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kayıtlarda 19.8 saat
I never played the original Resident Evil 4, in fact the first game I ever played in the series was the Resident Evil 2 remake so I was going into it with absolutely no nostalgia. However the reason I wanted to try it instead of the Resident Evil 4 remake was because I heard so many good things about it and wanted the opportunity to try the original before playing the remake.

It took me a while to get used to the aiming mechanics because it wasn't like anything I've played before. When you aim down your sights, you stand still and enter an aiming mode where your weapon has a laser sight. You need to manually aim it at the enemy before being able to shoot them. However it didn't bother me too much because I thought it was rather charming. It reminded me of an older era of gaming where developers were still trying to figure things out.

Charming is really how I'd describe my entire experience. There's so many little things that I absolutely love. The awkward dialogue, the bombastic bosses, and the over the top action sequences just add to the overall experience. Even though I struggled at certain parts I was just having a really fun time playing through it. That being said, I don't see it being something I'm going to return to. It was a lot of fun but not something I'll want to play through several times to try and improve or try other difficulties. I feel like if I did it would lose a lot of its charm.

I'd definitely recommend playing this one before the remake, there's so much that got removed that even though the remake has a lot of improvements, it lost that magic that made Resident Evil 4 special.
Yayınlanma 16 Şubat. Son düzenlenme 16 Şubat.
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kayıtlarda 21.1 saat
Resident Evil 3 always feels like the black sheep of the RE series. Some people absolutely love it and others think it’s the worst of the 3. Where do I fit in? Eh I think it’s ok. It definitely has its highlights, but it also feels like it has a lot of missed opportunities. The main selling point is the Nemesis villain, this massive monster that’s constantly chasing us, similar to the Tyrant portion of Resident Evil 2. However what made that work so well in RE2 was that there was no big introduction or fanfare when he showed up, you’d turn a corner and he would just be there, calmly walking after you, always following. Nemesis on the other hand has a big cutscene when he shows up, with action music playing, usually explosions and other set pieces going on as well, and all this other junk that really takes away from the horror aspect of Nemesis. I’m not even fully sure if this is supposed to be a survival horror game like other ones because there’s a lot of massive boss fights and action scenes where you’re given a machine gun and told to start killing zombies. The combat is done really well, but it just doesn’t feel like a horror game. It’s hard to be scared when I have more weapons than a small army.

In terms of gameplay, it’s a lot like RE2 but better. We finally get a dedicated dodge button which works really well and improves the gameplay. There’s also a new shop where players can buy special weapons and upgrades using points they’re awarded from completing in-game challenges, which is a great incentive to keep playing and try new things.

I honestly had a lot of fun playing this game. I can see why people have mixed feelings about it since it replaces a lot of the survival horror mechanics with more action focused ones, but from a gameplay perspective, it’s still a lot of fun to play. I'd highly recommend giving it a try, especially if you liked RE2.
Yayınlanma 13 Ocak.
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kayıtlarda 60.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 55.4 saat)
If I could describe this game in one word it would be frustrating. Coming from the previous game Assassin Creed IV Black Flag, I thought it would be like the town focused parts only bigger. But somehow Ubisoft broke several of the things that worked just fine in Black Flag and I’m not sure how they’ve progressed backwards so much. They tried to update the climbing and freerunning so now if you hold a button you’ll auto climb up or down, but they almost never worked when I tried using them. There were several times where I would just hang there not moving, or go into the complete opposite direction flying off into space. They also let you run inside buildings now through open doors and windows, but several times i’d try I would just start auto climbing the doorframe or window sill. There is a dedicated ‘go through window button’ but it only ever worked for me when it felt like it.

The combat is also a major downgrade. They tried implementing a leveling system where the higher lvl gear you own the more stars you get to take on higher level enemies. But all you need to do to win every fight is just keep throwing down smoke bombs since all the enemies stand perfectly still and you can just take them all out. It feels like cheating, but considering how many enemies are responsible gun owners and start shooting at you, the game almost requires you to do this to fight. I never unlocked any of the other items because none of them were as good as the starting smoke bombs.

