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Garry's Mod

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Showing 1-9 of 10 entries
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Collection by cryotheum
Just a collection for what is (as of now) a meme gamemode.
GFL Projects
Collection by cryotheum
Projects for GFLClan 2848469307
Pyrition Workspace
Collection by cryotheum
Addons I develop Pyrition with.
Minge Defense Development Collection
Collection by cryotheum
Addons used for developing the Minge Defense gamemode.
GFL GMod nZombies Clone
Collection by cryotheum
A clone of the GFL GMod nZombies Collection for developing my addons. Source:
Weeping Angels Gamemode
Collection by cryotheum
Maps for the Weeping Angels gamemode.
Additional Content For Configs
Collection by cryotheum
GMod Dev Server - nZombies
Collection by cryotheum
Used for my addon development server. Don't bother getting it, it's just for me.
FFGS Collection Archive
Collection by cryotheum
FFGS Nazi Zombies collection. Here if the original disappears, because FFGS is amazing. Note: the FFGS content addons were taken down, so they are not included in this list.
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