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9.1 hrs on record
It's SUDOKU, plain and simple. 33 levels, which I'd say are easy/medium difficulty level. It's the basic game, with no bells and whistles and it's cheap. Can't speak to the included music, as I generally game with my own tunes going. I got it on sale for 49 cents, so watch for that if the 2 buck normal price is too much. I'd say it's worth the cost either way. Oh and it has a free DLC which had a cool variant that I wouldn't have minded paying for a full version. Instead it was free and came with 10-12 levels.

One final note, I got 9 hours out of it, which is me completing all the levels and the DLC levels, and getting all the achievemens. At this price point, that amount of playtime is perfect.
Posted 1 December, 2017. Last edited 1 December, 2017.
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11.5 hrs on record
Cross Set is a fun indie game that has rules similar to Sudoku. You must find the numbers that fit the cells, following the rules that each row has the numbers 1-9 exactly once, and each column has those numbers exactly once. Some levels use 1-4, or 1-6, etc, but the concept is the same.

The mix of levels is good, and took me awhile to casually beat (about 11 hours in total to beat all levels and 100% the achievements).

In my opinion the asking price of $3 is totally worth it (you spent more than that on your lunch today, admit it).

If you like Sudoku, this game will scratch a similiar itch. I fully recommend it.
Posted 4 May, 2016.
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18.9 hrs on record
Ichi is a solid game build on a simple concept. It's completely mouse driven, requiring only a number of left-clicks per level. The first click starts a ball in motion. This ball will bounce off walls and other objects, such as triangles (which cause right angle direction changes). Other clicks rotate triangles, or make them disappear or reappear, etc. Using these principles, your goal is to guide the ball to areas of the 2D level to collect rings. Early levels have 1 or 2 rings, later levels have more, or are harder to collect.

All the shapes that can be interacted with will do so whenever you click, so where you are pointing does not matter. In fact, the clicking could have very well been implemented as a keyboard press, though I imagine left-clicking was chosen due to sometimes having to click multiple times quickly.

The levels the game comes with do not take long to progress though, though you will likely replay them at least once to better your score. There is a grading system based on the number of clicks it took to complete a level. For example, clearing a level might require 3 clicks in order to get an A, up to 6 clicks gets you a B, and any more than that and you get a C. In another level, the number of clicks for the A is different. Your goal then is to get an A in each level, which doesn't take a whole lot of time, and that's fine.

The meat of where I spent my time was creating/sharing my own levels, and then playing those made by others. This is a cool feature of the game, however, due to the grindy nature of the achievements tied to this feature, (make x levels, play x levels), most people just create crappy levels instead of trying to add to the vibe of the levels that came with the game. There is a rating system, so that after you play a level, you have the opportunity to give it 1-5 stars and also give it descriptive words such as "easy" or "fast" or even "rubbish". However, there is no culling of poorly rated levels, nor a way to disclude them from showing up when looking for new user-levels to play.

In the end though, despite the shortcomings of the user-made section of the game, the packaged levels are good, the rating system is not too tough, and the game idea is a solid implementation of a simple concept. The graphics are minimal, but not in a lazy way. It comes across as more of a stylistic choice rather than lack of artist situation.

I've talked two friends into also owning this game, so I definitely recommend it, especially when on sale. I picked it up literally at 90% off, so I definitely got my 49 cents worth. Whether full price is worth it, is up to you, but I can tell you I've spent $5 on a lot worse things!
Posted 19 April, 2016. Last edited 19 April, 2016.
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1.8 hrs on record
Cubicolor is a solid, yet short, experience.

You roll a black cube onto a colored plus sign, and the cube turns that color. Roll the now-colored cube onto a same-colored square to make it disappear. Every square you roll across disappears, so pay attention to your path, because it matters. The goal is to get all the colored squares to disappear, while leaving yourself a final path to the exit tile.

It's a fun minimalist title, with 48 levels in all. None are more challenging than a few minutes of trying a few different paths before you'll find the solution. I was left wanting more, but what was here was solid. The art is well done, the UI is pretty minimal, which is fine, since a game like this doesn't need much in terms of UI.