The stealthing around and assassinating are by far the worst part of the game. They’re just completely broken most of the time. Sometimes I can stab an enemy right in front of another and they don’t react, other times when I do an enemy 3 rooms away is suddenly alert to my presents. They also flood each stealth encounter with so many enemies that it becomes a major chore to do it properly. So I ended up finding a hiding spot and spamming the darts that make enemies attack each other, and just playing on my phone until they all killed each other.

I would feel bad for how much I cheesed the combat, but with how lazy everything feels I didn’t feel too bad. The story is primarily trying to avenge your fathers death, but you kill his killer in the first few missions and start killing random people that are vaguely connected to his killer. There’s supposed to be some Assassin’s/Templar plot going on in the background but it feels so forced like they’re just going through the motions, which is pretty bad considering how many other Assassin’s Creed games came out after this.

The Co-Op missions were a major selling point for this one but they didn’t mention there’s only like 10 missions that are Co-Op and they’re all optional side missions that don’t impact the story. You can actually do almost all of them solo, making the co-op angle feel pointless. Except for the fact that almost half the points you need to buy upgrades are collectibles in these Co-Op missions so not only do you need to complete them, you need to go collectible hunting if you want to unlock upgrades, most of which were already unlocked in Black Flag. Why would you take existing gameplay mechanics and lock them behind an upgrade system?

Bad game overall. This is clearly where Ubisoft got a lot of their terrible decisions for future titles. It is absolutely littered with collectibles, most of which you can’t collect till you’re 2/3rds through the story. A broken combat and stealth system that rewards players for finding exploits. And an incredibly boring story that feels like they’re just using it as an excuse to justify its own existence. The french revolution doesn’t even play a role in the story outside the setting and the mention of the guillotine. I don’t recommend it and I especially don’t recommend trying to 100% it.
Yayınlanma 13 Ocak.
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kayıtlarda 40.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 39.6 saat)
As someone who has never really played a Resident Evil Game, or even a horror game for that matter, I heard all about the series from friends and social media, I thought I’d start with RE2, since I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about the tank controls of the original game and I have to say I was hooked immediately. The Gas Station tutorial and intro to the Police Station do an amazing job not only setting the tone, but teaching that fighting isn’t always going to be an option. From there, we find ourselves in the police station, and this is the part that really hooked me on the game. Having this massive building to explore and puzzles to solve without any clear objectives forced me to explore and manage my resources carefully since I wasn’t sure what I’d be facing. The game does a fantastic job building that tense survival horror feeling and I was having a blast.

My favorite part was when Mr. X showed up. While it sounds crazy to like a part with a relentless, unkillable enemy, it was the peak point of both survival and horror. Hearing him walking around, not knowing if he’s on the other side of the door I'm walking through, and trying to solve puzzles with him constantly chasing me was intense and is what really hooked me on the series.

While I really enjoyed playing, it did have its weak points. The boss fights were my least favorite parts since right beforehand you’re given a bunch of ammo and it becomes an action packed fight. Some of them try to spice things up and add a unique mechanic, but most of the time it’s just running around an arena and shooting the big glowing weakness on the enemy. The final boss in both scenarios is the worst offender of this, giving both Leon and Clare a super weapon to fight them. But since this is the final boss I can see why they’d want to go out with a bang. The bonuses are also a mess. The 4th survivor tries to be a more action packed affair, but they still heavily rely on the ammo and resource conservation from the game, and feel pretty luck based to complete. The ghost survivors were also pretty boring since it’s mainly the same maps we played in the base game, but with a slight twist.

