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Évaluations récentes de Dead End

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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
59.7 h en tout (53.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
After Playing this game for 50 Hours i was Never the same.

I was sitting in school and my teacher announced a surprise test, He then wobbled his old back towards my desk Reaching out a Decrepit hand to place the test on my desk.

Suddenly, The 50 hours Kicked in and i started to geek out, To the horror of everyone in that Dull classroom i was Punching the ♥♥♥♥ out of the Paper, all those hours, all those campers the memories flashed through my mind, Everything was Strinova The mouse on the teachers Desk Morphed graphically into a Michelle drone, I was Enraged, Those annoying little drones, I have had enough i just started swinging and beating the Michelle drone before it could shoot at me, It took 3 Teachers to stop me, I am writing this from the Loony Bin right now.

8/10 Needs Bikini skins
Évaluation publiée le 9 février.
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25.9 h en tout
One of the most fun and action packed games you can play today.

Can't wait for DOOM The Dark Ages
Évaluation publiée le 28 janvier.
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10 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
11.2 h en tout
ASUKA: Where am I?

SHINJI: This is the 'me' which exists in your mind, Asuka.

ASUKA: And also, this is the 'me' which exists in Shinji's mind, at the same time.

// This is the standard intro. A separation of reality. People are made up of the perceptions of others.

The Case of Asuka Langley Sohryu, Part 1

SHINJI: What do you want, Asuka?

YOUNG ASUKA: I wanna live by myself! I don't want my Papa, and my Mama! I'll live by myself! And then, I won't cry any more!

// Here is typical Asuka proclaiming herself to be fiercely independent. We actually get to see the reason for it though here, which most people would have guessed, and it is a fairly obvious tact to take, but Asuak states here explicitly. She wants to be independent, to be strong, because she doesn't want to cry, she doesn't want to be hurt. It is her way with dealing with the issue of trust and pain that people can cause her.

(Young Asuka crying )

ASUKA: But I'm still crying! Why am I crying?

// Yet she still realised that the way she goes about doing it doesn't solve all her problems. She isn't happy. She still gets hurt. She still is crying.

ASUKA'S STEP-MOTHER: I'm sorry... I just don't like her.

ASUKA'S FATHER: What happened to you, the "able doctor"?

ASUKA'S STEP-MOTHER: I told you, I'm a human being before I'm a doctor.

// She previously "told him" back in Episode 22 when talking about if God sees humans as just dolls.

ASUKA'S FATHER: But how can a trained person like you--

ASUKA'S STEP-MOTHER: She acts too much like an adult! And she rejects me absolutely! Sometimes... She even scares me! Have you had such a feeling with her?

ASUKA'S FATHER: No. And in any case, you have now become Asuka's mother.

ASUKA'S STEP-MOTHER: I'm your wife before that!

ASUKA'S FATHER: Both duties are concurrent.

ASUKA'S STEP-MOTHER: In a social perspective, yes, but you can't quit being her father. But I can quit being her mother, anytime.

ASUKA'S FATHER: Well, you could say so...

// This is a bit of an aside, but it does give insight to how Asuka's attitude at a very young age affects other people. Even when she was very young her efforts to be independent, to not rely on anyone else scared away her step-mother.

YOUNG ASUKA: No, Mama! Don't leave me! I'll be good, promise! Don't stop being my mother! Don't ignore me!! No, Mama! Don't kill me!!

KYOUKO: Your Papa hates your Mama. He doesn't need me, anymore... No. He didn't love me, to begin with. So let's die together, because he doesn't want us. He didn't need me, at all. And he doesn't want you, either, Asuka.

YOUNG ASUKA: I'm not wanted?! I'm not worth anything?!

KYOUKO: Die with me...

YOUNG ASUKA: No!! I am not your doll!! I'll think by myself, and live by myself!!

// This is obviously where Asuka gets her aversion to Dolls, and thus to Rei. Her mother talked to a doll and treated it like Asuka, she also in the end wanted Asuka to die with her, and told Asuka some very horrible things. Even for a mentally unstable person I think that Kyouko is pretty stuffed up to tell her daughter than she isn't wanted, that she is worthless. Anyway this seems to be the start of Asuka's efforts to be dependent any nobody but herself.

