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Közzétéve: 2021. szept. 10., 9:54
Frissítve: 2022. máj. 22., 8:46

This is my all time favourite game (don't let my playtime fool you, I played on PS and racked out a massive amount of playtime there I literally bought it again here to tell other people to play it). The puzzles can sometimes take a while to figure out but it feels good to finally figure out the answer. There is a nice balance between story (mostly text based but interesting) and puzzles for it to not lose its appeal as a puzzle game, but so that you have something else keeping you interested. The main puzzles range in difficulty but the star puzzles are pretty much consistently difficult. It has replayability due to the choices you make within the story, but I would suggest waiting a year or so until you've forgotten the solutions so you can enjoy it to the full again (that's what I did). I love this game and just wish they would hurry up with information on the sequel.
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