I didn’t speak too much about the base game because it’s honestly something you should just experience for yourself. If you’re looking for a good survival horror game this one is one of the best. There’s even an assisted mode if you’re new to the genre and want to experience it in a lower stakes setting. I’d also try to avoid playing with a walkthrough or buying the infinite ammo weapons you’re first time through so you can really experience it.
Yayınlanma 25 Kasım 2024.
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kayıtlarda 0.9 saat
When I first saw this game I rolled my eyes thinking ‘oh great ANOTHER mascot horror game, hard pass'. Then while working on a video about mascot horror games, I figured I’d give it a try and I gotta say, this is probably one of the best I’ve ever played. Don’t get me wrong, it’s got flaws, but it’s also got a lot of potential. (SPOILER WARNING BELOW)

Right off the bat the title screen did not have links to a merch store or requesting I wish listing another game so that already scored it major points. I started playing and didn’t really understand the introduction, but wanted to press on to the actual gameplay. While it did start slow it really started picking up the more I played. At first I thought Rambley the Raccoon would be annoying but I really started to warm up to him once he started talking to me more like a character than a virtual assistant. I think he has the potential to be a really strong character especially towards the end of the chapter when he really started opening up to me. The environments are also really strong in this game. The open areas and outside environments help this world feel more alive like it really was a functioning theme park. I feel like most games in this genre stick to industrial areas and factories because they’re easy to make spooky, but in this game there’s a balance between fun and whimsical areas and the creepy ones which really helps it stand out.

The weakest part in my opinion were the creatures. I felt like I was seeing them too often when they were peeking around corners or through open doors. There’s several times they just ran past me and it kind of ruined the mystery since I kept seeing them. The ending chase also felt a bit too long. I died a couple times during it and was frustrated having to do it all over again.

Honestly this game really does feel like it has a passionate development team that actually wants to make a good game instead of trying to sell out and create a character they can slap on every piece of merch under the yellow sun. The song at the end is also way better than it has any right to be and is honestly what sealed the deal for me to see that the devs actually care about making a quality product. This is definitely a game I'll be keeping an eye on and can't wait to see what's next.
Yayınlanma 8 Kasım 2024.
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kayıtlarda 93.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 39.8 saat)
Baulder’s Gate 3 is a top down strategy game in the style of Dungeons and Dragons. You get to fully customize your character's race, class and feats and are able to assemble a party of adventurers after being infected by parasites that are slowly turning you into monsters called Mind Flayers.

This game is packed dense with content. It’s full of quests, hidden objects, and characters and lots of things to unlock. The best part is it isn’t hidden behind paywalls of anything like that. The devs are also actively updating it and adding more content.

Yayınlanma 27 Kasım 2023.
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89 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
9 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 40.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 15.3 saat)
You know, remastering a game has to be one of the easiest things a company can do. All you have to do is take an existing game, update the graphics, fix a few bugs and Bam, ‘new’ game for sale. Saints Row the Third however, decides to take this simple concept and do it backwards where they added more bugs and made the graphics worse before releasing it, and still expected you to pay $40 bucks for it.

I don’t know how it’s possible to screw up a remastering this bad, especially because the original is still on Steam and working just fine. I’ll start the game and jump into a car, only to die instantly because the physics screwed up and I clipped into the body of it, or when I do start driving it I’ll phase through the ground and end up under the game map. I also kept finding instances where I’d flip through the radio stations but there would be no sound playing, or there would be a tire squeal sound that would continue playing even after I got out of the car and walked away. I’m not sure how they could screw up the game this badly when I never experienced any of these bugs in the original game.

The Remaster also looks incredibly ugly. In the past, Saints Row had a stylized look that was more on the cartoony side, but it worked because the game itself was always wacky. But for the remaster they wanted the characters to look more realistic, but it didn’t quite translate well to the models. Characters constantly have weird issues like their eyes being too far apart or their noses and mouths not being proportional to their faces. They look like early models an art student would create for their first assignment, not a finished product in a game for sale.

I genuinely can’t find one positive thing to say about this remastering. I’m more confused than I am angry, how is this considered a finished product for sale? This is embarrassingly bad and clearly just a cash grab to try and resell an already existing game. Don’t buy this remaster, buy the original, you’ll have the exact same experience without all the bugs.

