Matt   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
'His Legends precedes him, the way lightning precedes thunder'

I'm here to kick butt and chew bubblegum, and i'm all out of gum

'I don't trust the frenchy'
'he's french so they are only quick while fleeing from the battlefield' - GamesDean 2018

'VELVET THUNDER' - Captain Holt

'My only fault is, i don't know how great i really am, beacuse i am great, i am the greatest!' - Ali

' http://i.imgur.com/3quAJuW.gif '- My spirt animal

'☑ Forrekt Gump'

'You are the god' -Slappp 2018
'Bubba you are our lord and saviour' - Slapp 2018

'Lets see if leon is in fact daddy'- Benderson 2022
'Matt 20$ is 20$ okay' - Bent Brad 2021
'Well if ♥♥♥♥ taste that good im missing out' - Benderson 2021
'THE WASP IS BACK I AM LEAVING' - A panicing Bendo 2017
'so what we do take out goodell start a dictatorship invade mexico wait no we aren't a country my bad' - Brad 2016
'Me and matt found a new game ... Mompet' - Brad 2016
'Tickles on the heartstrings' - Bendo 2015
'I was debating an insult containing gay' - Brad 2016
'Matt you have the mental toughness of a tree' - Classic B Dog 2016
'Matt i've just had this thought, you know cats hate people, it is because they rescuced them in the cat war' - Bendo 2016
'That was my bad' - Brad 2018
'Matt the paint master' - Brad 2018
'♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hell, you are a weapon' - Brad 2020 (probably talking about how good i am at everything)
'Matt you can call yourself mr iceman'

