Doctor PaaK
I like videogames. I'm convinced that mattress/furniture stores exist in a quantum superposition of grand opening and going out of business sale. It is both and neither at once until an observer records the state at which point it becomes one or the other. But because you know exactly where the store is located, you cannot know how fast it is going out of business because of your uncertainty about its business momentum. All around us, all the time pairs of anti-discount mattress stores and discount mattress stores are popping into existence, forming the quantum memory foam that is the basis for the universe. Without the pressure of this quantum memory foam strip malls would collapse. We can see evidence of this when a pair is created such that one half is within the sales radius of a supermassive furniture store like Ikea-- one of them is pulled in and the other escapes as a Hawking mattress store. Dude are you still reading this? What are you doing with your life? Go outside, play videogames or something, study some calculus, I don't know, get a life. Do you really have nothing else to do that you are reducing yourself to reading this ridiculously, stupendously, stupidly long text? Fine, we can talk. Lets see.... Oh! I know what we can talk about! You wanna know what the dumbest creature on this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ planet is? Moths. Let me tell you how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dumb these idiots are. They are nocturnal meaning they only come out at night but when they do they are attracted to light. Let that sink in. They come out in the dark... and the obsess over light. You ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ morons, haven't you heard of this thing called the sun? God I hate those stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Sorry, I get carried away sometimes with petty things... I think it's all the sexual tension I have built up inside of me. I don't talk about this in public, but on the internet, I am the futa-god, mod of threads, admin of boards, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of hentai, and here's why: Futa can be made less gay than straight porn. You see, straight porn has one guy and one girl. Because you're fapping to something with one guy in it, that's 50% gay. If you watch futa ♥♥♥♥ a girl, that's one girl and a half girl, thus only 25% gay. You could make it 0% gay with two girls but the problem is, that makes them lesbian, which wraps back to being 100% gay. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something, I love copypastas. <3
Apocalypsis Manifestum
This text is dedicated to those wishing to serve Lucifer, Fallen Angel, Prince of Darkness, Bringer of Light, Ruler of Hell, Lord of the Flies, Father of Lies, Apostate Supreme, Tempter of Mankind, Old Serpent, Prince of This World, Seducer, Accuser, Tormentor and Blasphemer.



Black robes are worn by the male participants. The robes may be cowled or hooded, and if
desired may cover the face. The purpose in covering the face is to allow the participant
freedom to express emotion in the face, without concern. It also lessens distraction on the part
of one participant towards another. Female participants wear garments which are sexually
suggestive; or all black clothing for older women. Amulets bearing the sigil of Baphomet or
the traditional pentagram of Satan are worn by all participants.
Robes are donned by men before entering the ritual chamber, and are worn throughout the
ritual. Men may substitute all black clothing for black robes.
Black is chosen for the attire in the ritual chamber because it is symbolic of the Powers of
Darkness. Sexually appealing clothing is worn by women for the purpose of stimulating the
emotions of the male participants, and thereby intensifying the outpouring of adrenal or bioelectrical
energy which will insure a more powerful working.

Man's earliest altars were living flesh and blood; and man's natural instincts and predilictions
were the foundation on which his religions were based. Later religions, in making man's
natural inclinations sinful, perverted his living altars into slabs of stone and lumps of metal.
Satanism is a religion of the flesh, rather than of the spirit; therefore, an altar of flesh is used
in Satanic ceremonies. The purpose of an altar is to serve as a focal point towards which all
attention is focused during a ceremony. A nude woman is used as the altar in Satanic rituals
because woman is the natural passive receptor, and represents the earth mother.
In some rituals nudity for the woman serving as altar may be impractical, so she may be
clothed or partially covered. If a female is performing the ritual alone, no woman need be
used for the altar. If no female is used for the altar, the elevated plane used for her to lie upon
may be used to hold other devices for the ritual. For large group rituals a trapezoidal altar
about 3 to 4 feet high and 5½ to 6 feet long can be specially constructed for the woman to lie
upon. If this is impractical, or in private ceremonies, any elevated plane may be used. If a
woman is used for the altar, the other devices may be placed upon a table within easy reach of
the priest.

