
๖ۣۜGodSpeed 最近的評論

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總時數 38.3 小時 (評論時已進行 3.8 小時)
Not even a full game and yet more than most finished games offer! Having a blast and every boss I've faced keeps me on my toes.
張貼於 2024 年 12 月 6 日。
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總時數 17.7 小時 (評論時已進行 14.6 小時)
Simply epic. Loving every minute of the game story and gameplay.
張貼於 2024 年 11 月 29 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 1.9 小時
Played DayZ Arma 2 Mod. Nothing has really changed from the Mod to the standalone game. Still can't open objects like fridges, cabinets, boxes. Items are just on the ground. Destroys the searching and scavenging experience. Where other games do it much better and make it more immersive. DayZ does not.
Combat is very bare. If you run into another player just keep swinging until you are them are knocked out or dead. See a zombie just keep swinging because there is no way to defend from attacks. Feels a lot like a cartoon slap fight. So melee combat is boring. Gunfights can be fun how ever. With other players that is. It can add for some interesting fights.
If they have an open mic getting ready for a very toxic community. Every time I spawn in there is always 1 or 2 players just wanting to start ♥♥♥♥. Thankfully you can be the worst and never face any repercussions with your steam account since no one knows who you are unless you tell them.
Items are also scares just in general. Spent every new character trying to find food I could eat. Even then it didn't help. The entire time it felt more like a chore than a enjoyable challenge.
When it was just a Mod I had no issue with the lacking aspects of the game. But now that they are a standalone game and barely anything has actually changed or improved on. I can't recommend DayZ. Especially when there are much better zombie survival games that for years have just been constantly improving its game and mechanics dramatically. Compared to DayZ.
張貼於 2024 年 11 月 29 日。
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總時數 11.8 小時 (評論時已進行 2.8 小時)
So was having fun until I wasn't. *shrug*

Here is the typical experience.
First 4 games did very well. Leveled up my character and focus on melee.(as far as I can tell melee skills are not actually working. Had it set up for Stagger/Less stam for attacking/ more damage.) Still took the same amount of hits and I can only do 2-3 swings before getting tired. With or with out the skills. So If I'm wrong then its visually unnoticeable and feels like a waste.

Difficulty also increases, not a big issue but it actually is. Let the player choose the difficulty. Because why am I going to play a character that will just die the next time I play them?

You only get 1 character and its permadeath. I'm cool with that but you wont be able to get another one until it dies. So if you do level it max and want to start a new character. You know have a character or 2 on the side to play. You can't. I get the permadeath High risk high reward. . . sorry Just high risk. There is no real reward. You don't even get to keep the loot. You start off bare supplies. It be nice to at least keep 1 item/slot for next round at least.

My biggest issue though is the lag. OMG I'm so tired taking hits when there is nothing actually around me. Or when ever I hit a zombie or shoot them. Visual it registers but they don't. So I'll have a zombie with no head still attacking me.

Items do not make sense. I can hold 60 rounds of pistol ammo. So why can't I combine a 23 and a 31 to one slot. Its taking up 2 slots for no reason. Also picking up multiple pipe bombs will glitch the other one. I don't know why. I had 2 used 1 and the other one became a dead slot. Couldn't even drop it. . I would consider these game breaking.

But the REAL game breaking bug is sometimes when you start an objective puzzle. The game wont let you leave it. So you are stuck on it. Your team will think your trolling or griefing, your character will eventually die. I do not know why this happens but it has happen to me and some one else.

You are also unable to crawl to a safe area if you are downed. Kind of old school of the revive/down mechanic. *shrug* I'd like to crawl because where I died no one could get to me.

The core idea of the game is a fun one. I can see myself enjoying this game. But right now how it is. Its fun until it isn't. It switches very quickly as well. Once I hit over lvl 40 the first objective got swarmed with zombies right away and it took 5 hits to take them down or 2 shots to the face. Can't change the difficulty. You can't kill your character in the menu to get another one. You also only get perks to choose from and most of them are useless to how I like to play.

Game needs a lot of work and features to really make me want to keep playing it. For how long this has been in development I was kind of hoping for more. Feels like half way through they decided to start over or something.
張貼於 2024 年 10 月 25 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 6.4 小時
The real crime here is the developers not casting more celebrities to play the generic gang members for Sh*ts and Giggles.
張貼於 2024 年 7 月 1 日。
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6 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 7.3 小時
Servers Shut down. Can no longer player in any complicity.
Single player game that requires you to connect to their servers that are no longer.
Dev said they can't put in an offline mode. Game wasn't designed to work like that.
All games with online multiplayer features always shut down eventually. Why they lacked the foresight with their game only after 3 years? I don't know. Hopefully in the future they are able to have an offline only mode. Because the game was fun but very bad design flaw. This is not the only game I own that I can no longer play because of poor design. They got my money ether way. But Publisher and Studio, I wont be buying anymore.
張貼於 2024 年 5 月 23 日。
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總時數 21.2 小時 (評論時已進行 5.0 小時)
Never in any game, has being bald been the best hairstyle to choose from.
張貼於 2024 年 5 月 2 日。
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總時數 70.4 小時 (評論時已進行 15.1 小時)
Updated from a negative review over to a positive review.

My main issue was not being able to play due to servers being at capacity almost all the time. A curse of the games success but one that still prevented me from playing.

The Community is a mix of great and awful. I've had great experiences with some funny and overall enjoyable deployments/missions with others and befriended a few of them.

The aweful; Most of the time I just jump in and hit the quickplay. Join a random team and see how it goes because playing on higher difficulty by your self is not as fun then with others. If your experience is anything like mine. You will be kicked before the join cinematic ends. One day recently I joined about 13 games where I got kicked for no real reason until the 14th host didn't and we had a blast. But some helldivers are just toxic regardless. If you don't have their prefer weapons equipped or the stratagems they want you to have. You will also get kicked. Can't do much about this aspect of the game and hopefully the developers find a way to tackle it. But for now just keep trying to join people and hope you get some BAMFS to Helldive with.