'Hitler was just misunderstood' - 'tubthumping2 ツ
'Matt i want to be you' - tubthumping 2 - Bubbas biggest fan
'Ahhh i love a good monk, just thought you might like to know' - Tubs 2016
'You Stopped Listening when you came out of the womb' - Tubthumping 2015
'...Matty ICE' - Tubthumping2 2018 - Refering to bubba's clutch
Currently Offline
These quotes do not represent Anhuin's views and are taken out of context (2015 - 17)
'I'm going to close my window' - Anhuin 2015
'How was your eat?' - Anhuin 2015
'I'm a milf hunter' - Anhuin 2015
'I could use this time to hunt some eat' - Anhuin 2015
'Somewhere deep down in my heart... I still love you ...' - Anhuin 2015
'Suicide is great' - Anhuin 2015
'Viva La Britan' - Anhuin 2015
'♥♥♥♥ Germany' - Anhuin 2015
'You must be kidding?' - Anhuin - 2015
'Push me' - Anhuin 2015
'So' - Anhuin 2015
'Whatever' - Anhuin 2015
'That guy, fishyyy' - Anhuin 2015
'Shooted' - Anhuin 2015
'MÄHH' - Anhuin 2015
'Nuhuh' - Anhuin 2015
'My Hairs are wet' - Anhuin 2015
'Jesus, this guy...fishy' - Anhuin 2015
'Eggs on pizza...No...♥♥♥♥ off' - Anhuin 2015
'You little Piece of ♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2015
'I am Black' - Anhuin 2015
'i want my mummy' - Anhuin 2015
'I am disappointing' - Anhuin 2015
'Bubba had a couple of Tea' - Anhuin 2015
'In this game it is so hard to build up an econominamy' - Anhuin 2015
'NAARGRGHHL' - Anhuin 2015
'I did not left beaucse i wanted to left' - Anhuin 2015
'Go B if you want to go A' - Anhuin 2015
'Brynn on Gin, Brynn on Gin' - Anhuin 2015
'Maybe ... Maybe he's a vampire' - Anhuin 2015
'i'm useless' - Anhuin 2015
'Strat caller Anhun' - Anhuin 2015
'The late worm catches the bird' - Anhuin 2015
'I'm a professional knife tester' - Anhuin 2015
'That's the game, you either kill them or you don't' - Anhuin 2015
'I think i will jump under the shower' - Anhuin 2015
'Nahh that aint me' - Anhuin 2015
'I told you already, I am black' - Anhuin 2015
'Who Da ♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2015
'I think that was just a B execute for killing you' - Anhuin 2015
'Dont be a hero, cut that zero!' - Anhuin 2015
'I didn't saw him' - Anhuin 2015
'♥♥♥♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2015
'Some 1 Neggs' - Anhuin 2015
'The 1 neggs' - Anhuin 2015
'Is it really racist to hate 1 ethnic group?' - Anhuin 2015
'You're the best around' Anhuin 2015
'♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2015
'Bob Ross is a God' - Anhuin 2015
'Ow german insults incoming i must unmute myself' - Anhuin 2015 (50)
'Flusha is just Señor Vac Ban' - Anhuin 2015
'I thought i should cut myself' - Anhuin 2015
'It was really bleeding, there was blood all over my chin' - Anhuin 2015
'I just put it into the O-ven' - Anhuin 2015
'You are not good' - Anhuin 2015
'I'm an alcoholic' - Anhuin 2015
'I suck' - Anhuin 2015
'They should able-b buy' Anhuin 2015
'One ♥♥♥♥♥♥ the bomb' - Ahuin 2015
'Awp awp awp awp awp awp awp awp awp' - Anhuin 2015
'Don't gay around' Anhuin 2015
'I am a beautiful flower' - Anhuin 2015
'Stop eating into my ass' Anhuin 2015
'Stop sneaking into my ass' Anhuin 2015
'You killed your own car!' - Anhuin 2015
'He wants to think that he is gay' - Anhuin 2015
'How did we dat turn' - Anhuin 2015
'You are not my brother you are my friend, my friend' - Anhuin 2015
'Mac is so much better' - Anhuin 2015
'I hate him, i honestly hate him' - Anhuin 2015
'Because he is bl.... erm a good guy' - Anhuin 2015
'Good night mans' - Anhuin 2015
'WHERE are the prostitutes' - Anhuin 2015
'I have to compensate for my small ♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2015
'Prank champion anhuin' - Anhuin 2015
'Best buddy of strat caller anhuin' - Anhuin 2015
'I will give you a small ♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2015
'So much motivation, i want my ♥♥♥♥ swallowed' - Anhuin 2015
'Germany sucks' - Anhuin 2016
'Maybe you should kill yourself' - Anhuin 2015
'One of my cereals jumped out of the bowl, i went to eat it ... but bit my finger' - Anhuin 2015
'No not again, bot toby ... no' - Anhuin 2015
'Wow why are they only black' - Anhuin 2015
'I can't concentrate on the orange ... i'm a little dumb when i eat' Anhuin 2015
'Cya maybe at 28st' - Anhuin 2015
'I LOVE gay people' - Anhuin 2015
'Me english no good' - Anhuin 2015
'I don't have friends' - Anhuin 2016
'The only good thing in my life is a muffin' - Anhuin 2016
'Evolution is a lie' - Anhuin 2016
'What are you doing guys, arrgh, they are such cheating pricks' - Anhuin 2016