UPDATE: I just 100% completed this remaster and the bugs were even worse than I initially thought. Just to name a few, characters would instantly die when I'd start a mission and I'd automatically fail. lots of instant deaths from objects brushing by me or just by jumping into a car. The audio issues got worse the longer I played. Sounds like weapons firing would keep playing long after i'd stop shooting, the audio would just completely shut out and it would be silence for extended periods of time. Overall, just a terribly executed port full of bugs and problems. Just buy the original.
Yayınlanma 6 Eylül 2023. Son düzenlenme 15 Eylül 2023.
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3 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 35.4 saat
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is a soulless spin off from the Borderlands franchise that fails to understand what made the Borderlands series popular. Which is disappointing because the premise is a unique one that has the potential to be done well. In Wonderland you play as an unnamed character joining Borderlands’ recurring character Tiny Tina as she leads you and some other characters on a DnD campaign she has written herself. The game starts out really good as they introduce you to the mechanics, gameplay elements and the unique twists they’ve introduced to the game, but then it falls apart quickly.

My biggest problem with this game is that it is incredibly repetitive. See most Borderlands games involve a lot of shooting the room full of bad guys and moving on to complete your next objective, no big deal. But this game frequently insists on stopping all progression until you stand in a room and fight off waves of enemies until you hit a certain quota, then sending you one room over to repeat the process. An objective that should take me 2 minutes to get too ends up taking 20 minutes because of how frequently they insist I stop and fight off waves of enemies. This is further amplified with the games overworld. Instead of having a world map you fast travel with, you’re instead given a recreation of the map that your character can walk around on and go to your next objective, a unique idea to make the world feel connected. But it’s littered with random encounters and areas that all teleport you to a small map where you fight off waves of enemies until a progress bar fills, then they boot you back to the overworld when you’re done. The game is constantly throwing you into waves of fights against the same enemies with very slight variations. While they do have DnD inspired enemies like trolls, goblins, and skeletons they all shoot guns like the regular enemies and have a melee and grenade attack, essentially making them the same enemies with different skins. This issue is most prominent after the final boss where you unlock challenge runs where you are sent to several encounters in a row that consist of being sent to a small map and fighting off waves of enemies. There’s no variety of challenge even in the fights that they’re constantly forcing you to be a part of. The most they do is give the enemies more health making these fights last even longer.

The story doesn’t fare much better. Borderlands has always been a series with several iconic characters that they’ve built up throughout the games, but Wonderlands wants to jump straight into having lots of wacky characters so they introduce a new one every 10 minutes hoping that at least one of them becomes a wakey mainstay. The problem is with so many characters at once we never really get time to know anything about them before we’ve given a new one. Some of them are only around for one quest so we’re quickly given an exposition dump to their backstory, motivations and their character arc. It makes their stories feel pointless because we race through them so quickly. Even Tina and her friends don’t add much to the story because all their dialog is either quips or narrating what another character just told us to do but with a cheeky comment. Here’s how a typical situation plays out:

Quest Giver: ‘I need you to open this locked door’
Tina: ‘Ok everyone time to open this locked door, you’ll probably want to find something key shaped to open this door that is locked’
Tina’s Friend: ‘What’s something key shaped we could use to open this door?’
Tina’s Friend 2: ‘Maybe a key?’
Everyone: *loses their minds over solving the puzzle*

Meanwhile we’re in our 4th fight since the quest started heading to the key that is one room over.

It’s so frustrating and boring. I’ve been trying to finish this game for over a year now but just kept getting so bored I’d put it down for a while and then pick it back up, only to get bored and put it back down. The only character with any kind of depth is the final boss the Dragon Lord. They establish that he actually has the power to change the story that Tina has written and is trying to break free of her control. Yet another interesting concept of the DnD characters trying to rebel against the players of the game. But they do nothing with it. They keep building up that the Dragon Lord is going to break free and take over the story but they do nothing with it. It’s so frustrating when we reach the climax where we learn the truth about the Dragon Lord and his powers and then do absolutely nothing about it. Nope we jump right into a boss fight then get a generic ending that’s implied to be deep because of the emotional moment we were supposed to have earlier, but it isn’t earned. You can’t just have a character say a bunch of stuff that sounds emotional and then do nothing with it. I need a reason to care for these characters. If a character tells me a sad story about their childhood then leaves and never comes back I have no investment in them as a character because there’s no arc or resolution. It’s just pointless. And that’s the thing that annoys me most about this game. They’re trying so hard for you to have an emotional attachment to these characters but they have no arcs. They’ll just tell a sad story that happened to them in their life and expect that to be enough for you to be fully invested and like them. When in reality they’re just a bunch of nothing characters in a completely forgettable game.

