Start of a new age, dawn of a new era. Let there be "Durcheinander"!

Durcheinander Me! A faithful and willing servant of The Most High, Everlasting God, His Son, Jesus the Christ and may His Holy Spirit fill each and every one of us!

Jesus is the Son of God. (Luke 1:35 ~ Mark 3:11)

Jesus was fully man and fully God. (John 3:16-21)

Jesus and His Father are One! (John 10:30)

Jesus lived a perfect life; of service to others. (Hebrews 4:15)

Jesus' death was necessary and the fulfillment of God's Word! (Psalms 22:16 ~ Isaiah 50:6 ~ Psalm 22:14,15 ~ Psalm 69:21 ~ Psalm 22:7-8 ~ Psalm 22:18 ~ Isaiah 53:12 and many more)

Jesus is the substitutionary sacrifice for all sin, for all time; NO OTHER FORM OF PAYMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE GREAT JUDGEMENT for it is appointed for man to die once and then the judgement! (Hebrews 9:27) You can only claim the gift whilst alive! Claim it now! I only want to see you there! (1 John 2:1,2)

Jesus rose from the dead in Victory! (Matthew 28:5-6)

Jesus' sacrifice is a gift of God for which you can do nothing to EARN. For it is FAITH! (Ephesians 2:8-9) Surrender to it, for it is by grace alone that we are saved; a perfect work of Almighty God, not me. Not you; for it is the Spirit that teaches! (John 6:63)

It's a certainty. Anyone who tells you anything else is teaching a false gospel. (Galations 1:3-12)

Christ's return is certain. Is your eternity certain? Please be sure.

Look around you. Wars......rumors of wars? Pestilences, hatred, mocking, declaring what is good, evil and what is evil, good?

Again, my friends. Do Not Be Wise In Your Own Eyes. Fear God and depart from evil!

Your parents. Your teacher. Your pastor. Your friends. None of them can intercede for you, with the Father. Not works. Not charity. No one will be able to boast of anything.

You want to hear my defense for the day of the Great Judgement?

I will kneel before Almighty God, bow my head and proclaim Jesus Christ as King of Kings, Lord of Lords and that it is HE that justifies my entrance! For it is the gift of God, eternal life, IN Christ Jesus my Lord!

Revelation 22:12,13
"Behold.......I come quickly."

Romans 1:18 - 2:16
2月6日 に最後にプレイ
2月6日 に最後にプレイ
1月24日 に最後にプレイ
DurcheinanderME 2024年10月25日 9時35分 
Thanks! :luv:

God Bless
seeking 2024年9月30日 2時15分 
Bless your soul :crossinferno:
chroniz 2015年7月28日 8時26分 
Hey, I saw you playing Scholar of the First Sin -edition of Dark Souls II one day. How have you liked in comparison to the original? I've been thinking of buying either DLC or SotFS, but I'm not sure whether I'd like some of the differences coming with the SotFS...
chroniz 2014年4月26日 6時22分 
Hah, good luck then mate, I think you're going to need it! I found the default bindings quite unorthodox and got back to using a pad instead. Just feels like a natural choice for this game.
DurcheinanderME 2014年4月25日 8時50分 
Indeed. The game seems fine. I'm a KB&M guy, so having to learn a new control scheme from DS1 PC, but beyond that and a slight mouse click input lag, the game is great!
chroniz 2014年4月25日 8時17分 
This is... Dark Souls! Best achievement in the game ever, heh. How is PC-version working in your case? Some people have reported quite a bit of issues, I've had none so far...