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Скорошни рецензии на Blu Macaw

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27.7 изиграни часа (16.0 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is a hidden gem. 10/10

I was sceptical and waited until it went on 85% sale, because graphics don't look good on the first glance and it doesn't seem like a long game to complete. But...

Turns out I was pretty damn wrong. Game turned out to be an amazing fresh experience with mechnics I couldn't even imagine could exist, it's simple yet very emergent. As an avid fan of the anime and manga I really enjoyed playing this and aside from some clunkiness it's a pretty good representation of this world. It's easier than the real experience would be, but somehow this makes gameplay extremely fun and non-repetetive, like I could go down the same path for 12th time and it's still fun and cool.

So your goals range from going deeper to see some creatures, fighting them, retriving lost gear, helping people and there's a story that both uses part of the source material and then builds atop of it with your own character and dare I say it's really amazing somehow. While doing so you must upgrade your gear, collect food and avoid dangers of the abyss. You'd expect this to be an open world game, yet if we have to box it, it's actually a semi-linear rougelite, but more than that it's its own genre completely, it's this unique and everything here has a purpose. And just like in the source material, it all looks cute and all untill you die, plenty of gore, explicit content, hell there's Bondwerd here, you know what he does.

Now I won't lie, the graphics may have grown on me and in spite of AI not being too good sometimes, other times it turned out to be pretty competetive. I have been surprised at each step of the game.

After 9 hours I have only completed Riko's story which is a tutorial ending at end of layer 2. And in the main mode I only now reached 2nd layer. The game has 5 layers, so not all of them, but I've got to say I love what I am seeing right now and I can't wait to see what's deeper and how they represented it. I think it's a great, fresh purchase for both people who know and don't know the source material. All the negative reviews I read have a point about this not being a perfect game, it's a B class production, but don't be alarmed, it's a really solid game and the only downside is that we were robbed out of this being a higher budge production. Gameplay wise, outside of some clunky AI or some animations, it's really no worse than an AAA game from a respected studio.

It's deffnitely worth a buy, but I completely respect anyone who would buy it only at a discount. Still don't be me, it's worth at least half a price.
Публикувана 28 януари. Последно редактирана 31 януари.
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0.6 изиграни часа
I have no clue how this game has good reviews.

To put this short, tags are misleading, game feels like mmo Stardew Velley copycat looking like fortnite and it just doesn't click. It tries to be 3 things at the same time and thus fails at being consistent and good at anything. It doesn't feel like trailers or pictures and gameplay is incredibly wooden and boring. If someone likes fortnite aesthetics and wants to play life sim in an mmo style, sure, but otherwise I just recommend getting a better game like Stardew Valley or Dinkum or even Kynseed. Anything but this.
Публикувана 31 октомври 2024.
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1.3 изиграни часа
Ho boy....

It's a demo, sure, but the game is set to release next year according to Steam store and that does not reckon good. This feels like an internel version where everything is still being tested, that's ok, if things looked like they lead somewhere, but they don't, everything is slow, everything is kinda plain and boring, there's nothing to do with dragons so far and I don't know whose idea was to release this as a demo. Everything can change, this could become a really good and desirable popular game one day, not in 2025 though, I don't think I have ever seen a dmo that's so far from release.

Other than the idea itself, nothing here is really good. Maybe the map and some static art pieces.
Публикувана 15 октомври 2024.
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31.5 изиграни часа (11.5 часа по време на рецензията)
It’s a GREAT game, but I wouldn’t say necessarily better than original. Still very much worth buying.

Gameplay loop is less about defeating frost and more about dealing with political factions, map exploration and multiple colonies. Yes all that district building and resource gathering and tech tree stuff is here, BUT the meat of the game is political system, buying people off, promising them stuff, stealing their money by force, slowly radicalising yourself untill you convince yourself prisons, propaganda and martial law are a necessity. This replaced the old law system and is very engaging, It’s perfect, though in many ways more flexible, which makes problem solving somewhat easier at times, but game can still humble you.