ASUKA: ...And then, my mother was hanging from the ceiling. She... looked so happy.

ASUKA: But I hated how she looked. I don't want to die! I don't want to disappear! ...I hate this! I hate -- boys! I hate my father, and my mother! I hate -- everyone! Nobody cares about me, nobody stays with me!!

// This is what is all comes down to. She is Alone. Nobody ever stays with her. She hates it, and she hates the pain it causes.

What does she really wish?

ASUKA: So I don't want to depend on anybody. ...But I hate it, at the same time! It's a pain! I don't want to be alone! I don't wanna be alone, I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE!!!

// Here is the problem, and Asuka realised it. She wants to be independent, yet she sees that her strong willed attitude causes people to move away from her, to eventually leave her alone, and she really doesn't want that at all.

SHINJI: Don't leave me.

MISATO: Don't ignore me.

ASUKA: Don't kill me!

The Femboys are Nice too.
Évaluation publiée le 20 janvier.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
28.1 h en tout (4.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is Great There is no other words needed.
Évaluation publiée le 21 décembre 2024.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
36.5 h en tout
Although I do Recommend this game I feel great sadness for those who can't play it anymore. This is Not a Review, It is a Goodbye.

To see

Notice: School of Dragons is no longer available on the Steam store.

Brings a tear to my eye.
I love the movies,Tv show and even the other games but this game will forever have a place in my heart.

Thank you, School of Dragons For giving us something to do even when we were Mindless and Juvenile, I am sure we will carry your memory on. Even when as a species have won the skies like we did in this Experience, and with that we leave you, a memory, to time to be remembered for i will and many others wear you like a trophy in our steam library.
Évaluation publiée le 13 décembre 2024.
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26.2 h en tout
Loved the gameplay played this on PS4 a year after it came out and now i have played through the game on all four characters.

Unfortunately the Gameplay is the best thing about this Ava is too annoying and Selfish to be a Siren they have done Maya so dirty
Évaluation publiée le 4 décembre 2024.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
9.2 h en tout
"I'm British you muppet"
Évaluation publiée le 1 décembre 2024.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
21.7 h en tout (18.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
*Senran Kagura Reflexions* stands out in the series as a unique and introspective experience, offering a refreshing departure from the action-packed combat that fans have come to expect. Instead of focusing on fast-paced brawls, this title delves deeper into character development and emotional connection, with a more intimate, slow-paced approach. You play as the protagonist, *Hanzou Academy student Asuka*, who interacts with various characters through a series of tactile, reflective moments that emphasize understanding and empathy over traditional combat.

What makes *Reflexions* truly profound is its focus on the nuanced relationships between Asuka and the other characters, particularly her interactions with the player. The game gently explores themes of trust, emotional vulnerability, and personal growth, which sets it apart from its predecessors. The emphasis on non-combat gameplay, through the use of massage and sensory-based interactions, offers a therapeutic and introspective look at the world of *Senran Kagura*, showing that the series is capable of exploring more than just action and fanservice.

*Senran Kagura Reflexions* is a beautiful example of how the series can evolve, offering something new and profound for both longtime fans and newcomers alike. It may not have the usual frantic battles, but it certainly delivers a powerful emotional experience, highlighting the strength in tenderness and understanding.
Évaluation publiée le 10 novembre 2024.
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21.8 h en tout
Very sexy very Star wars
Évaluation publiée le 10 novembre 2024.
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8 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
2.9 h en tout (0.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
After my 100% completion of Burst Renewl on ps5 and Shinovi versus i once again have extended my hand and lached on to the Tender hand of Senran Kagura it is always there for me when my life has turned grey and it will be even when i turn grey Senran Kagura is a game i would give a seat at the table when time turns Christmas.

Senran Kagura is Love
Senran Kagura is Life

I will turn old and i will still wait for Senran Kagura 7even
Évaluation publiée le 2 novembre 2024.
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