
BoomKarang の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:45.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:14.0時間)
Jarvis, call the ult that whiffed the entire enemy team a warning shot
投稿日 2024年12月7日. 最終更新日 2024年12月28日
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Just doesn't feel good to play. It's probably because I suck but it feels like the guns barely do any damage and direct combat is frustrating enough that I don't want to play despite all the other cool mechanics
投稿日 2023年12月19日.
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総プレイ時間:3.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.6時間)
All the media says is 'racism, shootings, socialism, KKK' I just wanna grill for God's sake!
投稿日 2023年7月3日. 最終更新日 2023年7月3日
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総プレイ時間:228.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:32.7時間)
It has a whole host of issues both big and small, but it scratches that classic COD itch like no other game can.
投稿日 2022年11月16日.
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総プレイ時間:14.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:13.4時間)
This game is about inflicting cancer on your opponent before they can infect you. It's wonderful
投稿日 2022年5月21日.
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destroy all pedophiles
投稿日 2022年1月13日.
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総プレイ時間:23.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:10.5時間)
Roa is the sickest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ character thank u french bread
投稿日 2021年10月10日.
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The Impreza S4 Rally handles like a dream, by far my favorite car in the game. Worth it just for that, but you get a whole bonus campaign too.
投稿日 2021年5月18日.
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総プレイ時間:24.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:17.7時間)
God, what a well designed game. It is INCREDIBLY tense all the time, way beyond that of other competitive multiplayer shooters. From the punchy, low fire rate weapons that make every shot count, to the intense standoffs you have when defending your position, nothing else has quite captured the precise feeling I wanted from this game. It's like the hotel scene from No Country For Old Men spaced out into a 30ish minute match.
The sound design philosophy is just *chef's kiss*; you have to constantly watch your step or you might end up exposing yourself to the entire map. You might startle some crows, or you might have to shoot a mob of zombies you alerted. Then there's more subtle stuff, like brushing against hanging chains, stepping on some junk on the ground, or coming near some caged dogs. Mastering stealth in this game gives you a distinct advantage towards the real enemies: other people.
投稿日 2021年4月21日.
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There's definitely a lot to like: great puzzle gimmicks, wonderful dreamlike atmosphere, a bunch of funny and mind bending twists in the level design, and a great jazzy soundtrack. Unfortunately it's super short and nothing ever feels like they hit their stride. Not the story, not the puzzles, not the mechanics. The story itself is kind of cliche, too. Overall, if it were a bit longer, I think it could have been truly great, but it definitely gave me an overall pleasant experience. 7/10
投稿日 2020年11月29日.
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