Overall it's a fun indie title made by a single dev who got themself through Greenlight. It's inexpensive, yet not clunky feeling or crappy looking. I recommend it.
Posted 27 March, 2016.
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16.4 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
I'm assuming you've played the first game. If not, and you want a summary of what the game is about, check out my review of the original game here http://steamoss.com/id/CrazyC0330/recommended/265890/

Hexcells Plus is such a solid game. I somehow stumbled across the series, even though none of my friends had played it. The original Hexcells is great, but short, and leaves you wanting more. Hexcells Plus delivers on that, giving you basically the same number of levels, but with a few more mechanics in there so that solving each one takes much longer. The puzzles themselves are also much bigger, so there are more shapes to uncover than the levels of the orginal game.

I'm glad I purchased Plus, as I had a great time with the game. I have finished it 100% and am looking forward to moving on to Hexcells Infinite.

I cannot recommend the series enough!
Posted 9 March, 2016.
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3.1 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
I'd recommend the game, it's short, but there are a lot worse ways you could spend a dollar on 1-2 hours of entertainment.

There are 50 levels in the game, and they range in time from a few seconds per level, to a few minutes. The early levels are super easy, as the game teaches you how to play by introducing features one at a time. The game is refreshingly minimal. Indeed the title screen is also level one. You are not told how to play, you just start playing, and as new features are introduced, you are not shown or told how they work. You just try things out to see how they work. If you make a mistake, the level starts over, which is no big deal, because the early levels take so few moves to complete. The final few levels allow you to make up to 3 mistakes, since they are more complicated, though you'll not likely need to use them if you're careful.

The game has one achievement, awarded for beating all the levels. I felt that was kind of lazy of the dev actually. Once you've added code to support one Steam achievement, you can easily hook up several. It doesn't ruin the game or anything, but it just sticks out to me.

Overall, it's a fun playthrough, but does leave you wanting more. The final 5 or so levels feel like what the majority of the game should have been like. Additionally, I felt like I was about 35 levels in before I even had to think about which button I clicked first. Having said that though, if a game leaves you wanting more, not because you feel ripped off, but because you enjoyed the time you did have, then it's probably doing something right. And the game's totally worth the non sale price in my opinion.

If there were more levels in the form of DLC I would likely buy them right away.
Posted 24 February, 2016.
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5.6 hrs on record
Excellent game! Reminds me of Minesweeper and also Sudoko. It's a relaxing game to play, though it is a bit short. The early levels teach you the basics, and you'll be introduced to more rules as you progress into the later levels.

There's plenty of "ah ha!" moments as you use deductive reasoning to determine if an orange hex should be marked as blue, or uncovered to reveal a numeric value about the adjacent cells. The goal is to find "x" number of blue hexes in the level, where x is different for each level. As you uncover more and more numeric cells, the more information you have about which remaining orange hexes are blue or numeric.

The only downside is that the game was over before I knew it. I completed all levels, re-doing a few to get the elusive "0 mistakes" in each level, and it only took me 5.5 hours. And that's being generous (I got up to use bathroom, blow nose, etc, while game was running a few times).

I did buy the game though in the Hexcells Complete bundle, which comes with two sequels, which are both worth getting as well. The bundle itself was even on sale, so I think I actually only paid about $0.79 for Hexcells itself. That said, even at it's normal price of $2.99, it's still worth buying.
Posted 15 February, 2016. Last edited 24 November, 2017.
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12.3 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Picked this up on xbox360 back in the day and had a great time with it. Noticed it on Steam and purchased it again just so I could play it on my pc.

Fun, easy-going, platformer. Adults can have fun with it, the kids can play it. Controller support instead of having to always play mouse/keyboard. Great all around.
Posted 16 December, 2015.
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9.0 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
A fun, mellow, inexpensive game. I enjoy it and would recommend it.
Posted 16 December, 2015.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries