Данил   Alaska, United States
Currently Offline
Items Up For Trade
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Rules of my account:
1.Hidden profiles will be ignored.
2.Any links I will block.
3.The first thing to remember when you add me as a friend - I do not tolerate beggars.
4.I don't add people who have no game.
5.Add to friends 2 Steam level.
6.I respect people who respect me.
7.Help those who help me.
8.I respect people who give me the gift of games is not based on their prices.
9.I don't have to answer questions about my personal life, such questions will be ignored.
10.If you are offline for more than 24 days,I remove you from friends.
1. All gift only on sale or exchange. :mllrmask:
2. From your inventory I don't give out. :mllrmask:
3. The exchange should be equal, as from my side as well as yours.:mllrmask:
Recent Activity
1,397 hrs on record
last played on 30 Jul, 2019
11.6 hrs on record
last played on 3 Mar, 2019
29 hrs on record
last played on 16 Feb, 2019