Paco The Flying Llama   Arizona, United States
Names Dylan, got a question just ask, "HEATHER just killed your man, put a gun against skells head, pulled my trigger now hes dead, HEATHER OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO didnt mean to make you cry but if he wasnt dead by this time tomorrow, he'd be boned, he be boned, and kf really matters......its to late the wave is done, sending shiver down my spine, noobies dying all the time, good bye everybody, i'ma passing out, if im not on steam this time tomorrow carry on, carry on carry on, cause KF really matters, i see te silhouetto of a man, is it dark, is it star, will you do kill the fleshpound? fire bolts and sirens very very frightening me, im just a poor noob and no body loves me, hes just a poor noob from a poor server, spare his life from the patty's gun, easy come easy go, will you give me dosh, HEADSHOT! NO will not give you dosh, give him dosh, TRADER! we will not give you dosh, give him dosh, PATTY WAVE! will will not give you dosh, GIVE DOSHHHHHHHH, so you think since im a noob you can spit in my eye, so you think since im poor i will die NOOOOOOOOOO, patty, done kill me right now patty, just get out, just gotta weild up this door. kf really matters.....anyone can play.....kf really matters........kf really meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" -by Dilly Cool (02/16/2013)

Origin: CAPTAIN2INSANO (link doesnt work) []
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DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition
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Darkone2e 16 Dec, 2020 @ 1:10am 
Merry Xmas:crocodilesmile:
Dr. Girlfriend 2 Feb, 2014 @ 10:46pm hey gurl. ahahahaha. Sweet background by the way d00d.
Dr. Girlfriend 5 Jan, 2014 @ 3:21am 
Dr. Girlfriend 24 Dec, 2013 @ 5:55pm 
Thanks dude!!! Hope you and Sammy have a very Merry Christmas!! :D Hoping she has her PC because I am SO down for some Christmas Killing Floor tonight and tomorrow (: