quest with 100+ Magic


Complete quest with 30+ Defence


Complete quest with 200+ Health

Ultimate Warrior

Complete quests with 100+ Melee, Ranged, and Magic, 30+ Defence, and 200+ Health

Iron Heart

Take 50+ damage from a single hit and survive

Tomb Raider

Collect 8+ artifacts


Complete quest using only starting equipment

Conscientious Objector

Complete a level without making an attack


Betray 20+ allies in one quest


Collect 30+ characters

Toy Soldier

Miss with 10+ consecutive attacks

True Ultimate Warrior

Complete a quest with 100+ Melee, Ranged, and Magic, 30+ Defence, and 200+ Health