Frostpunk 2 is set 30 years after the original and it delivers amazing experience in gameplay, audiovisually and in endless mode. It’s remarkably stable even before release date with only minor hiccups. With 3 major dlcs to come, the game will only get substantially better. I wholeheartedly recommend it at the current price tag, though be mindful main story takes around 10 hours tops.
Публикувана 20 септември 2024.
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48.9 изиграни часа (2.8 часа по време на рецензията)
A really solid game that takes me back to when AAA titles were actually good. What this can offer is a pretty unique setting, with simple, but enjoyable mechanics, some of which we are familiar with very well, some of which we aren't. The charm of the game is the driving force behind it, it certainly has that what's over next hill feel. But don't get wrong idea, at times it's cluncky, it shows its age, it does suffer some faults of typical AAA games like bad facial expersssion or wooden movement, but other times it excels at those things.

Seeing how all modern AAA games look like I totally recommend it for anyone who never owned playstation and wants to play it on PC. It's just a good game, deffnitely from upper shelf, but it isn't some hidden masterpiece or anything even though maybe in the day it was.
Публикувана 16 май 2024.
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142.5 изиграни часа (8.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Who'd think a remastered 2016 game would have guts to tell a story which starts of with sexual assault(s) and suicide attempt and other mature themes you won't find anywhere else, while still creating a mix of turn based combat, visual novel and sort of open world game that somehow against all odds not only feels more coherent than any other game, but is also far superior in engagment, artstyle and story by a long shot.

The bar isn't just set high by this game, it completely blows away the competition. How did Atlus put up a game together that redefines modern masterpieces as trash? Just like modern Dune movies didn't just set the bar high, they redefined where the bar should be. And you are telling me it's a 2016 game?

And you are giving me a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trans species cat, talk about one in a life-time representation in media. And they somehow got it right?

I am sorry, but this is just insane. It's not even insane, it feels impossible. Many games get something right, Zelda gets open worlds right, DMC5 got music and combat and characters right, Minecraft gets creativty right, but Persona 5 doesn't just get its elements right, it sets a standard for all of them at the same time. We may have found the greatest game of all time somehow and that's something I would never say after houndreds of games I ever played and tens of thousands of hours I put in them, untill today. If that does not convince you it's worth a buy then you don't even deserve it.

Публикувана 29 април 2024.
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0.0 изиграни часа
The price is lower than I expected actually, but for the ammount of content you are getting as compared to the base game price, it feels like a scam and only worth anything to someone who loves playing this game.

As for the faction itself, I have to say it's my favourite one so far. The gameplay feels unique, it subverts many game mechanics in an intresting way and allows a very unique playstyle. First of all you are tech rushing, by the time you earn 5K hegemony you can patent eacht each for 1K solari with potential return of 500 per player. You can only patent a tech only you researched so eventually you will earn it back. The magic is that you can do this as many times as you want, so with a lot of effort you end up snowballing money. So your strategy is to earn lots of tech early and invest all the solari into patents. And you can block one entire tech for all of the players, including yourself. I'm yet to find a use for that, but if you can put pressur one someone and can take a hit, but they can't, blocking their water buffs or spice production will completely ruin another player/ai.

At the same time you want to pick one advisour which makes authrotuy cost to annex village lower as long as it touches only one of yours. When building you 5G network, you will lower the cost as well, that in turn will make your empire look like a long snake which will allow you to grab some resources while being forced to leave others behind. You can actually also branch from the main line, as long as the next tile doesn't touch two of your own. But by doing all that you keep loosing some landsraad points and you also have to invest a lot of resources which makes it hard to keep up your patent game.

Lastly most of your troops are robots, they are prone to EMP on multi which will likely make them a bad faction to play, but otherwise they don't need supplies, you can have water free army which can move indiscriminently across the map. You also don't trigger sand worms ever, not with most of these troops, neither with your flying harvesters and you don't even need to own spice field, just a tile next to it. You can steal a lot of spirce for free that way. But you also need to care a lot about fuel cells whihc before flying ships weren't even a problem and now you want a lot of them, a lot.

With the recent update and the balancing nearly all factions feel unique. The main problem now is that each map hosts up to 4 players when all I want to play with is all 7. When you get this dlc you start facing dillema who to play with. And during conquest you are limited just to 2 enemies (granted Smuggles and Freemen are present sometimes) The old factions are strong in a simple way, the newer ones are more mechanically intresting. But you can't see them all at the same time.

Would I say this dlc is a Lisan al Galib for this game? Maybe. But Stilgart for sure would.
Публикувана 9 март 2024.
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19.9 изиграни часа (3.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Look I have played Cybperunk and Unity on release days, even there I did not find so many game breaking bugs and that was on release day. It's half a year later, I got the game for Christmas and already when going to workshop in tutorial I have been getting a constant crash that required me to delete cache and reverify game files. In the first mission my command points bugged out and I they don't regenerate over time nor with any ability. Appreantly game has some timers and countdowns between days so I doubt going back is a good idea and likely I will be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ over due to that. I've also seen the classic eyeballs and mouth without body render bug, but that I can live with.