'Ow wow they really take our heads off' - Anhuin 2016
'Honestly if one were to give me a gun i would kill him' - Anhuin 2016
'There is so much hate in me right now' -Anhuin 2016
'I'm special you know' - anhuin 2016
'You coming out for me today' - Amhuin 2016
'I was driving on the stairway' - Anhuin 2016 (100)
'why cant you treat me like a normal person?' - Anhuin 2016
'Its a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ website, work, cmon it's not that hard' - Anhuin 2016
'Ow look Virtus pro they are ♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2016
'Faze with Mikelele wow great team woo *clap clap* good job' - Anhuin 2016
'I see Henry G's gay face again' - Anhuin 2016
'♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rain, every single part of my body is wet' - Anhuin 2016
'Not a single guy who is actually nice, nobody. No tips' - Anhuin 2016
'Release the Allerwei' - Anhuin 2016
'i like ♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2016
'Tabsen's Penta <3' - Anhuin 2016
'You got me i'm a midget' - Anhuin 2016
'What's your problem with midgets' - Anhuin 2016
'And that friend is sick. I love him so much I think i just discovered my gay side' - Anhuin 2016
'i'm just a fore-rain' - Anhuin 2016
'No leather no no' - Anhuin 2016
'Marry me' - Anhuin 2016
'Hitler hat, What's that download' - Anhuin 2016
'What the ♥♥♥♥ are you want?' - Anhuin 2016
'Cyka blyat, why you so bad? What the ♥♥♥♥ are you want?
'Logs me boost?' - Anhuin 2016
'I was lurking in the toilets waiting for small children' - Anhuin 2016
'I am the isis member, i should be the one blowing you up' - Anhuin 2016
'Allahu Akbar' - Anhuin 2016
'Your islamic state member is back' - Anhuin 2016
'I'm always practicing bomb plants' - Anhuin 2016
'I believe, i belive eveyday's a good day when you KILL' - Anhuin 2016
'It was really rainy here, hard and strong' - Anhin 2016
'We were talking about to videos on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2016
'So i opened ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and searched for them' - Anhuin 2016
'have you seen felix playing yesterday? He was so damn on fire, like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ god' - Anhuin 2016
'Felix out fragged me' - Anhuin 2016
'I'm sorry i'm not trolling' - Anhuin 2016
'You want some my curry? Much rice' - Anhuin 2016
'You want to give some moinez to the indian kid' - Anhuin 2016
'We have to fight the pakistans now' - Anhuin 2016
'You could just buy some slaves in africa' - Anhuin 2016
'I have no friends' - Anhuin 2016
'There is some werid mushrooms growing in my room' - Anhuin 2016
'Everyone wants the B' - Anhuin 2016
'God save the Queen!' - Anhuin 2016
'I only go for the ♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2016
'Felix the late night rapist, I like that' - Anhuin 2016
'Bubba want to have sex?' - Anhuin 2016
'Do you know what my grandfather did to Jews' - Anhuin 2016
'You are my Saviour Matt, i was all alone, i was crying' - Anhuin 2016
'Me loves bubs' - Anhuin 2016
'I want to make friends' - Anhuin 2016
'Who cares about politics eh, jews control everything anyway' - Anhuin 2016
'Where is Swastika, ow there it is, I like' - Anhuin (150)
'He's a little too black for me' - Anhuin 2016
'It looks like a really slim and cool penis' - Anhuin 2016
'Maybe i am bane ... Where is batman' - Anhuin 2016
'You are God, BubbaGod94' - Anhuin 2016
'I don't drink ♥♥♥♥' - Anhuin 2016
'I do have played it' - Anhuin 2016
'Every urine' - Anhuin 2016
'I want you' - Anhuin 2017
'didnt know that that la means Las Vegas but man, I'm just an old fool' - Anhuin 2017
'I will play one after you guys play one' - Anhuin 2017
'I was dont know theese details' - Anhuin 2017
'He gets no coin' - Anhuin 2017
'What could a ship mean from someone who is gay' - Anhuin 2017
'Hello, we lost connection when you were on the other side of the moon. Everything alright here' - Anhuin 2017
'I am definitely paying for you to go to Goodwood' - Anhuin 2017
'HI-WEE(V)' - Anhuin 2017

Screenshot Showcase
Recent Activity
15.3 hrs on record
last played on 25 Feb
13.5 hrs on record
last played on 25 Feb
131 hrs on record
last played on 25 Feb
Goldmoon 18 Feb @ 8:50am 
eagle sniper
Beazar 9 Feb @ 10:10am 
+rep born to win
𝒱𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓌 31 Jan @ 5:13pm 
nice skins brother have fun with them
Ballargas 12 Dec, 2024 @ 11:57am 
+rep talented player
Bloodblade 7 Dec, 2024 @ 11:35am 
Skilled player
🎮Grakelv 1 Dec, 2024 @ 10:48am 
great moves