Sensei [MMold]
Avanzini Fabrizio   Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany

Powerd by Asus ROG gears
Đang chơi
OBS Studio
Trưng bày ảnh nghệ thuật
Trưng bày ảnh chụp
Tales of Zestiria
Trưng bày đánh giá
Đã chơi 79 giờ
Beautiful story, amazing voice acting and very nice gameplay.
Is fun, is sad, and is exciting. The right combination for a great game.

There is so much to do in this game that you can’t get bored.
This is definitely one of the best JRPG I played so far.

A must have!
Vote 10
Trưng bày đánh giá
Đã chơi 1.774 giờ
Definitely the best MMORPG I played in my gamer career.
Amazing story which will take hours and hours of questing and dungeons runs to be completed. (still ongoing)
So many contents to make game like WOW disappear. Dungeons and Raids mechanics are for both hardcore gamers and average players.
Questing can be frustrating sometime, but very rewarding in storytelling.
Square-Enix went far end beyond with this masterpiece.
A must play for any MMO fans out there.

Nhóm yêu thích
I pensionati dell'MMO
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chơi lần cuối lúc 27 Thg01