Cass18 10 kwietnia 2017 o 20:03 
Hi! How you doing? :steamhappy:
Deuces56 26 września 2014 o 18:50 
betty we neeeeed to play something because we havent the entire time ive known you :p
Bitter Ol' Joyrok 10 stycznia 2014 o 14:22 
WE are the same game completion! HELL YE
SvennaCirclet 20 grudnia 2013 o 9:46 
I had no idea who this was based on your username. I started laughing so hard once I realized it was you XD
Warm Water Storage Alfredo 24 czerwca 2013 o 14:26 
samuelzwirko 12 lutego 2013 o 11:38 
im playing stronghold
samuelzwirko 11 lutego 2013 o 16:36 
waddup dog
Droppinbodies 23 stycznia 2013 o 14:25 
Hey Its Me Alex from twitter, Im the guy in the H2O Bf3 division.
Vermilion Cloud 22 listopada 2012 o 11:23 
Happy Thanksgiving !!! =]
Warm Water Storage Alfredo 16 sierpnia 2012 o 8:44 
CeeCee PMS 15 lipca 2012 o 14:16 
Rita? Really? lol you are awesome.
A Large Bear 13 lipca 2012 o 16:22 
Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't. Blink. Good Luck.
Wamp 10 lipca 2012 o 21:53 
Sometimes, I like to coat myself in Vaseline while im naked and slide around on my lawn and pretend I'm a slug.
ElixirResBina 9 lipca 2012 o 5:43 
I've been playing kf LIKE MAD as of late (just got the steampunk dude from achievements~)
I usually play around midnite with my SO and bro. :D
CeeCee PMS 28 marca 2012 o 10:46 
CeeCee PMS 9 sierpnia 2011 o 17:33 
OMGNOILOVEYOU! <3 YOUR biggest fan
snapwilson 28 lipca 2011 o 20:48 
JohnThePilgrim 18 maja 2011 o 15:02 
You better!
JohnThePilgrim 2 maja 2011 o 22:21 
You! I added you but haven't played and L4D2 with you yet! Tell me when you're on, and we'll give 'er a go :)
Freedog 18 marca 2011 o 15:53 
Hi Emma :)
CeeCee PMS 22 lutego 2011 o 16:58 
Ohai, I <3 you. That is all.
R0bSkii 29 listopada 2010 o 16:35 
Church 28 listopada 2010 o 22:21 
emma emma BETTY. xD
Lumos 18 czerwca 2010 o 10:04 
Rasukai 29 kwietnia 2010 o 9:38 
I tried Left 4 Dead 2 on xbox, it is full of fail! Just thought I would let you know ;)
Archangelicus 13 października 2009 o 6:24 
Emma, eh? I suppose 'tis a better name than "Corey's gal-pal." Oh, yes, and; hello. :)
Plimley Filpington 2 października 2009 o 10:30 
Ohaiiiiiiii. ;)
MyNameDidntFit 2 sierpnia 2009 o 8:06 
OMG! You can have one too!!