"You can do thousand things right with no praise, but you will always be blamed for the one thing you did wrong"
DHD Co-Founder
Twitch Link []
В игре
Витрина перфекциониста
Info About Myself
- I am a co-founder for a group called DHD - Depressed Heavy Drinkers
- My favourite songs are Forest green by flying fish, Elder Goose by Dance Gavin Dance and Afterlife by Thai McGrath
- I play many competitive games such as CS, Apex Legends, Tekken etc...
- I try 100 percent games with achievements or an end goal (See above showcase)
- I am a massive alien fanboy. Anything to do with xenomorphs you can count me in.
- I stream over on Twitch "DepressionIncarnated"
- I go by Depression, Depresh or DP. Or anything closely related to said names. My real name doesn't matter, you'll find out eventually
Favourite Characters in Media

- Hunk (Resident Evil) - "The Death cannot die."
- Bloodhound (Apex Legends) - "To fight and fall is a hepp life."
- Woods (Black Ops) - "YOU CANT KILL ME"
- Jack Baker (Resident Evil 7) "Free my family Ethan"
- Idris Elba Solomon Reed (Cyberpunk 2077) - Sometimes It's Just Safer To Shove The Barrel Of A Malorian Between A Choom's Ribs, Even If He Is On Your Side.
- Keanu Reeves Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk 2077) - "Not Askin' You To Never Give Up. Sometimes You Gotta Let Go... Just Don't Let Anyone Change Who You Are, 'Kay? G'night, V. Today Was A Good Day."
- V (Cyberpunk 2077) - "I Just Wanted The World To Know I Was Here. That I Mattered."
- Hicks (Aliens) - "I like to keep this handy, for close encounters"
- Handsome Jack (Borderlands) - "Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story."
- BT-7274 (Titanfall 2) - "Protocol 3. Protect the pilot."
- Vaas (Far-Cry 3) - "Have i ever told you the definition of insanity?
- Raven (Trepang^2) - "Im not superstitious but isnt it bad luck to fly a helicopter over a crashsite?"
- Shinjiro Aragaki (Persona 3 Reload) - "I know it seems like i wasted your time, but... it's the good memories that stay with you and get people through their struggles... But it's also the mistakes you made that haunt you forever.

"Some people cant face the world. It doesn't mean they're weak, just scared."
"Don't get angry at a mirror. It can't change its reflection."
"Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, crying has always been a sign that you are alive"
"Until death all defeats are psychological"
"You got a taste for blood when you were licking your own wounds"
"Nothing ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red"
"Is the blood on your hands dry? Is it slowly disappearing? Mine isnt"
"Memories come in waves (and tonight i am drowning)"
"Tomorrow is a dream that today shatters"

People always bring up the past to cause sadness, pain and discomfort. But using this past allows you to learn from mistakes, and always having that reminder when you were young and stupid allows you to build a bigger and better person.

I have no courage to do things, but maybe that lack of courage is what has kept me here, to meet new people and have good times. Just because it could be different doesn't mean it could've been better. Thank you to all of those that have known me, and thank you for letting me know you.
Любимая игра
Часов сыграно
Витрина скриншотов
Persona 3 Reload
Недавняя активность
33 ч. всего
В игре
129 ч. всего
последний запуск 3 мар
179 ч. всего
последний запуск 3 мар
DHDannyWarpick 3 янв в 14:42 
This man seems like he likes to smell feet
wwwwipe 29 окт. 2024 г. в 15:19 
Let me tell you the story when the level 600 school gyatt walked passed me, I was in class drinking my grimace rizz shake from ohio during my rizzonomics class when all of the sudden this crazy ohio bing chilling gyatt got sturdy, past my class. I was watching kai cenat hit the griddy on twitch. This is when I let my rizz take over and I became the rizzard of oz. I screamed, look at this bomboclat gyatt
God Zap 26 окт. 2024 г. в 13:54 
Yo dude i saw ur review on tom rader can you help me plz my specs are

inel 7up-6969

too nubidia gtr 6

2 terabit wam

2 jiggabite memoo-reee

eevee 600 what powah dune-it

pantex ethno-evolve

hyper mastr coler 200 wew

time 99% mudder playt JIGGABIT

slim brig

coarse 40k mecanicalic ms berry hue kebord

bogiteck g5O2 rat
God Zap 26 окт. 2024 г. в 8:40 
Hello! I couldn't reach you in private, so here's the answer to your question: No, it's not normal to have an inflammation in the anus area after intense penetration
calcraw 11 авг. 2024 г. в 2:54 
“english or spanish?” BOI HAWK TUAH😂👏👏😂🤣😫... you got me tweaking off the zaza gang 😂 🤣... i took the wockkkk to poland 😆... nah fam, im out here sipping on my grimace shake and you got me tweaking... keep this beta ohio energy away from me, peace out
... thats mad beta bro, get back to edging through life. lowkey stealing the vibe you feel me? not gonna lie this is mad cringe dawg ya dig?...Women: we hate men so we are lesbian!
Man: are you sure about that? uses uno reverse card and turns gay
Me: now that one there was a violation 😂...i make dumb money so idgaf, its about the principle u feel?
God Zap 9 авг. 2024 г. в 15:54 
“english or spanish?” BOI HAWK TUAH😂👏👏😂🤣😫... you got me tweaking off the zaza gang 😂 🤣... i took the wockkkk to poland 😆... nah fam, im out here sipping on my grimace shake and you got me tweaking... keep this beta ohio energy away from me, peace out
... thats mad beta bro, get back to edging through life. lowkey stealing the vibe you feel me? not gonna lie this is mad cringe dawg ya dig?...Women: we hate men so we are lesbian!
Man: are you sure about that? uses uno reverse card and turns gay
Me: now that one there was a violation 😂...i make dumb money so idgaf, its about the principle u feel?