I’ve never been so disappointed in a Borderlands game. I get that I’m not going to get an incredibly deep story or groundbreaking gameplay in these games, but this one especially is taking the piss. It’s like they were banking that Tiny Tina and the franchise were so big that people would like it on that alone and did nothing to try and write a good story or introduce any new ideas. It’s just a bad, boring game that is so proud of itself that it doesn’t realize how shallow and pointless it really is.
Yayınlanma 14 Temmuz 2023.
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kayıtlarda 24.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 23.5 saat)
Dead Space 3 feels like a game that wanted to be Dead Space but couldn’t figure out how to do it. You play as a broken Issac Clark after the events of Dead Space 2 who is taken on a suicide mission to the Marker home world. The game then quickly fell apart for me as I was given a machine gun and started fighting soldiers in the streets of a major city. It didn’t actually feel like a Dead Space game till about an hour in when I actually went to space. Then by the second act I found myself on an ice planet and fighting enemies that felt like they were from a dead space game, but not quite. By the end of the game I was fighting a skyscraper sized enemy that felt like it was from a Borderlands game then a lackluster ending. The game also shoehorns a co-op mode but aside from 3 side missions the game can easily be completed solo.

The characters are one of the weakest parts of the game. They’re either yelling at each other for petty reasons or crying about everything being hopeless. I genuinely didn’t know anything about them because the dialog has no substance. By the time they started dying off I really didn’t care because I wasn’t sure why they were on the mission to begin with. There’s a weird love triangle they try to include between Issac and another character but they gave me no real reason to care other than “Issac is the main character”. By the time the story ends I had to look up what happened before writing my review because I couldn’t remember what happened.

The biggest new feature they add is the ability to craft weapons so that Issac has an excuse to use his Engineering degree. The crafting basically works like Legos where you jam a bunch of pieces together and hope it works. Crafting also means picking up as many bits of junk as you can and finding places to put your scavenger bots to find more junk. However this slows down any kind of pacing because you have to backtrack and make sure you didn’t miss the one piece of Tungsten you need to make a halfway decent weapon.

Dead Space 3’s biggest mistake is that it’s just frustrating and boring. I never felt invested in the story or characters and the gameplay is bland. Overall I’d give this game a pass if you’re a Dead Space fan, aside from the name and a couple references it’s a boring shooter that isn’t worth playing.
Yayınlanma 12 Kasım 2022.
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kayıtlarda 4.5 saat
In Donut County you play a raccoon named BK and deliver donuts to the residents of Donut County. However these aren't regular donuts but rather 'Donut Holes' that are holes in the ground that grow larger whenever they collect items similar to Karamari Damacy. The story is told by the different townsfolk recounting the events that happened before they were sucked into the hole and how they plan to escape the trouble BK has caused.

Each level you'll find yourself starting as a tiny hole and absorbing objects like rocks and sticks and gradually get larger until you're absorbing entire buildings. Each level also has a unique gimmick like absorbing a campfire to heat objects or using a catapult to fling objects to solve puzzles. While the gameplay may be repetitive the levels are short enough they never overstay their welcome.

The story is cute and does a good job framing the levels and letting us explore BK and his friend Mira. It doesn't take itself too seriously which is perfect for the tone of the game. One of the best features of the game is the 'Trashpedia' where BK writes a little description for each of the items you collect.

I'd definitely recommend giving Donut County a try. It was charming and silly and was a really fun game to play. While it is a short game every moment is well spent.
Yayınlanma 20 Ekim 2022.
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