Either way a game half a year after release shouldn't literally crash or make itself unplayable. As great as everything else is in the game, the gameplay, the execution and the story, I'm sorry, but I can't recommend this game as it is now, I'd give neutral, but you know how it is. I'd rather people get xcom or xenonuats where experience is similar, but there's no hostile coding. And it's a shame, becaue this is really one of a kind, an rts xcom.
Публикувана 3 януари 2024.
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22.9 изиграни часа (22.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Xenonauts are a better xcom, it has everything that makes xcoms good and none of which makes xcoms bad. I've completed entire avabile content as of end of 2023.

The game allows for much more tactical and strategic approach to battles as well as managment than any other game in the genre. The player is tasked with defending Earth from alien invaders while having limited resource, being outgunned, outnumbered and outteched. Pogressively this changes, but it's still a race that switches sides just when you feel safe, which is precisely what xcom genre is all about. But unlike any other games, you can do whatever you want in your turns in whatever order, which sounds like a small change, but it allows game to be much more tactical and finally making every piece of gear you are bringing viabale at all times really. I can't overstate how important this is and how interesting it makes the game. I love pilling my soliders against ufo's door to do a swat raid and I love how sometimes you have to go all in to save civilians. The game is fantastically balacned and every encounter is interesting. And I have to say I'm against irnoman, but decided to play with it here. Having multiple soliders who can go into fight while still inured really makes this viable and fun, you can have A team, but losing anyone there isn't the end of the game. If you don't think you die, if you do everyone goes home safe. But if you do go through loss, you will appreciate the time you took to think afterwards and even if you lose good solider or gear, it's not the end of the world, because it's only when thing star pilling up that you have trouble.

The game also features aerial combat which may look simple, but is about my favoureite thing in this game, you can do crazy things there and it's very easy to loss, but also very rewarding when you win against all odds and you will be against all odds, because planes ain't cheap and you don't have a lot of money.

There's of course a question about gaphics, it looks bad on screenshoots, but it's amazing in-game, in fact I prefer this over 3D of modern xcoms and that's something I didn't think I would say. The game feels like alien-shooter, but modern if you know what I mean.

And lastly the game is slow to develop, really slow, already you can progress through maybe 50% of the game before it ends, but even in the current state, everything up to that point feels like a very polished full fledged game. In fact maybe it's closer to 75%, even though it's said that many things are missing. Summing this up I can't recommend a better xcom than xenonuats 2 and it's in fact more of an xcom than xcoms themselve.

And I got game as a gift on christams, but I did ask for it personally, so it's not out of blue purchase.
Публикувана 1 януари 2024.
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20.4 изиграни часа (16.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Game is really fun and enjoyable, allowing for great ammount of customisation, although for the biggest game in the genre, I expected more than the same options avabile on budget mech games. The only major difference really are graphics and how you can edit decals and paint them all over your mech. Story is ok, missions are fun and enjoyable, bosses can be a bit boring, because they rarely are mechs, you don't get much banter from them and either way they are bullet sponges, but the overall feeling is really amazing.

Multiplayer exists, but it's difficult to enjoy. On the one hand you have people who played this game for a long time so it's difficult to find a fair match, but on the other hand all these people play some meta builds or prebuild mechs too, there's literally nothing personal about them. I'll also remind everyone fromsoft isn't good at multi, the ammount of times I recorded when I don't get hit at all and still somehow get damage really speaks to how losing in this game just doesn't feel fair. Stunlocks also exist, but only in multiplayer. Another annoying thing is that the game doesn't even respect your choice of gear. You can have whatever powerful looking weapons, but if it isn't a fancy laser it won't do damage, have good accuracy or break weakness at all. Matchmaking isn't a thing so you have to join lobbies in which even 1v1 means everyone has to wait for their turn rather than play at the same time and move up/down ladder afterwards.

So yeah I recommend it for mech fans, but I would hold reservation towards multiplayer in the long term. If that floats your boat then go ahead and buy it or go Daemon X Machina which provides literally the same experience for half the price and half the graphics (and actually dead multi)
Публикувана 22 ноември 2023.
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