The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the
ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Among these are: The Goat of
Mendes, The Goat of a Thousand Young, The Black Goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps the
most appropriately, The Scapegoat.
Baphomet represents the Powers of Darkness combined with the generative fertility of the
goat. In its "pure" form the pentagram is shown encompassing the figure of a man in the five
points of the star - three points up, two pointing down - symbolizing man's spiritual nature. In
Satanism the pentagram is also used, but since Satanism represents the carnal instincts of
man, or the opposite of spiritual nature, the pentagram is inverted to perfectly accomodate the
head of the goat - its horns, representing duality, thrust upwards in defiance; the other three
points inverted, or the trinity denied. The Hebraic figures around the outer circle of the
symbol which stem from the magical teachings of the Kabala, spell out "Leviathan", the
serpent of the watery abyss, and identified with Satan. These figures correspond to the five
points of the inverted star.
The symbol of Baphomet is placed on the wall above the altar.

The candles used in Satanic ritual represent the light of Lucifer - the bearer of light,
enlightenment, the living flame, burning desire, and the Flames of the Pit.
Only black and white candles are to be used in Satanic ritual. Never use more than one white
candle; but as many black candles as are required to illuminate the ritual chamber may be
used. At least one black candle is placed to the left of the altar, representing the Powers of
Darkness and the left-hand path. Other black candles are placed where needed for
illumination. One white candle is placed to the right of the altar, representing the hypocrisy of
white light "magicians" and the followers of the right-hand path. No other light source is to be
Black candles are used for power and success for the participants of the ritual, and are used to
consume the parchments on which blessings requested by the ritual participants are written.
The white candle is used for destruction of enemies. Parchments upon which curses are
written are burned in the flame of the white candle.

The shattering effect of the bell is used to mark both the beginning and the end of the ritual.
The priest rings the bell nine times, turning counter clockwise and directing the tolling
towards the four cardinal points of the compass. This is done once at the beginning of the
ritual to clear and purify the air of all external sounds, and once again at the end of the ritual
to intensify the working and act as a pollutionary indicating finality.
The tonal quality of the bell used should be loud and penetrating, rather than soft and tinkling.

In Satanic ritual the chalice or goblet used represents the Chalice of Ecstasy. Ideally, the
chalice should be made of silver, but if a silver chalice can not be obtained, one made from
another metal, glass, or crockery may be used - anything but gold. Gold has always been
associated with white-light religions and the Heavenly Realm.
The chalice is to be drunk from first by the priest, then by one assistant. In private rituals the
person performing the ceremony drains the chalice.

The stimulating fluid or Elixir of Life used by the Pagans has been corrupted into sacramental
wine by the Christian faith. Originally, the liquor used in Pagan rituals was drunk to relax and
intensify the emotions of those involved in the ceremony. Satanism does not sacrifice its god,
as do other religions. The Satanist practices no such form of symbolic cannibalism, and
returns the sacramental wine used by the Christians to its original purpose - that of stimulating
the emotions necessary to Satanic ritual. Wine itself need not be used - whatever drink is most
stimulating and pleasing to the palate is in order.
The Elixir of Life is to be drunk from the Chalice of Ecstasy, as indicated above, immediately
following the Invocation to Satan.

The Sword of Power is symbolic of aggressive force, and acts as an extension and intensifier
of the arm with which the priest uses to gesture and point. A parallel to this is the pointing
stick or blasting wand used in other forms of magical ritual.
The sword is held by the priest and is used to point towards the symbol of Baphomet during
the Invocation to Satan. It is also used, as indicated in Steps of Ritual, when calling forth the
four Princes of Hell. The priest thrusts the point of the sword through the parchment
containing the m
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