The game also has its fair share of bugs like my personal favorite(not) indestructible objectives. Objective is to destroy said building. So your entire team uses everything from small arm fire to mini nukes and it wont die. So we lure a charger to the building hopefully to have it charge into it and destroying it. But it doesn't work. Yes these exist and ruin missions. They are not common but every few hours I run into these.

Where this game really shines is with the developers listening to the player base, mostly. You can tell from week to week they really want this to just be the best challenging & fun experience possible. With even them biting back at some of the more idiotic and toxic players of the community. Always a fun time on social media with them.

Another bonus is all "seasonal" Warbands can be unlocked and earned any time you want. No F.O.M.O that other games that use the same microtransation Battlepass BS. This is a very well welcomed change. Since Super credits can be earned in game (i've earned at least 600 just form in-game alone) You could unlock a Warband for free never spending a dime. Oh course you can as well. The weapons in the Paid Premium Warband are cool to use but not the best another nice touch. The best weapons in my opinion are the ones in the free warband. That also let you use medals to unlock Super Credits as well. This in my opinion is how you do Microtransactions right.(in my own opinion) Its not predatory and you can earn it if you choose.

There is so much more to mention but right now the game is a solid "buy now" if you haven't already. Fight for Democracy!
張貼於 2024 年 2 月 17 日。 最後編輯於 2024 年 3 月 15 日。
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總時數 83.9 小時 (評論時已進行 71.3 小時)
High Risk, High Reward.

I've died from zombies, infection, falling, bled out, explosions, fire, starvation, hit n run and zombies again.
The struggle is real! How ever once you get a nice little base and are able to get in and out of locations for loot runs. It feels so rewarding. You can also choose to make the game easier or harder. Its the most realistic zombie survival game I have ever played. I highly recommend it.

Just note there is a very steep learning curve. But once you figure a few things out; know where to look for what items. The game really becomes an enjoyable experience.
張貼於 2023 年 10 月 28 日。
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4 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 12.6 小時 (評論時已進行 9.8 小時)
At first it was fun.
Now its less enjoyable than I remember.

Mutations should be optional not mandatory for every mode. Its a good addition is it wasn't mandatory because some make playing modes not enjoyable and at its worst unplayable.

Bugs will spawn anywhere. I do mean anywhere. Build a base with walls they will spawn right in front of it. Got a part not covered correctly? They will spawn inside continuously. Personally I would like Bug holes as spawn points. Not only will it add to the immersion of the game. It will also allow for offence opportunities to plug up that bug hole. Right now how it is, you build a base, defend the base, complete relatively unimportant 2nd objectives that do little to the over all success of the mission or make it easier for that matter Vs the effort that will need to be made to go into it.

Somethings they added I really don't like such as bug being able to dash left and right when being shot. When did these insects with little to no cognitive thinking learn to dodge when being fired. They are the Bulk cannon fodder of the species. I found it more annoying than fun or challenging. Added to it almost feels like It takes an entire magazine to down 1 bug at times. Not always but there is a few times I'm seeing only hit markings Aiming for the mass of a warrior bug and I end up going though 40-60 rounds. The drones are out with a few shots. If there is weak points on bugs. I don't know them. I also don't know if I even hit one because the hit marker is the same until you get the kill.

Another thing I notice is the difficulty has gotten worse.
How it use to be was on Easy you could have a good time. Lay back don't take it serious and just enjoy killing bugs with very little effort and still enjoy and win. No real skill or challenge needed.
Now it feels like Normal mode where you had to communicate a bit and work together in groups to get objectives done and apply team work to win.
Where the Veteran/hardest difficulty you needed an actual good team that worked very well together. I spent the less amount of time here but the few times I did play it, it went well and the group was on point.

I haven't event attempted to play on the hardest since I started playing again but Easy feels like normal and Normal feels much harder than I remember. Again the same point I keep making, Its not enjoyable to play. I'm not having fun in any mode anymore. The stuff being added isn't making the game enjoyable just harder and less fun over all.

Was even hoping to do the bug hunt. A mode I strongly was for. But can't play it. Game kept telling me after several minutes in the que "Error: Failed to reserve a slot:Unable to Join, Server is full.".
They came out with another patch. Now instead of telling me its full it just crashes after waiting in que again for several minutes and getting into the loading screen. So progress, I guess.

This last bit is salt, I am very salty about but I guess it was to improve the game some how?
Why take away weapons for classes that made the classes Fun to play. Example the Morita Mk I Sniper Rifle. Was great for the support class. It made that class fun to play. But for what ever the reason when no new weapons where introduced in its place they got rid of it and made it an Hunter Class only.
They have added new weapons or weapon. Into the game but it unlocks much further into the class leveling system and to be honest my desire to keep playing to unlock it isn't there yet. It be cool to try out see if I like it or if its enjoyable but with so many things being added that it makes the game feel less enjoyable I don't want to risk it.

I really hope they go a different direction and look at whats Fun vs how much new things we can make and pile into the game. Unless you just want content and not an enjoyable experience. During launch I had a blast I really had fun with very minimal content. The game had so much great potential. But with what was added. That experience is non existing. None of the people I met and played with have this game installed and I was hoping to tell them how much better and fun it is. This is all opinion of course. I want the game to be successful. If the direction they are making is exactly what you want to play then cool. Just hope this game doesn't fade away because of bad direction and choices. It still has potential, there is obviously a group of people like me who love and enjoy this universe.
張貼於 2023 年 10 月 12 日。
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